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Give the English for the Russian word in brackets.

10-11 класс

1. George Elephant was (обвинять) with murder of his wife.2.His (дело) caused great public interest.3.He was born of (обычный) middle-class parents.4.George (стыдиться) of his last name.5.He said that he was not (виновен).6.She never (уставать) of making jokes at his name.7.As he had no courage to change his name he had just to (смириться) it.8.George was brought to (полицейский суд).9.He (обнаружить) a few interesting facts about George Elephant’s life.10.He was modest and his school-mates were (безжалостный).11.George (страдать) a great deal because of his name.12.Some people use the telephone as (средство) of annoyance.13.George’s (поведение) towards his wife was without fault.14 The accused did not (воображать) that he was really an elephant.15.He did not (сомневаться) that the man was (виновен).16.He was in such a state at the time of murder that he (не отвечать) for his actions.17.Then the most important (свидетель) was called.18.(Закон) was suggested to make it (серьезное правонарушение) to break the traffic rules.19.A good deal of (сочувствие) was shown for George.20.His time in prison was (сокращать) from seven years to three.21.It meant that George (освободить) after two years.22.He (колебаться) about the answer.23.He could (доверять) the priest.24.There is no (оправдание) for such actions.

Romankoval199 30 марта 2014 г., 13:33:07 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
30 марта 2014 г., 15:59:15 (10 лет назад)

4/was ashamed of
5/not guilty
6/was tired
8/the police court
12/as a mean
16/was not aware
18 the law=a serious breach
21/will be fred
24/warrant(уточни в словаре)


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите ! Пожалуйста :)
переделайте следующие предложения ,заменив прямую речь на косвенной

1)she answered:"i did not work day and night"
2)the doctor said:"i shall apply for this post"
3)i answered:"he shares the room with his brother"

Переведите на английский язык:

1 в стакане есть немного молока
2 в тетради осталось мало чистых страниц
3 у тебя много кофе?-нет,очень мало.
4 немногие из англичан говорят по-русски
5 у них здесь очень мало друзей
6 у него очень мало времени для чтения
7 у петра много русских книг и мало английских книг
8 у меня есть немного времени вечером,чтобы закончить эту работу
9 я провожу много времени в библиотеке,потому что я готовлюсь к экзаменам


как по-английски МОЛЧАНИЕ,ЗНАК СОГЛАСИЯ????

Читайте также

Find in the text English equivalents to the following Russians words and word combinations:

- Схема;
- Давать, выпускать;
- Промежуточный;
- Вызвать;
- Электрический импульс;
- Последовательность (таких) импульсов;
- Исходные данные;
- Превращать слова в цифры;
- Пробивать;
- Телетайпная лента;
- Подавать, питать;
- Электронно-счетная машина;
- Молниеносная скорость;
- Неограниченные возможности;
- Наоборот;
- Последовательность, порядок, ряд;
- Для управления автоматизированным производством;
- Умножение;
- Деление;
- Пробивать цифры.

Computers represent a completely
new branch of science, the first of them appeared more than half a century ago.
Although still now, these machines have already brought about a real revolution
in science, technology, statistics, and automatic control.

The reason for this lies in the
fact that a mathematical formula can be found for almost all scientific and
technical problems. They can be solved without a computer but it would require
millions of arithmetical operations. No wonder that many problems of
exceptional importance
remained unsolved for a long time, the volume of the calculations required
being above human possibilities.

VII. Give the answers to the following questions using words in brackets:e.g. What will you be doing at 10 o’clock in the evening? (sleep)I will be

sleeping at that time.1. What will Kate be doing at her college for five years? (study English). 2. What will he be doing next term? (study the second foreign language). 3. What will Ann be doing on Sunday? (prepare for the lesson). 4. What will they be doing at this time tomorrow? (write dictation) 5. What will Mr. Priestley be doing at this time the day after tomorrow? (interview foreign students) 6. What will you be doing during your holiday? (travelling along the country)

. Use the words in brackets to fill in the gaps. Make all the necessary changes. Помогите срочно


3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense

1.The film “War and Peace” … (direct) by Sergey Bondarchuk.

2.Who … Crime and Punishment … (write) by?

3.Over 1,000 languages … (speak) in India.

4.About half of the world’s gold … (produce) in Russia.

5.A new theatre … (build) in three years time.

6.Ten people … (injure) in the accident.

1. Fill in the gaps with the proper form of the word given at the end of the line 1.He doesn’t get

any real … from playing basketball. ENJOY

2.He was very hard-working and … to his project. DEDICATE

3.School Council asked for help with the … of the Internet centre for students. ORGANISE

4.Unfortunately, Kate was … to admit she was wrong. WILL

5.A new course offers students the opportunity to be … and imaginative. CREATE

2. Put the words in brackets into the correct tense


If Kate were not (not to be) so creative and full of ideas, meetings at “Theatre Club” wouldn’t be (be) so exciting.

1.If you … (be) more organised, you … (always, do) everything on time.

2.If you … (listen) to the teacher attentively at the first lesson, you … (understand) the rule.

3.If I … (realise) how much I should revise for exams, I … (start) earlier. Now I won’t have time to do everything.

4.If I … (be) older, I … (have) exams this June.

5.If Ann … (come) earlier, she … (see) Patrick. He left a few minutes ago.

3. Complete the sentences with these words only.

a. vocational, b. qualification, c. degree, d. scholarship, e. diplomas

1.If you want to get a bachelor’s … , you should go to the university after school

2.Our local … college gives basic skills in many professions.

3.… of many Russia’s universities are accepted in different countries.

4.After this course you will get a … in computer design.

5.If you want to get a … , you should study hard at school.

переведите пожалуйста, кто в английском хорошо разбирается! Towards the end of this century the replacement of religious books in Greek for those in the

Slavonic language began.
Between the 10th and 13th centuries Russians developed a high civilization, which formed the foundation of the Russian culture in the following centuries. During this period numerous cultural treasures were accumulated. The written works of the time show that the level of knowledge on most natural phenomena was as high as that of Ancient Greece.
Monasteries were cultural and educational centres. They had large libraries and well-equipped book-making shops, in which not only church manuscripts were copied and translated but original books were written. Today we can confidently say that Ancient Rus was a state of high culture and knowledge.
2 In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. Nevertheless illiteracy among common people was very high Well-off people taught their children in grammar schools,1 commercial schools or secondary schools teaching no classics.2
There were also schools for nobles only. Entrance to those schools was limited. For example, at lycee where AS Pushkin studied the number of pupils ranged from thirty to one hundred. Only boys at the age of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted and studied there for six years They were taught many different subjects. The most important were Russian literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics, logic, law, rhetoric and such foreign languages as French, English, German and Latin. Great attention was paid to different arts and physical training: riding, swimming, fencing and dancing. The aim of this school was to bring up intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. Those who graduated from such educational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state.

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