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помогите пожалуйста!!!очеень прошууу!!!!буду благодарна))) 1)if you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a travel

10-11 класс


a) brochure

b) guide


2) Tourists who go abroad must buy traveller's ____which are exchangeable for the money of the particular country

a) cash

b) cheques

с) cards

3) For many countries you need to have a ____before you're allowed in


b) travel brochure

с) visa

4) A ____ is someone who attends people on board the plane

a)fellow passenger

b) porter


5)There was a fight on the train, but we were able to climb abroad one of the _______

a) carriages

b) compartments

c) berths

6) At the railway station we were thirsty and hungry , so we tried to find a ____

a) dining room

b) waiting room

c)refreshment room

7) Short visit often no longer than a day returning to the place you started from is :

a)a cruise

b) an excursion

c)an exhibition

лавчик 07 июля 2013 г., 5:05:58 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 июля 2013 г., 8:00:56 (10 лет назад)

1. Если Вы хотите выбрать праздник(отпуск), лучший способ начинаться состоит в том, чтобы читать путешествие:1) Брошюра;2) Руководящий принцип(гид);3) Чек.
2. Туристы, кто выезжают за рубеж, должны покупать ...путешественника, которые являются сменными за деньги специфической страны.1) Наличные деньги;2) Чеки;3) Карты.
3. Для многих стран Вы должны иметь … … .before, в Вам позволяют.1) Руководящий принцип(гид);2) Брошюра путешествия;3) Виза.
4. … … .is кто - то, кто посещает людей на борт самолет.1) Товарищ пассажир;2) Швейцар(проводник);3) Бортпроводница.
5. Была борьба на поезде, но мы были способны подняться за границей на один из ….1) Вагоны;2) Купе;3) Места.
6. На железнодорожной станции мы были измученные жаждой и голодны, так что мы пробовали находить ….1) Столовая;2) Комната ожидания;3) Комната(место) отдыха.
7. Короткое посещение часто больше чем день, возвращаясь в место, с которого Вы начали не:1) Круиз;2) Экскурсия;3) Выставка.

+ 0 -
07 июля 2013 г., 9:35:09 (10 лет назад)

Я думаю,что так.


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society. Нужно привести аргументы за и против. И прошу, ребят, не надо копировать его с сайтов! Мне очень нужно его написать "самой") Help!

что можно добавить сюда,чтобы было 120-180 слов? (задание,по которому сделан текст внутри).

Hi Mark! I am happy to see you soon. Everything is fine here but I miss my family and friends a lot. It would be great if you bring some books and CDs from home. I put them on my table. Don't worry, I will meet you at the station at around 5.15 and we will walk to my place.Though if you want we can take a taxi. As for the plans, I really would like to show you London. It is just 70 km away from here. But we will discuss it. Be careful! Say hi to my parents ! Tom.

переведите письменно следующий текст: The Civil Service Commission Decentralizes Its Operations When the civil service system was established, it was

deemed essential to centralize responsibility for the system in a single agency that would set standards, hire personnel, and classify positions. In this way, the principle of employment on the basis of merit would be protected and no agency would be able to evade the civil service regulations. But as the number of federal employees increased, this centralized procedure became inefficient and caused much "red tape" - delays due to the requirement that all actions relating to government personnel must be approved by the Civil Service Commission in Washington. Since World War II ended, the Civil Service Commission has given departments and agencies a greater voice in the administration of their personnel. One of the big moves in the direction was taken during the 1940's when agencies were authorized to classify positions and determine their salary grades. These steps, of course, can be made only within the standards established by Congress and the Civil Service Commission. Notes: "red tape" - препятствие, ошибки, сложности

Читайте также

If you want to choose a holiday the best way to start is to read a travel

a} brochure
b} guide
c} cheque

. Переведите предложения на русский язык и определите степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Less serious criminal cases are tried by Magistrates’ Courts.
2. Today, however, some misdemeanors are punishable in England more severely than some felonies though never by death.
3. They are schools for boys and girls. Who needs a longer period of training?
4. If the civil case is more difficult, it has to be heard in a higher court.
5. More serious criminal cases are tried by the Crown Court.
6. If you want to make a will the best man to advise you is a solicitor.
7. The most common type of law court in England and Wales is the magistrate
8. Administrative tribunals make quick decisions with much less formality.
9. One of the most important figures in the British legal system is the solicitor.
10.The highest court of appeal in England and Wales is the House of Lords.

