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Помогите, пожалуйста, образовать одно условное предложение. Заранееблагодарна! What a pity he didn’t come to our house

10-11 класс

yesterday, so he didn’t meet my friend. If…

Timahoma137 09 нояб. 2014 г., 22:54:51 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
10 нояб. 2014 г., 0:30:04 (9 лет назад)

What a pity he didn’t come to our house yesterday, so he didn’t meet my friend. If he had come to us yesterday he would have met my friends. - 3 тип условного предложения - нереальное условие


Другие вопросы из категории


II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
The buffalo is ... large animal living in ... North America. Many years ago ... people from ... other lands came to America. ... immigrants crossed ... country in ... wagon trains. They killed ... buffalo for ... food. Today you can sometimes buy ... buffalo meat at a restaurant.
II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
It was ... beautiful day although there were ... few clouds in the sky. We went for ... walk by ... sea and then decided to visit ... Johnsons who live next to ... Lake Erewash. As we had left ... car by ... hotel we were staying at we went there by train. We had ... dinner at their place and had ... very enjoyable time.
II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
Jack comes from ... United Kingdom of ... Great Britain. That's ... official name of ... country, but there are ... other names for it. He lives in ... Highlands, which are in ... northern part of the country.
Jack is ... friend from ... school. In fact he is ... best friend I have from there.
II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. There is ... tendency in ... Great Britain and ... USA for ... small shops to disappear. They are eaten up by ... big firms. Such firms have ... branches all over the country. Many English people regret ... disappearance of ... small shops.
2. I told ... children that they wouldn't get ... presents if they behaved badly.
II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
1. I went to ... central post-office in ... Church Street to buy ... stamps. When I came there, ... postmaster said there was ... letter for me.
2. ... fuel that ... cars use is called ... petrol in Great Britain, but in ... USA they call it ... gas.

помогите написать развернутое сочинение на тему "что ты знаешь о своих правах

иобязанностях. и какие права ты бы хотел имееть и почему."

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА)))))) Определить тип условного предложения. Глагол, данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время. Перевести


1.You would not fell so bad if you (not to smoke) so much.

2.If I don't manage to finish my report today, I (to stay) at home tomorrow.

3.If she (not to help) me, I should have been in a very difficult situation.

4.If I (to be) a musician, I should be very happy.

5.If he (to learn) the poem, he would not have got a bad mark.

Задание очень простое!) Просто подайте мне идею (можно по русски)! Помогите, пожалуйста, написать цепочку из пяти предложений. НЕ

обязательно расписывать их на английском!

Вот начало предложения: If I hadn`t come to our school ten years ago - Если бы я не пришел в школу 10 лет назад, то... (и надо продолжить)

Вот пример того,что требуется (он конечно немного дурацкий)): Если бы я не съел шоколадку, то я бы не поравился. Если бы я не поправился, то я бы не был толстым. Если бы я не был толстым, то я имел бы девушку. Если бы я имел бы девушку,то я бы не женился... бла бла бла.. ну вот типо того))

Всего 5 предложений!))

Помогите пожалуйста

Read the text.
Ice-Cream Cone.
For folks who lived anywhere near St. Louis, Missouri, the biggest event in the summer of 1904 was the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which took place in that city. No one knew beforehand, but that exposition was the occasion where ice-cream cones were first made and sold. The person who made it was named Charles Menches and he was the seller of ice-cream. But he didn’t plan to invent the ice-cream cone. This is how it happened. Charles Menches sold his ice-cream in dishes the way every other ice-cream man did. That August when the Louisiana Purchase Exposition was at its height, was a real scorcher (жаркий, знойный день), however, and one day disaster struck Mr. Menches. There were so many hot and thirsty fairgoers wanting ice-cream that he ran out of dishes. And it wasn’t even noon. He had more than half a day of business ahead of him and not a single dish to serve his ice-cream on. What did Menches do? He looked around him and thought fast. Nearby was a stand where his friend, Ernest Hamwi, who was from Syria, was selling a Middle-Eastern treat Zalabia. Zalabia consists of a crisp, wafer(вафля)-like pastry (тесто) sold with syrup. “Give me Zalabia!”- cried Menches. He rolled up the Zalabia, scooped (черпать) his ice-cream on top and presto! (очень быстрый темп) ice-cream cones were born.

b) Complete the sentences with a word or a phrase.

The Louisiana Purchase Exposition was the biggest event in the … .

That exposition was the occasion where ice-cream cones were first … .

It wasn’t even noon but Charles Menches, a seller of ice-cream, had no … to serve his ice-cream on.

Menches’ friend … a Middle Eastern treat Zalabia.

Zalabia consists of a … , wafer-like pastry with syrup.

Menches … the Zalabia, scooped his ice-cream on the top and ice-cream cones were born.

Определить тип условного предложения. Глагол, данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время. Перевести предложение: 1. If it (to rain) ,

we shall have to stay at home.

2.If he (to work) hard, he would have achieved great progress.

3.If you gave me your dictionary for a couple days, I (to translate) this text.

4.If should be very glad if he (to come) to my place.

5.If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party.

Глагол данный в скобках, поставить в нужное время:

1.My friend (to go) to the library Wednesday.

2.He (not to go) to the country yesterday.

3.Don't make noise! Father (to work).

4.You (to write) a dictation tomorrow.

5.He (to study) French before he (to enter) the university.

Выписать сложное подлежащее/дополнение. Перевести предложение:

1.The teacher wants our homework to be prepared well.

2.He was expected to pass the mathematics exam.

3.Mother is said to know the right thing to do.

4.You are supposed to graduate in four years.

5.The traveller entered the inn and ordered supper to be prepared.

помогите пожалуйста сделать одно предложение, никак у меня оно не получается(((

Вставьте нужный модальный глагол или эквивалент, переведите предложение:
Will you speak more clearly please? I ... hardly hear you at oll.

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