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History of the Olympic Games найдите перевод (афанасьева , михеева)

5-9 класс

Qwertynikita3 10 апр. 2013 г., 14:09:03 (11 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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10 апр. 2013 г., 16:10:50 (11 лет назад)

История олимпийских игр


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In 19 century the French nobleman Pierre de Coubertin got the idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. With the help of the people who

supported him he organized the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. They were a success. Athletes from thirteen countries came to Greece to compete in nine sports. Russia took part in them too. Now the number of countries taking part in the Olympic Games is much larger and so is the number os sports in which athletes compete. Like in ancient times, the Olympic Games take place every four years, yet in 1926 the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games also began. The noble idea of the Olympic Games is to make all people friends be competing on football fields, courts and stadiums. The International Olympic Committee heads the Olympic movement. Among other things the Committee chooses the place for the coming Olympics. It is a great honour for a city to become an Olympic one.The Olympic Games are probably the most important international sports event. Millions of people watch them, supporting their favourite teams and athletes. Many things have changed but like in ancient times winners of the Olympics become national heroes in their countries.

Прочитайте текст и сделайте задание. ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!! The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 777 BC in Greece and took

place every four years for nearly twelve centuries at Olimpia. They included many different kinds of sports: running, boxing, wrestling, etc. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olimpia to compete in the Games. For the period of the Games all the wars stopped. So the Olympic Games became the symbol of peace and friendship. In 394 AD the Games were abolished and were not renewed until many centuries later. In 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed all the sports governing bodies and pointed out the significance of sports and its educational value. Two years later the first modern Olympic Games took place. Of course, the competitions were held in Greece to symbolize the continuation of the centuries-old tradition. In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. It is formed by the representatives of all countries which take part in the Olympic Games. The International Olympic Committee decides upon the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games. Over one hundred and fifty countries are represented in the International Olympic Committee now. Besides, each country has its National Olympic Committee. Summer and Winter Games are held separately. There are always several cities wishing to host the Games. The most suitable is selected by the International Committee. After that the city of the Games starts preparations for the competitions, constructs new sports facilities, stadiums, hotels, press centres. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games, and it takes great efforts to arrange everything. There is always an interesting cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals, etc., for each Games. Russia joined the Olympic movement in 1952. Since then it has won a lot of gold, silver, and bronze medals. In 1980 Moscow hosted the Twenty- Second Olympic Games. The latest Olympic Games were held in Vancouver. Russian sportsmen got medals for their records in many sports events. Decide whether these sentences true or false 1. The first Olympic Games were held in Italy. 2. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was the person who organised the first Games. 3. Russia took part in the Games in the fifties for the first time

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symbolize? What do you know about the Olympic flame? Do you agree with the words of Pierre de Coubertin, «The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle….» Read the Olympic motto. It is in Latin. What does it mean? What are the Olympic awards? What mascots of Olympic Games do you know? What happens at the opening and closing ceremonies? What sports are there in the Olympic Games programme?

Every four years, thousands of disabled athletes from over 150 countries take part in the Paralympic Games. The Paralympic Games are a multy-sport 1)

…………… for athletes with physical, mental and sensory disabilities. Games include wheelchair tennis, basketball and rugby, as well as judo for athletes who cannot see well.
The origin of the Paralympic Games is more resent than that of the Olympic Games. It all began in England in 1948, when a man named Sir Ludwig Guttermann came up with the idea of 2) …………… a sports competition for World War 2 veterans with spinal cord injuries. Years later, in 1960, Rome hosted the first Paralympic-style games for disabled athletes from around the world. Today, the Paralympics are held after the Olympic Games in the same 3) ………. city. The purpose of the games is to empower and inspire athletes with disabilities.
One of the most popular events at the Paralympic Games is goalball. The rules of the game are as follows: players who are unable to see properly 4) …………… in the teams of the three and try to throw a ball that has bells in it into the 5) …………… team’s goal. Since they are blindfolded they can only understand the position of the ball from the sound the bells make.
Paralimpic competitors are determined and exceptional athletes. They push themselves to the limit and never give up. They are highly respected for their talent and determination. They 6) …………… to inspire other people to overcome their disabilities and realize they have what it takes to go for gold.

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