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Склади питання та вiдповiдi про вихiднi дiвчат за зразком.1.Did Sue visit her friends last weekend?No she didn t Таблица LAST WEEKEND

1-4 класс

Sue Kate

visit friends - +

play tennis + -

climb a mountain - +

go shopping + -

Gvc2001 07 янв. 2014 г., 1:33:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 янв. 2014 г., 2:13:00 (10 лет назад)

1.Did Sue visit her friends last weekend? - No she didn't.

+ 0 -
07 янв. 2014 г., 4:29:00 (10 лет назад)

1.Did Sue visit her friends last weekend? - No she didn't.

2. Did Sue play tennis last weekend? - yes she did.

3. Did Sue climb a mountain last weekend? So she didn't

4. Did Sue go shopping last weekend? Yes she did


1.Did Kate visit her friends last weekend? Yes she did

2. Did Kate play tennis last weekend? No she didn't

3. Did Kate climb a mountain last weekend? Yes she did

4. Did Kate go shopping last weekend? No she didn't


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Test 7. Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns.1. The girl decorated the room ______.2. The winner looked very proud of ______.3. She brought up her

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2 клас. допоможiть написати за зразком. на першому малюнку зображиний хлопчик читае книгу, а пiд ним лижить дитина з книгою. На 2 картинi бiлi коси в

дiвчинки, а пiд нею дiвчинка з чорними кiсьми. На 3 малюнку хлопчик тримае воздушний шар, а пiд ним вiнiпух тримае здутого шарика i бiля нього стоить пятачок ЗРАЗОК 1 Tom can read. The baby cant read. 2 She has got fair hair.-------------------------. 3 I have got a balloon.----------------------.

написати речення за зразком

YOU WALK - SHE......
I SWIM - IT......
WE MAKE - SHE......
YOU COOK - HE......
YOU LIVE - SHE......

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