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Open the brackets

10-11 класс

1.We (replace) your computer if there's something wrong with it.
2.If he didn't like this job,he (do) something else.
3.If I (have) a bigger house,I might have more pets.
4.If I had made the reservations,I (book) a better hotel.
5.We will call you when he (come)back.

кризис94 13 янв. 2015 г., 16:49:32 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 янв. 2015 г., 17:35:16 (9 лет назад)

1. We will replace your computer if there's something wrong with it.
2. If he didn't like this job, he would do something else.
3. If I had a bigger house, I might have more pets.
4. If I had made the reservations, I would have booked a better hotel.
5. We will call you when he comes back.


Другие вопросы из категории

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в соответствующую форму, используемую в условных предложениях 1 типа: 1.1 Incase any

crises (arise) let me know.

1.2 What his parents think if they (hear) of what he has done?

1.3 If the situation (not change) on Saturday I’ll be in trouble.

1.4 What will you do if you (miss) the train?

1.5 She (be) worried if you don’t come to the station.

Время паст !!

1) when we arrived , she (make) some coffee
2) his computer (to be) ready yesterday
3) your mother (to cook) supper yesterday
4) I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the Porter knocked the door

даю 55

помогите перевести 1

Переведите на английский язык, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

1. Он сказал, что давно не был здесь.
2. Анна сказала, что они были c друзьями в школе.
3. Я знал, что она напишет мне, когда вернется домой.
4. Майк сказал, что он уверен, что Анна и Кейт будут отличными гидами.
5. Анна сказала, что она только что встретила Бориса на улице.
6. Мы надеялись, что они вернут наши книги вовремя.
7. Он сказал, что остановится в отеле, когда приедет в Лондон.
8. Я не думал, что ты занят.
9. Мы думали, что закончим работу.
10. Роберт сказал, что приедет на вокзал проводить нас.

Читайте также

Open the brackets using Gerund or Participle I.

1) I don’t enjoy (to eat) sweets because it’s harmful for my teeth.
2) The water (to run) from the gill was clean.
3) Stop (to write) this silly letter!
4) What do you call in English the thing that we use for (to reheat)
5) We couldn’t help (to laugh) at Eddie Murphy’s Acting.
6) The man (to sit) at the table was very pale and long-haired.
7) What products do you use for (to cook)?
8) She feel like (to dance). It’s her favorite music.
9) The pupils look forward to (to go) on excursion to Kolomenskoye.
10) Do you mind (to smoke) here if I open the window?

Хэлп ми!!!! Open the brackets. Put the pronouns in the right form to complete the sentences. 1. I want (you) to tell me the


2. Our teacher made (we) learn this rule by heart and now we are grateful to her.

3. My father doesn't let (I) go out in the evening. It's not fair!

4. I heard (she) open the door, but I pretended to be asleep.

5. The Browns are not at home tonight. Mike saw (they) leave earlier.

6. I would like (he) to be my friend, but he is too cool.

7. Susan expected (it) to start this morning.

(2) Complete the sentences opening the brackets.

1)When the bell rang the children (to run)into the classroom and(to take)their seats.
2)When I opened the door ,the lesson (to begin)and the teacher (to explain)something to the class.
3)Before we (to take)the boy to the theatre he (never to see)a play.
4)By the time we (to arrive)the party(to finish).
5)-What you (to do)when I (to call)you? - I (to cook)
6)When I (to get )to the playground my friend already(to leave)
7)We (to have)a good long holiday after we(to do)all the work.
Будь ласка допоможіть хто знає срочно))))))))))дякую наперед велике

Open the brackets and fill in the either bare or full infinitive.

1) I want (go) walking with her
2) I expected (get) an excellent mark
3) She might (stay) there for some days
4) We cannot (do) that!
5) Would you please (open) window?
6) Why not (look for) some food?
7) Ok, I will see if there is something (eat)
8) I am happy (see) you!
9) She rushed there, only (find) he had gone several minutes before
10) It took her 4 minutes (fill) in the blanks

Open the brackets using the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Perfect. 1. He (to study) French before

he (to enter) the university. 2. Lanny (to say) that he (to get) his education in Cape Town. 3. The boy (to wait) to act the main part in the play because he (to organize) the theatre. 4. Lanny (not to know) who (to attack) him in the darkness. 5. The girl (to be) glad that she (to find) a seat near the window. 6. Suddenly he (to remember) that he (not to ring) her up in the morning. 7. By the time the train (to reach) the city, he (to make) friends with many passengers. 8. When his uncle (to leave), he (to hurry) to the station to book a ticket. 9. She (to think) that Gert and Lanny (to quarrel). 10. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 11. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood. 12. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin). 13. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather. 14. Where you (to work) before you (to enter) the institute? 15. By two o’clock the teacher (to examine) all the students. 16. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 17. All my friends (to be) glad to heart that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully. 18. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him. 19. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 20. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life.

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