Помоги пожалуйста срочно: Упр. 445. Раскройте скобки, употребляя голы в требующейся форме. 1. I should be delighted if I (to have) such a beau-tiful

fur-coat. 2. If it (to rain), we shall have to staj, at home. 3. If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress. 4, If it is not too cold, i (not to put) on my coat. 5. I (to write) the composi­tion long ago if you had not disturbed me. 6. If ho (not to read) so much, he would not be so clever. 7. If my friend (to be) at home, he will tell us what to do. 8. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he (not to have) so many admirers. 9. If you (to give) me your address, I shall write you a letter 10. If she (not to be) so absent-minded, she would be a much better student. 11. If my sister does no go to the south, we (to spend) the summer in St Petersburg together. 12. If they (not to go) to Mos cow last year, they would not have heard that fa mous musician. 13. If you (not to get) tickets ia the Philharmonic, we shall stay at home. 14. If you were not so careless about your health, you (to con sult) the doctor.

помогите пожалуйста решить ((((( Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences. 1) I noticed

white(hair/hairs) on her jacket

2) We had very(little/few)time to finish our project

3) There were (a few/a little)times when Jane wanted to go back home

4) He had (a very/very)eventful life before he became a Geography teacher

5) The maid brought in (paper/a paper)with the latest news

6) This chair is made of (a wood/wood)

7) I need (a room/some room)for my clothes.-You can use my wardrobe if you want to.

8) What(an interesting/interesting)experience!

Physical activity is very important for a healthy lifestyle, and it's difficult to be fit if you don't do any. However, it's always better to do some

exercise than none at all. Here are some simple tips for you.
Eat smaller portions
You don't have to give up all your favourite food, but you'll have to eat less bread, sugar and fat. Take a smaller plate and put less food on it. But don't skip meals. It won't do you any good. Don't eat less fruit and vegetables. They are always good for you.
Concentrate on your food
Don't read or watch TV when you eat. Put your knife and fork down and chew your food slowly and carefully. You'll feel full sooner and won't eat so much.

Have healthy snacks
Forget about high-fat, high-calorie snacks: cookies, potato chips and soda. Make your own sandwiches with meat and vegetables. Drink water or juice instead of Coke and lemonade. Have an apple instead of a hot dog.
Drink a lot of water
Your body needs a lot of water. Drink at least two litres of water every day. Tea and coffee don't count!
Don't eat after 7 p.m.
Have your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed.
b) There are hundreds of adverts for wonder pills and magic drinks-which promise to make you thin, but do they actually work? The answer is no. Most of them aren't safe either. If you take them, you can sometimes be putting your health in danger. They can cause headaches, high blood pressure and many other problems.
c) There is no magic diet plan to help you become thin. Anybody who promises you that is telling you a lie. You can go on a very strict
diet of fewer than 600 calories a day for a week or two and lose weight, but you won't be happy with the result. A diet like this will leave you feeling weak and give you headaches, bad breath and bad skin. When you finish it, the weight will come back quickly. You could even gain some excess weight. As a result you'll look and feel miserable.
d) It's not necessary to diet if you eat properly and make sure you have a lot
of vegetables and fruit every day. But if you live in a region where it's difficult to get them, you should take multivitamins.
e) Not all of them are. Some juices contain a lot of sugar, which is bad for your teeth. When you buy juice read the information on the box. There must be no added sugar in it. As an alternative just have an apple or a carrot. They are better for you than any juice.
f) Everything you do - smiling, talking, reading - burns calories. But if you want to be fit, you'll have to do more. Do some exercise in the morning or in the afternoon every day: ride a bicycle, go swimming or jogging, wash the floors in your home or walk the dog. Everything counts!
g) A serving is a small portion of food.
one serving of grains = one slice of bread or one spoonful of rice, cereal or pasta
one serving of fruit = one piece of any fruit
one serving of vegetables = one potato, two spoonfuls of corn
one serving of dairy products = one yoghurt, one piece of cheese
one serving of meat / fish = one small piece of meat or fish переведите пожалуйста

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