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You were going to visit your friend in London at the beginning of June. But unfortunately the schedule of the independent testing has been changed.

10-11 класс

Write a letter to your friend and:
• Apologize for breaking your plans
• State the reason of your not coming
• Express your regret about postponing your meeting
Ask if it is possible to come later in the summer

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other personal information.

Alexsashenka96 28 июля 2014 г., 21:25:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
28 июля 2014 г., 23:08:23 (9 лет назад)

Вы собираетесь посетить ваш друг в Лондоне в начале июня. Но, к сожалению график независимого тестирования была изменена. Написать письмо своему другу, а также:
• Извиняюсь за нарушение своих планах
• Государственная причину вашего не придет
• Выскажите свое сожаление по поводу отсрочки вашей встрече
Спросите, если это возможно, чтобы прийти в конце лета

Написать письмо по меньшей мере 100 слов. Не пишите свое имя, любой даты, адреса или другую личную информацию.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста))) кто сделает балы перешлю)

Упр. 272. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice.

1.They did not invite her to the party. 2. I did not leave the window
open. 3. They did not turn off the light. 4. I have invited some friends
to tea 5. She has given me an English book. 6. Have you written the
letter yet? 7. They have told us a lot о S interesting things. 8. The
students have written the test-paper without mistakes. 9. The children
have scattered about a lot of things. 10. The girl has put all the books
into the bookcase. 11. Snov, will cover the fields in winter. 12. They
will hand in the homework tomorrow. 13. I don't think we shall finish
all the preparations today. 14. She al ways invites me to her dinner
parties. 15. Shot showed me the dress which her daughter had made
16. We discussed the matter some days ago.

Rewrite the sentences in the passive.Use by if necessary to say who has done the action .

1.Somebody has stolen my camera.
2.Somebody has vandalised the bus stop.
3.Shoplifters have taken the new DVDs.
4.Somebody has burgled their house.
5.They`ve murdered three people.
6.The police have interviewed three suspects.


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Dear Sarah,
1)Hi! How are you? I've been so worried about you since I got your letter.Thought I'd drop you a line to help you out.
2)It's great that you've made some new pals , but they sound very good company , if you ask me.No one has the right to tell you how you should look and dress!
3)Also, I don't like the idea of you bunking off school just because your friends think it's cool. Why not tell them that you can meet up after school instead?
4) Well,Ihope it all works out for you . Write back and tell me what happens!
Lots of love,

Читайте также

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line. There is

an example at the beginning (0).













I knew I would have to (0) retake my driving test as soon as I saw the

(1)_____________ . He didn't even say "hello" and seemed very

(2)_____________ . I was a little bit late I suppose as I had slightly

(3)_______________ how long it would take me to get there. As usual

in this (4)_____________ city all the buses were packed and I had had

to wait more than twenty minutes before a (5)__________ would let

me get on a bus. I knew apologizing would be (6)___________ so I

just got in the car. (7)______________ I wasn't feeling particularly

nervous but this horrible man stared at me in (8)_____________ as I

began to drive off. I put the car into gear, but it went (9)_________

so fast I couldn't believe it - straight into a wall. I was so (10)______

when he told me I had failed that I thought I might cry.

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same

line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Events like city marathons are (0) increasingly popular. You don't INCREASE

have to be a (1)______________ person to take part in COMPETE

(2)_____________ , though you do need to be fairly ATHLETE

(3)________________ and reasonably fit. You can build up ENERGY

fitness by jogging. It's not the (4)__________________ that DISTANT

matters, but how long your jog for. You can improve your
(5)__________________ gradually over a period of weeks. PERFORM

In (6) ________________for a long race like a marathon it's PREPARE

(7) _________________ to run more than a couple of kilometers NECESSARY

most days. (8) ________________________marathon runners work on SUCCESS

the (9) ____________________aspects of running long races. PHYCHOLOGY
Mental (10) ____________________is just as important as being STRONG

physically fit.

Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in each space in the same line.

There is an example at the beginning (0).












A businessman sacked his own son because of (0) laziness, incompetence

and (1)______________ . Stuart Bidwell received dozens of letters of

(2)_______________ about his work during the ten years he was his

father's employee. "He got (3)__________________ ," said Stephen.

Bidwell, Stuart's father, and the (4) ___________ of the company.

"He was absolutely (5)_________ at his job and he didnt even

have the right (6)_____________ .Eventually he was asked to hand

in his (7)__________________ after being caught making phone calls

to a girlfriend in Australia. His (8)________________ to resign forced

his father to sack him, (9) _______________ according to Stuart, who is

now suing his father.

