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Вставьте There is, There are, Are there или is there.1. ... a bookcase in my room.

5-9 класс

2. ... a wardrobe in your room?
3. ... a TV and a video at the window?
4. ... books on the bookshelf?
5. ... three rooms in my flat.
6. ... four armchairs in the living room. плиз срочно!

Malyxina1978 14 июня 2014 г., 21:14:49 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 июня 2014 г., 22:29:52 (9 лет назад)

1. there is a bookcase in my room.
2. ...iis there a wardrobe in your room?
3. ...are there a TV and a video at the window?
4. ... are there books on the bookshelf?
5. ..there are. three rooms in my flat.
6. ..there are. four armchairs in the living room. 


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Look at the pictures and say what safety rules they are.
Write the rules.

Underline the correct phrase to complete the sentences a. Mike can't have stolen/ might steal/ must have stolen/ could steal the necklace as his finger

prints were found all over it. b. hilary's late! her car might break down/could have broken down/ can't have broken down /could break down although that seems rather unlikely as it's a new one

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Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be (am is are) 1.He (be).......not in 2.they (be)........my friends 3.my sister and

i(be)........allergic to oranges

4.the children (be)......hungry


6.You(be)................interested in reading

7.These vegetables(be)..........good for you

Обдевдите кружочком нужный глагол

1.He is/celebrates his birthday every year

2.We are/like our teacher

3.Ann is/eats oranges every day

4.I am/like in Klin

5.You is/are buse on Friday

6.Cute is/writes reports every day

7.It is/are cold

8.I am/walk my dog at 8a.m

ТЕСТ 14. — Оборот There is/ There are. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) a cat under the tree.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
2) any chairs in the room?

a) There are b) Are there c) Is there
3) some jam on the plate.

a) There is b) Is there c) There are
4) eggs in the salad?

a) Is there b) Are there c) There are
5) a policeman in the car?

a) There is b) Is there c) There are
6) any mice in your house?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
7) any water in the cup?

a) There is b) There are c) Is there
8) no children in the park.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
9) a goose in the field.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
10) many geese in the field?

a) Is there b) There is c) Are there

11) no juice in the cup.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
12) much milk in your cup?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
13) some sugar in my tea.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
14) not much snow in the street.

a) Is there b) There is c) Are there
15) two or three pens on the table?

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are
16) no carpet in my room.

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
17) any bread on the plate?

a) Is there b) There are c) There is
18) apple juice in the cup.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
19) a mouse under the table.

a) There are b) There is c) Is there
20) no sweets on the table.

a) Are there b) Is there c) There are

^ ТЕСТ 15. - Настоящее время Present Simple. Выбери правильный вариант ответа.

1) My sister well.

a) study b) studies с) studys

2) We lunch at school.

a) has b) does have c) have

3) Mother bread every day.

a) buyes b) buy c) buys

4) Tom and Bob to play chess.

a) like b) likes c) does like

5) Tom his homework in the evening.

a) do b) does c) dos

6) Men to play football.

a) likes b) lives c) like

7) Tom's friend go to school.

a) do b) doesn't c) don't

8) This woman my aunt.

a) does b) is c) are

9) My sister and I our mother.

a) helpes b) helps c) help

10) Kate's aunt a lot of letters.

a) writes b) does writes c) write

11) This child to play with the toys.

a) like b) has like c) likes

12) These children to play with the dog.

a) like b) has like c) likes

13) Tom TV in the evening.

a) watch b) watchs c) watches

14) John's cat often mice.

a) catchs b) catches c) catch

15) Some mice under the house.

a) live b) lives c) loves

16) Little children often .

a) cry b) cryes c) cries

17) My little sister often .

a) cry b) cryes c) cries

18) Mary often at the parties.

a) singes b) sings c) sing

19) Jane eat porridge.

a) isn't b) don't c) doesn't

20) My Granny drink coffee.

a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't

А) Kenham is a small town. Look at the information in the box and write sentences about Kenham with There is/are or There isn't/aren't.

Слова: Образец:
1 a castle No 1, There isn't castle
2 any restaurants? Yes (a lot) 2. There are a lot of restaurants.
3 a hospital? Yes 3._________
4 a swimming pool? No 4.__________
5 any cinemas? Yes (two) 5.__________
6 a university? No 6.________________
7 any big hotels? No 7._______________

Б) Write sentences about your town (or a tow that you know). Use There is/isn't/aren't.
1. There are a lot of cinemas
2. There is a big park.

Выберите правильную форму глагола: is, are 1. There _______

three people in the photo.

2. There _______ a woman, a man and their child in our garden now.

3. I didn’t like the hotel because there _______ a lot of furniture in the room.

4. He was thirsty but there _______ no drinks in the fridge.

5. The furniture was very old, there _______ two chairs and a table in the room.

6. She is at her office now. There _______ a lot of people waiting to see her.

7. Today there _______ a lot of snow on the ground.

8. There _______ some chicken and fish in the fridge now.

9. _______ there any furniture in the room?

Переведите используя конструкции There is\are или it is .

Самая маленькая комната-ванная. Вокруг моего дома большой сад. В нем много яблонь. В этом году много яблок,но цветов уже нет. Сейчас ранняя осень. Сентябрь. Вечер.Небольшой ветерок,но все еще довольно тепло. Бабье лето. Прекрасная погода! В Москве идет дождь,а у нас в городе пока сухо. Говорят,дождь будет завтра

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