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Добрый день! Помогите пож-та составить небольшие предложения по английскому на тему почта. Муж в командировке, а я изучала немецкий. 1. A letter 2/. a

10-11 класс

new post office 3. a nice postcard 4. white paper 5. blue and black pens 6. a funny poster 7. an old stamp 8. count stamp 9. a red letterbox 10. the second letter 11. write an address 12. look at a poster 13. an English postman 14. draw a postcard 15. have got a lot of envelopes and stamps Можно несколько словосочетаний в одном предложении. Буду очень признательна!

LoLaAaaAa 04 июля 2013 г., 17:10:26 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 июля 2013 г., 18:05:17 (10 лет назад)

1. I  don't like to write letters, because it is faster to use an e-mail

2. A new post office was built not far from my house.

3. I have decided to send to my grandmother a nice postcard.

4. if you want to write a letter, it is better to use a white paper.

5. 14.When I want to draw a postcard I use blue and black pens.

6. 9. 10. Last week  I found in a red letterbox the second letter with a funny poster from my best friend.

7. my brother has an old stamp, which is very expensive.

11.13.  Yesterday I asked an English postman where I should write an address on that postcard

12. I was asked to look at a poster and say if i liked it.

15. if i need to write a letter I will not worry about that, because I  have got a lot of envelopes and stamps.


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....is your name ?
....is your surname?
....are you from?
....do you live?
....old are yoy?
....is your birthday?
....is your favourite holiday?
....do you like (to do)?
....friends have you got?

....pets have you got?

Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в Present Perfect, выбрав for или since. 1. I (to live) here (for/since) 1999. 2. He (to work) there (for/since)

May. 3. They (to be) friends (for/since) they started college. 4. We (to know) him (for/since) three years. 5. They (to live) in our house (for/since) two years. 6. She (to be) ill (for/since) Friday. 7. I (not to be) in London (for/since) I (to be) a child. 8. 1 (to leave) Kyiv last year and I (not to see) him (for/since) 9. He (to study) French (for/since) ten years. 10. My mother (to work) in the factory (for/since) some years 11. They (to live) in Brazil (for/since) 1960. 12. I (not to see) him (for/since) this Tuesday. 13. He (to be) in prison now (for/since) five years. 14. She (not to hear) about them (for/since) almost a year. 15. I (to know) nothing about him (for/since) several month.

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