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как по английски будет сейф

10-11 класс

Haldey 06 апр. 2017 г., 0:48:53 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 2:44:06 (7 лет назад)

Вот возможные ответы

+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 4:00:27 (7 лет назад)

Ответ: Сейф- safe )))))

+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 6:24:36 (7 лет назад)

safe box

+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 7:23:36 (7 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

2. Roentgen also revealed that these X-rays could pass through solid

matter and expose in X-ray film. This discovery led immediately to the use of
X-rays in medicine, a use we are familiar with.

3. Although Roentgen discovered the properties of X-rays he did not know
what the rays were. He therefore called them X-rays, the X standing for their
unknown nature. Today scientists know X-rays to be electromagnetic radiation of
extremely high frequency and therefore of extremely short wave length. X-rays
are considered to be produced whenever rapidly moving electrons bombard any
solid material. The greater the atomic weight of the material, the more plentiful
the X-rays, the greater the speed of the electrons the higher the frequency of
the X-rays.

4. As mentioned above X-rays were in a wide use for diagnostic purposes
in medicine since their discovery. Industrial radiology has been discovered
later particularly for inspecting welds and castings in the automobile and
airplane industries. Flaws and cracks inside the metal are readily revealed due
to the use of X-ray techniques. Famous paintings are often X-rayed to determine
whether they are the originals or forgeries.

5. Using X-rays- irradiation the scientists have learnt to change
structures of well-known materials such as metals, ceramics, etc. They could
obtain materials, of greater strength with higher melting point and particular
electrical properties.

6. Radiation is known to be a mutagenic agent. In microbiology mutations
are increased by irradiation. When a large-scale production of penicillin was introduced
the best strain yielded 100-200 units of penicillin. Being irradiated with
X-rays, the same strain produced more than 1.000 units. Many new uses have been
found for this treatment, in agriculture.

5. Прочтите 6-й абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из
приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный
ответ на поставленный вопрос.

помогите пожалуйста с английским срочно((( заполните пропуски, задание,нужно в текст правильно вставить отрывки предложений, и какая из частей 1-7 в



Fleet Street

Fleet Street runs east from the Royal Courts of Justice as far as Ludgate Circus. It

takes its name from the Fleet River, A ____________ where Farrington Road now

stands. At that time traffic had to cross over the Fleet Bridge in order to reach the


Fleet Street’s associations with printing go back to the end of the 15th century,

when the pioneer publisher Wynkyn de Worde moved here from Westminster. Between

1500 and his death in 1535, from his premises he printed and published hundreds of

books, B ___________ (the Inns of Court and Blackfriars Monastery were both nearby).

Other printers also working in the area included Richard Pynson, printer to the

king after 1508, C ____________ of Fleet Street and Chancery Lane. In 1530 Sir

Thomas More’s nephew William Rastell began printing and selling books from

premises in St Bride’s churchyard, D ____________ in 1557. It was clear that the publishing industry was here to stay. A key date in the history

of Fleet Street was the year 1702 E ____________. Since then the street became home

to hundreds of newspapers, and its name is still synonymous with British national


This state of affairs only came to an end in 1980’s, F ____________ caused by the

changeover to the new technology, which necessitated relocating to gain more space.

The Times led the way, to Docklands, and within a few years Fleet Street was stripped

of its soul.

1. whose office was at the corner

2. which years ago followed the route

3. when the British press was going through a period of deep crisis

4. bringing out an edition of his uncle’s works

5. many on legal and religious subjects

6. including the publishers of Thackeray and the Brontл sisters

7. when the first newspaper, the Daily Courant, appeared

Пожалуйста помогите мне
make these sentences passive 1) we watch current news on tekevision every evening 2) i think they have alredy forgotten those sad events

3)we will cater for kids of different ages

4)i knew the bad news had depressed everybody

5)Our team is playing their most important match today

6)when we returned home? our parents were discussing something excitedly

7) -may i help you? sir? -No, thanks. They are already serving me

Помогите пожалуйста с английским

21. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. Answer the questions using the Vocabulary Notes. 1. When a National Curriculum (to be introduced) for the first time? 2. What the National Curriculum (to tell) the pupils about? 3. In what subjects pupils (to take/not to take) exams? 4. What subjects pupils must (to be taught) without taking exams? 5. What (to mean) vocational qualifications?

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Пропишите буквами английскими)

Как по Английский будет:

1) Ходить гулять
2) Фотографировать
3) Лепить снеговика
4) Ездить за границу
5) Скучать по друзьям
6) Тратить деньги
7) Ставить плохие оценки
8) Задавать умные вопросы

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