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Ребят нужна помощь..пожалуйста(( Вставьте подходящую форму: have got, has got, haven’t got, hasn’t got. 1. They like

10-11 класс

animals, they ………three cats and two dogs. 2. Sarah …….a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom, he ……….a lot of friends.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson ……..two children, a boy and a girl. 5. An insect ….. six legs.

6. I can’t open the door. I ………..the key. 7. Quick! Hurry up! We ………..much time.

8. What’s wrong? – I …………..something in my eye. 9. Ben doesn’t read much, he ………..many books.

10.It’s a nice town, it ………….a very good shopping centre. 11.Alice is going to the dentist. She …………toothache.

12. Where is my newspaper? – I don’t know, I ………it.

13. Julia wants to go on holiday, but she ……….any money. 14. I’m not going to work today, I ……….a bad cold.

Katyushkazakir 20 апр. 2014 г., 21:02:11 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
20 апр. 2014 г., 23:54:18 (10 лет назад)

1. have got 2. Hasn't got 3. Has got 4. Have got 5. Has got 6. Haven't got 7. Haven't got 8. Have got 9. Hasn't got 10. Has got 11. Has got 12. Haven't got 13. Hasn't got 14. Have got

+ 0 -
21 апр. 2014 г., 2:15:54 (10 лет назад)

1.  have got

2. hasn’t got

3. has got

4. have got

5. has got

6. haven't got

7. haven't got

8. have got

9. hasn't got

10. has got

11. has got

12. haven't got

13. hasn't got

14. have got




























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помогите с заданием Употребите глагол have got /has got в нужной форме (утверждение, отрицание, вопрос). Sarah ...a car. She goes everywhere by

bicycle. They like animals. They ...two dogs and three cats. Charles isn't happy. He ...a lot of problems. ...your father ...a car? ...you ...an umbrella? Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в Present Indefinite в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме. speak open read use watch like enjoy drink talk go Margaret ...four languages. In Britain the banks usually ...at 9.30 in the morning. I buy a newspaper everyday but sometimes I ...it. Paul has a car but he ...it very often. ...you ...TV a lot? ...your brother ...football? Julia always ...parties. I never ...coffee. Sue is a very quiet person. She ...much. How often ...you ...to the theatre? Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в Past Indefinite в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме. be clean start finish want do We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room ...very small and it ... very clean. I ...my teeth three times yesterday. The concert ....at 7.30 and ...at 10 o'clock. When I was a child, I ...to be a teacher. 'I cut my hand this morning.' 'How ...you ...that?' Дополните предложения глаголами из списка, употребив их в Future Indefinite в утвердительной, отрицательной или вопросительной форме. sleep be win open stay Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You .... `Are you ready yet?' `Not yet. I ...ready in five minutes.' I think we ...the game. `It's very warm in the room.' `...I ...the window?' ...you ...at home tomorrow evening? Употребите местоимения some/ any, no там, где необходимо. Would you like ... tea? — Yes, please. When we were on holiday, we visited ... very interesting places. I'm afraid there is ...coffee. Would you like ...tea? I went out to buy ... milk but they didn't have ... in the shop. I can do this job alone. I don't need .........help . Употребите местоимения something/somebody/anything/anybody/ nothing/nobody там, где это необходимо. She said ... to me but I didn't understand it. ....... has broken the window. I don't know whom. There is ... in the bag. It's empty. I'm looking for my keys. Has .... seen them? Would you like ... to drink?

Вставить глагол to have в нужной форме.

A) yesterday we..... five classes.
B) I......... got a new magazine.
C) My brother..... got a good mark in Russian.
D) They ......a nice time last weekend.
E) ......you got the questions for the test?
F) .......Ann got a car?
помогите пожалуйста.....

помогите пожалуйста, нужна помощь срочно!

задание:look at the life map in exercise 1 again and complete the sentences. use the Third Conditional.
1. If Hardeep family had stayed in london she___(had) lots of friends.
2. She probably___(go) to university if she had stayed in London.
3. She would not have become a difficult teenager if she__(not feel) lonely.
4. If Hardeep had not had an amazing teacher she__(become) interested in Art.
5. If she had not become interested in Art she probably__(work) in the family business.
6. She probably would have got bored if she__(work) for the family business.
7. If she had caught the right train she___(arrive) for her college interview.
8. She would not have become a top comedian if she__(not start) talking to the woman on the train.
Заранее, спасибо!


a) вставьте подходящую форму глагола to be
1. They ... at work
2. We ... not students. He ... a teacher, and I ... doctor
3. Boris and his friends ... good sportsmen
4. ... 22 years old
5. ... you an engineer
6. it ... sunny
б) вставьте подходящую форму глагола to have
1. He ... a big family
2. I ... no computer at home
3. They many ... similar interests
4. Mary ... 2 children

помогите с переводом и вставить нужные слова ,пожалуйста

"On the 25th of December the British people celebrate Christmas.It.s a big holiday and there are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain.Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway-...... . It stands in Trafalgar Square.Central London.s streets have got beautiful decorations at Christnas. There is also..... in the centre of the capital. A lot of people come to enjoy the Christmas decorations and to skate. Before Christmas groups of singers perform traditional Christmas songs or carols in the streets and squares. They collect money for charity. People usually decorate their trees on Christmas Eve-on the 24th of December. Christmas Day is the time for present, guests, wisher and a special meal. British Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and... . Text B On the 25th of December British people celebrate Christmas. It.s a big holiday and there are lots of Christmas traditions in Britain. Every year Londoners get a present from the people of Norway- a big Christmas tree. It stands in Trafager Square. Central London.s streets have got... at Christmas. There is also a nice skating ring in the centre of the capital. A lot of people come to enjoy the Christmas decorations and to skate. Before Christmas groups of singers perform..... in the streets and squares.They colect money for charity. People usually decorate their trees on Christmas Eve- on... . Christmas Day is the time for presents, guests, wishes and a special meal. British Christmas dinner consists of a roast turkey with carrots and potatoes and Christmas pudding."

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