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Определите временную форму предложений

10-11 класс

1,It was founded by the Romans.
a)Past Passive b)Future Simple c)Past Simple
2.The east coast is washed by the North Sea.
a)Past Simple b)Present Passive c)Future Passive
3.The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated of the Northwestcoast of Europe
a)Present Passive b)Past Simple c)Future Passive

Dinycka 29 мая 2013 г., 20:33:06 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
29 мая 2013 г., 21:59:25 (11 лет назад)

1.- A
2.- B
3.- А


Другие вопросы из категории

Образуйте отрицательную и

вопросительную формы предложений.

1. His dad was an architect.

2. He went to the pond.

3. They noticed that the sun had gone down.

4. She was very beautiful.

5. My friends know all the best places to go.

помогите сделать ...по англ.
переведите предложения на русский язык, обратите внимание на Последовательности Времен. 1. Все знали, что Австралия была только страной в мире, который

был также континентом. 2. Учитель сказал, что все американские президенты жили в Белом доме. 3. Я знал, что мой друг никогда не был в Вашингтон. Сделайте согласование времен пожалуйста

Решите пожалуйста!

Al. Match the words on the left and the prepositions on the right.
1) to take a. from
2) to suffer b. cross
3) to check c. off
4) to sail d. in
A2. Choose the appropriate word (or words). All passengers ... smoke on board the plane.
1) must 3) must not
2) can 4) cannot
A3. Choose the correct variant without the definite article the.
1) Bering Strait 3) Himalayas
2) Mediterranean Sea 4) Ontario
A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.
James ... e-mails since this morning.
1) has been writing 3) had been writing
2) is writing 4) was writing
Bl. Write the appropriate words.
1) Our planet needs . (PROTECT)
2) The instructor told us to take all necessary
with us (EQUIP).
3) When the governors take
decisions they are not loved by the people. (FAIR)
Cl. Put the words in order to make the questions.
1) long / you / were / holiday / how / on?
2) travel / how / did / there / you?
3) for / who / paid / holiday / the?
4) it / to / how / long / did / get / there / take?

Читайте также

. Замените активное предложение пассивным, сохраняя временную форму активного предложения. Model:

Somebody cleans the room every day. = The room IS CLEANED every day.

1. A loud noise woke us last night.


2. Somebody was recording our talks.


3. They are telling him his duties at the moment.


4. We shall give you much time to decide.


5. They have shown me a new machine.


6. Mary wrote him the letter.


3 ______

2. Используйте глагол в скобках в соответствующей ситуации временной форме и залоге (активном или пассивном).

1. Amazon river (influence) the planet’s ecology greatly. Forty percent of the world’s oxygen (produce) there. _____________________________________________________________________


2. The game (win, probably) by the other team tomorrow. It (play) much better than we do.


3. The Government (support) higher education in the country, but today it (support) by students’ paying also. __________________________________________________________________


4. Though the reconstruction old buildings (cost) much, many historically important buildings (reconstruct) in Kyiv every year. _________________________________________________


5. The Prime Minister’s speech (listen to) with the great interest and the discussion (continue, still).

ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТААААА!!!!!!! Определите, каким членом предложения является инфинитив: 1. She is always forgetting to give me my


2. Every half an hour I stop my work to smoke a cigarette.

3. He went on to explain the college regulation.

Определите, каким членом предложения является герундий:

1. I enjoy listening to music.

2. It is no use talking to her.

3. The girls couldn't help laughing at Judy's ignorance.

Определите временные формы глагола=сказуемого. Переведите предложения. 1. The popies will be all right. 2. They have discovered great deposits of coal

in our region. 3. Alfred Nobel was a man of many contrasts: a lover of mankind he never had a wife or a family. 4. Steam engines are gradually disappearing.

Найдите все сказуемые в пассивном залоге, определите временную форму сказуемого; найдите все сказуемые, выраженные модальными глаголами или их

эквивалентами. Переведите текст.

Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790) was an American printer, author, publisher, inventor and scientist. He was born in Boston, in January 17, 1706. His father was a maker of soap and candles.

In 1714 Ben was sent to a school that lasted the year round. There was no summer vacation.

The opening bell rang at 8 a.m. in winter and at 7 a.m. in summer.

Girls were not allowed to enter. All the teachers were men. The boys were whipped even for a mistake in their lessons.

The books were written in Latin. The pupils were to study Latin all morning and in afternoon they studied Latin again. Every boy had to learn everything by heart.

Franklin’s curiosity about natural phenomena was observed from his boyhood. In the winter of 1746 - 1747, he began his experiments with electricity. He did not know what electricity was, but he knew that it could pass through a metal wire. The result of this experiment was the lightning conductor. He invented many of terms such as battery, semiconductor, etc. Heat, light, sound magnetism interested him and hydrodynamics, chemistry, geology, physiology, psychology, oceanography as well.

Определите временную форму глаголов и перевидите на английский язык: 1. Вчера в 9 часов вечера я смотрел телевизор .2.Она сказала, что еще не вы

полнила адомашнее Задание. 3. Когда пришел мой друг, я ещё завтракал. 4. Когда я встретил ее впервые, она работала в школе. 5. Все студенты ВЫПОЛНИЛИ задание после того, как пре­подаватель рассказал им, как его делать. б. Когда мы вышли на улицу , ярко светило солнце. 7. Мой друг сказал, •что его брат уже приехал. 8. Я читал книгу , когда услышал телефонный звонок. 9. После того, как врач осмотрел (to examine ) больного, он поговорил с его родственниками 10. Когда мы пришли на оста­новку (bus stop )автобус уже ушел. 11. Он смотрел телевизор, когда пршел его друг. 12. Каждый вечер я смотрю телевизор. 14. Служащие (the clerks)заканчивают работу в шесть вечера .

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