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Проверьте мой текст на наличие ошибок (проверьте добросовестно, если плохо знаете английский пожалуйста не заходите в эту тему)

10-11 класс

I have not favorite musician group, because I listen different singers and I like all songs from them. I listen music every day and can sit with my music for three hours or more. I like music, because It help me to relax and makes me feel happy. If I lived without music I would be bored.

12wolf116 13 марта 2015 г., 10:23:52 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 марта 2015 г., 12:10:17 (9 лет назад)

I haven’t favorite music group, because I listen to different singers and I like all their songs. I listen to music every day and can do it for three hours or more. I like music, because it helps me to relax and makes me happy. If I lived without music I would feel a boredom.


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Another name for thesis is...
Срочно! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
помогиитииии!!!! Раскройте скобки, употребляя

глаголы в форме Past Continuous Tense.

This morning was really beautiful. The sun (shine), the birds (sing) and everyone in the street (smile) and (say) hello to each other. Mrs Patrik looked beautiful last night. She (wear) a lovely evening dress. When we arrived, she (make) some coffee. While I (have) a bath the telephone rang. While we (walk) in the park it began to rain. He wind (blow) and the rain (beat) down. John (stand) at the bus stop shivering. He (try) to imagine being at home sitting by a warm fire. Finally he saw the lights of the bus which (approach) from the distance. At 3 o'clock yesterday a geometry lesson (go) on. The teacher (draw) diagrams on the blackboard but I (look) through the window and heard nothing. I (think) about the coming New Year's party. She promised not to report me to the police but ten minutes later I saw that she (talk) with a policeman and from the expression on his face I understood that she (tell) him about me. The dentist's waiting room was full of people. Some (read) magazines, others just (turn) over the pages. A woman (knit), a child (play) with a toy car. Everybody (wait) for the nurse to say "Next, please". I lit the fire at 6.00 and it (burn) brightly when Jane came in. - The house next to yours was full of policemen and police dogs yesterday. - What they (do)? - I heard that they (look) for drugs. "What you (do) between 9.00 and 10.00 yesterday?" asked the detective. "I (clean) my house", said Mrs Jones. "I always clean my house at this time"

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Написала сочинение по английскому, проверьте его пожалуйта на наличие ошибок))

My family is the centre of my life. I live with my parents and my younger brother. We live in a very friendly atmosphere, care and helps each others. We cheerfully spend time together. I often meet with my grandparents. Holidays we note everything together. I love my family and I want that allchildren had same parents loving them as at me.

Проверте пожалуйста текст на наличие ошибок, может быть слова не так записаны, а может вообще заменить нужно.

I would like to say a few words about my great-grandmother . Her name Nadeeva Fedosya Egorovna . She was born May 29, 1915 in Mordovia. She worked as an elementary school teacher . Her family had 6 brothers and 2 sisters , 5 brothers and elder nephew died in the Great Patriotic War. These events affected the history of her family and our too. And I know that it is not moved from place to place . She moved to Omsk in 1938, because in Mordovia was a great drought , 5 years nothing would grow . It was the first and last crossing . Unfortunately we have no family legends , but I'm happy that I could share with you at least something .

Ребята,проверьте моё эссе на наличие ошибок.пожалуйста. Тема : Many people think that the best way to travel is by car. ----- In

our worls there are a lot of means of transport.One of them is by car.

In this essay I will name some of the advantages and disadvantages of travel by car.

The most common argument for is speed,which depend on type of car.I think that is very big advanture.When you travel by car you can look through the window.It's very pleasant prosecc if you like it.
In favour of disadvantages I can say that some ptople may have a sick.Travel by car is not really my kind of thing,because I have a sick,but it depend on beauty in the car.It sounds stupid but it is true.I can't put up with(терпеть) father's car,when we travel somewhere.I feel headache and sickness.But for my relatives all is good in father's car.
Evidently(очевидно) that this mean of transport not for all people,but if you like travel by car you have a good impressions from your trip.

Проверьте, прошу вас)) пожалуйста.

Мне нужно проверить этот текст. И на наличие ошибок и по смыслу вообще. Пожалуйста.
I'd like to show you this sample of school clothers. For teenagers of my age. You can see a dress. It's divided into white blouse and dark blue skirt above the knee. Also, there is a dark blue jacket with long sleeves. Supplement this dress blac high-heeled shoes with elegant strap. All look very simple, but at the same time beautiful. I think that these clothers are suitable for school uniform prorerly, because they are nice, elegant and wonderful, but I'm not sure that the shoes are comfortable so they can be replaced.
Пожалуйста, не говорите, что нужно исправить, а скиньте уже правильные текст, со всем исправленным и ещё одна просьба, если нужно будет какое-то слово заменить, пожалуйста, не заменяйте его на какое-то заумное) чем проще тем лучше))

Проверить на наличие ошибок: I am writing to apply for the position on architectural courses. I am 16 years old and I graduated from art school and

have special secondary education. I am always keen on architecture and I want to develop my talents. I am very responsible, reliable, executive and batty. I lead all my work to completion. I also had an expirience working in ...

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