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вставте правельная форма глагола to be. The students ... in the Rassian Museum now.

10-11 класс

Olya4382 07 мая 2013 г., 14:23:05 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 мая 2013 г., 15:09:47 (11 лет назад)

 The students are in the Russian Museum now.


Другие вопросы из категории

I on to be beach like the rise sit the watching
1. Выпишите из текста три предложения с Participle II и подчеркните Participle II

2. Составьте два предложения с оборотами «there is» и «there are», используя лексику текста.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain lies on the Atlantic coast of Western Europe, separated from France by only 34 km (21 miles) of water. It is made up of three countries: England, Scotland and Wales. Great Britain with Northern Ireland forms the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of Wales is Cardiff, and the Scottish capital is at Edinburgh.
Great Britain's largest island neighbour is Ireland. This is mainly occupied by the independent Republic of Ireland. The remainder is Northern Ireland which is a part of the United Kingdom. Many small islands are also linked with the United Kingdom.
Although a small island.. Great Britain has a remarkable variety of landscapes. To the north, and the west are highlands - the mountains of Scotland, Cumbria and Wales, and the Pennine Chain. To the east are flat plains, and in the south are lowlands broken by low ranges of hills. To the Southwest are the bleak moors of Devon and Cornwall.
The continent of Europe extends out below the waters of the Atlantic Ocean in the form of a continental shelf. Great Britain is perched on this shelf, surrounded by the shallow waters of the North Sea, the Irish Sea and the English Channel.

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Помогите пожалуйстааа прошуу:*** Заполните пропуски глаголом to be? употребляя соответствующую форму настоящего времени : 1.They...old friends. 2.I...a

teacher. 3. The weather...is good today. __ Заполните пропуски глаголом to be? употребляя соответствующую форму будущего времени: 1We...interested in his progress. 2.I... your new teacher.

1.Вставьте требуемые по смыслу формы глагола to have:1. We…a lot to do last week. 2. Our group … a seminar in legal medicine the day after

tomorrow. 3. We … a new subject next semester. 4. Sue …a new hobby, photography. 5. I …a vanilla ice-cream for dessert. 6. My group-mates … a lot of fun at the disco on Sunday. 7. All my friends … pets at home. 8. Mike … a headache. 9. She … an important message for you. 10. Lanny … a criminal law test in a week. 2.Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя нужные формы глагола to have:

Помогите с заданиями, пожалуйста. Выберите нужную форму глагола to be.

1. Out group (am, is, are) not large, we ( am, is, are) 10 now.
2. She ( is, was, will be) a professor at Harvard 2 years ago.
3. We ( are, were, will be) the second-year students next year.
Напишите предложения в аопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме.
1. Many cities have colleges and universities
2. I had some difficulty with pronunciation last term.
3. Student will have good knowledge in different subjects at the end of study.

Поставьте вместо пропусков правильную форму глагола "to be"

A shark ... a fish which ... destructive to other fishes and dangerous to man.The coal of Newcastle ... rich in carbon.Sunny weather ... always welcome after rain.Many years ago Alaska ... rich in gold ore.When we came up, Jenny's car ... there.I understood that the police ... not pptimistic on the problem.Travelling abroad ... exciting enough.Ten travellers ... ready to start soon.I ... a teacher when I graduate from the University.He ... finish school in a year.They ... students five years ago.His brother ... very sick a week ago.Ann ... absent from school yesterday.I ... very glad to see you again.It ... very hot next week.

Раскройте скобки, используя необходимую по смыслу форму глаголов to be и to have:

1. My friend (to be) at home now. 2. We (to have) English classes twice a week. 3. Wealth (to be) nothing, happiness (to be) all. 4. She (to be) an economist. 5. A good teacher (to have) some of the gifts of a good actor. 6. Nothing (to be) so rare as complete honesty. 7. A triangle (to have) three sides and three angles. 8. Education (to be) not just learning facts. 9. Everything children study at school (to have) some practical use in their daily life. 10. School (to be) an institution for educating children. 11. This book (to be) interesting. 12. John (to have) a problem.

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