REVIEW 1  Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs  Past simple, past continuous, used to A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each

line to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line Collecting records These days, most of us have a CD (1) .................. .... Before the CD, (2) ............................ m ade LPs, or „long - playing‟ records. Although many (3) ....................... have never seen an LP, they were once very popular. To play these records, you needed a record (4) ........................ with a needle that ran along the r ecord and produced the sound. Some (5) ........................... say the sound of LPs was better than CDs - and many (6) .............................. agree! LPs are no longer very popular as a form of (7) ............................ , but many people buy and sell them. Some of them remember the LP from thei r (8) ........................... and listening to records reminds them of the past COLLECT SING CHILD PLAY MUSIC COLLECT ENTERTAIN CHILD B. Complete using the correct form of the verbs in the box. You have to use one word twice. c arry eat give jo in send take turn 9. Now, everyone knows this song, so I want you all to ............................. it with me! 10. It‟s noisy in this restaurant . Could you ask them to ............... ......... the music down? 11. There was a fight during the match and the refree ............................. two play ers off. 12. We .................. ... ..... out about once a week and we cook at home the rest of the time. 13. I love this song! ................................. it up! 14. I used to play the trumpet, but I ..................................... up last year because I didn‟t have time. 15. We stopped playing because of the rain , but when it stopped we ............... ......... on. 16. A good way of getting more exercise is to ............................... up a sport, like basketball. C. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five wo rds. 17. Jack really likes football and never misses a match. crazy Jack .......................................................football and never misses a match.

2 18. My uncle worked on a sailing boat until he was thirty. was My uncle .....................................until he was thirty. 19. Do you want to watch TV? feel Do you ..............................................TV? 20. John participated in a swimming competition last week. part John .............................................in a swimming competition last week. 21. June and I had a game of tennis. against I had ......................................... June. 22. I played chest almost every day when I was young. used I ................................................chess almost every day when I was young. 23. Volleyball doesn‟t really interest me. in I‟m not......................................volleyball. 24. I enjoyed myself at your birthday party. fun I.................................................at your birthday party. 25. Young children like Disney land. popular Disneyland .....................................young children. 26. Karen doesn‟t like watching sport on TV. keen Karen ..............................................watching sport on TV. D. Choose the correct answer. 27. When you rang, I ........................my bike. A.cleaned C. used to clean B.was cleaning D. clean 28. At my last basketball club, we ...................every Saturday for three hours. A.were training C. train B.training D. used to train 29. I really ........................the meal we had at your house last Tuesday. A.was liking C. like B.liked D. am liking 30. We ........................to the beach every day when we were on holiday. A.went C. go B. were going D. used to going 31. I borke my leg when Tony and I .....................for the school sports day. A.practised C. were practising B.used to practise D. are practising 32.Leon never .........................about it, but he was once a world champion skier. A.talks C. was talking B.is talking D. talk 33. I ........................like golf, but now I really like it. A.don‟t use to C. didn‟t used to B.don‟t used to D. didn‟t use to 34. Denise ........................at the stadium until she finds a better job. A.works C. used to work B. is working D. was working E. Match the two halves of the sen tences 35. I waited outside the tennis club for 36. When you rang, I was in 37. We finally got to the stadium just in 38. I just play football for 39. I loved that film and when it comes out 40. It‟s great to appear on .............. .............. .............. .............. ..... ......... .............. A. fun, and I don‟t want to do it as a job. B. stage, with all the audience clapping. C. time to see the match start. D. a long time, but George didn‟t appear. E. on DVD, I‟ll definitely get it. F. the middle of cleaning my football boots.

выберите правильный ответ. Reported Speech Quiz 1.Tom said, 'I want to visit my friends this


a)Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend.

b)Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend.

c)Tom said he wanted to visit his friends this weekend.

2. Jerry said, 'I'm studying English a lot at the moment.'

a)Jerry said he was studying English a lot at that moment.

b)Jerry said he was studying English a lot at the moment.

c)Jerry said I was studying English a lot at that moment.

3. They said, 'We've lived here for a long time.'

a)They said they have lived there for a long time.

b)They said they lived here for a long time.

c)They said they had lived there for a long time.

4. He asked me, 'Have you finished reading the newspaper?'

a)He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper.

b)He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.

He asked me if I finished reading the newspaper.

5.'I get up every morning at seven o'clock.',Peter said.

a)Peter said he got up every morning at seven o'clock.

b)Peter said I got up every morning at seven o'clock.

c)Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o'clock.

6.Susan reassured me, 'I can come tonight.'

a)Susan told me I could come that night.

b)Susan told me she could come that night.

c)Susan told me she could come tomorrow evening.

7. She said, 'I really wish I had bought that new car.'

a)She told me she really wished she bought that new car.

b)She told me she really had wished she had bought that new car.

c)She told me she really wished she had bought that new car.

8.Jack said, 'He must be guilty!'

a)Jack said he must have been guilty.

b)Jack said he must have be guilty.

c)Jack said he must has been guilty.

9. Cheryl asked her, 'How long have you lived here?'

a)Cheryl asked her how long she has lived there.

b)Cheryl asked her how long she lived there.

c)Cheryl asked her how long she had lived there.

10.He said, 'I must get going. Otherwise, I'm going to be late.'

a)He told me he had to get going. Otherwise, he was going to be late.

b)He told me he had to get going. Otherwise, I was going to be late.

c)He told me he has to get going. Otherwise, he was going to be late.

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