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2. In the future, everyone _____ a computer in their car.A. is havingB. hasC. havingD. will have

10-11 класс

Sashailchenko1999 15 июня 2013 г., 22:40:15 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 0:58:35 (10 лет назад)

2 D will have ................

+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 1:44:55 (10 лет назад)

поставьте правильный ответ на мой вопрос

+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 2:54:29 (10 лет назад)

In the future, everyone ----- a computer in their car.

+ 0 -
16 июня 2013 г., 4:41:32 (10 лет назад)

----- from Italy?


Другие вопросы из категории

Вставьте some,any,no,every или их производные:

1)To know ... is to know .....
2)....is rotten in the state of Denmark
3)Wealth is ... withaut health

Восстановите порядок слов.

1. Or grey she blue on suit will a try?

Перевести письмо.Hello Mike! Thank you very for your letter.You want to know if I like sports.Yes,I do.I like to play tennis.I go to the stadium to

play tennis.We*ve got a nice sports ground at our school.My friends and I like to play football and basketball on our school sports ground.I can swim well,too.I like swim very much.I go to the swim ming pool with my father and my little sister Dot.She is five.She can*t swim but she likes to go to the swimming pool with us.My father can very well.We swim with great pleasure.What sports do you like? What sports games can you play?Do you go to the stadiom or to the swimming pool? Have you got a gym in your school?

Читайте также

Ответьте на вопросы. текст по английскому языку(CAN WE LIVE LONGER?) Scientists say that in the future people will live longer. With healthier lifestyles

and better medical care the average person will live to 90 or 100 instead of 70 and 75 like today. When the human genome is decoded, we'll probably live up to 150. Incurable diseases will be cured and "bad" genes replaced.
But that's tomorrow. And today, we continue to stuff ourselves with fast food — chips and pizzas, hamburgers and hot dogs. We are always in a hurry.
We have no time to enjoy a home-cooked dinner with family and friends. We want to eat now and we want to eat fast.
What is tasty is not always healthy. Doctors say that chips and pizzas are fattening, cola spoils our teeth and coffee shortens our lives.
If we eat too much, we'll become obese, and obesity leads to heart disease, diabetes and other serious illnesses. But the world today is getting fatter and fatter. America is the world's leader in obesity, but Europe is quickly catching up.
Lack of exercise is another serious problem. We spend hours in front of our computers and TV-sets. Few of us do morning exercises. We walk less, because we prefer to use cars or public transport.
Research shows, however, that young people who don't take enough exercise often suffer from heart attacks.
It's common knowledge that smoking and drinking can shorten our lives dramatically. Cigarette-smoking, for example, kills about 3 million people every year. Many of them die from lung cancer. Some aren't even smokers. They are people who live or work with heavy smokers.
Yet many young people smoke and drink. Why? One answer is that tobacco and drinks companies invest enormous sums of money in advertising their products. For them cigarettes and alcoholic drinks mean money. For us they mean disease and even death.
We all know that the healthier we are, the better we feel. The better we feel, the longer we live. So why not take care of ourselves?

scientist ['saiantist] ученый healthy ['helSi] здоровый
lifestyle [laifstail] образ жизни
medical care ['medikl ,kea] медицинское обслуживание
average ['aevarids] средний
human ['hju:man] человек; человеческий
genome ['d3i:naum] генетический код, геном
to decode [,di:'kau<3] расшифровывать, декодировать
incurable [in'kjuarabl] неизлечимый
disease [di'zi:z] болезнь
to cure ['kjua] лечить, излечивать
gene ['d3i:n] ген
to replace [ri'pleis] заменять
to stuff [sUf] oneself with зд. набивать желудки
pizza ['pi:tsa] пицца
hamburger ['haembaiga] гамбургер
fattening ['faetnirj] способствующий ожирению,
cola f'kaula] кола
to spoil [spoil] портить
obese [au'bi:s] тучный
diabetes [,daia'bi:ti:z] диабет
to catch up догонять
lack [laek] нехватка
to prefer [pri'fa:] предпочитать
research [ri'saitj] исследование
to suffer f'SAfa] страдать
heart attack ['ha:t a,taek] сердечный приступ
it's common knowledge ['nolidj] общеизвестно
dramatically [dra'maetikali] резко
lung cancer ['!AQ ,kaensa] рак легких
heavy smoker заядлый курильщик
tobacco [ta'baekau] табак; табачный
to invest [invest] инвестировать, вкладывать
enormous [i'no:mas] огромный
to advertise ['aedvataiz] рекламировать
product ['prodAkt] продукт, товар
alcoholic [,aelka'holik] алкогольный

1. Do you think people will live longer in the future?
2. Do you believe that one day genetic engineers will be able to correct "gene" mistakes?
3. Do you like fast food? Is it tasty?
4. Why is fast food bad for us?
5. What illnesses does obesity lead to?
6. Are Europeans getting fatter?
7. The USA is the world's leader in obesity, isn't it?
8. Do you take regular exercise?
9. How often do you go for a walk?
10. Do you spend much time in front of your TV-set?
11. Why is smoking dangerous?
12. In some countries tobacco and alcohol advertising has been banned (to ban запрещать). Do you think it's a good idea?
13. Is passive smoking dangerous?
14. Would you like to live a long life?

Write an e-mail to your friend about study and plans for the future

Include the this information:
1. Why you're learning English;
2. What other languages you speak or what language you're going to learn in the future;
3. What you would like to do in the future (study, work etc.)

Rewrite the following sentences twice: in the Past

Indefinite and in the Future Indefinite Tense. Change the modal verbs for their
equivalents where it is necessary.


Use the words in brachets in the present simple or present progressive.

1.why isn't he at the table? He (sleep) now. He always (go) to bed early.
2. Why are they in the car? They (leave) now. They usually (leave) at 7:30
3.why is it so noisy? The children (play) in the yard.They sometimes (play) here
4.why is the child so happy? He (watch) TV. He never (watch) TV so late.
5.why is the room so untidy? we (pack) our things. We always (pack) our winter clothes in spring.

Humans ______ much in common with other life forms on Earth,______ the very first life forms appeared,all living things have _______desperately struggling

to survive the harsh and changing conditions of our planet. This has___adapting to new situations and,in many cases,has____to either evolution or extinction. We are ______alone in making use of the world around us(birds use twigs to build nests, for example) or in beign particularly skiful (spiders make intricate webs). Where we ____differ from other life forms,however,_____in our ability to record,and learn from,our collective history. In this,it _____ that we____unique.
______ is still much mankind____not know about the earliest humans,of course,but we are increasingly____a species with detailed knowledge about our past. The more we learn, the better _____ our chances of survival in the future. It must also be recorgnised.however,that we are also the only species on Earth which _____,managed to create the means to destroy the planet we live on.

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