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Нужно составить сочинение на английском языке 15-20 предложений на тему : В этом году на английском я изучила такие темы. Темы(Буквы английского

10-11 класс

алфавита, транскрипция слов на английском, изучили Слова относящиеся к профессии менеджмент, составляли бизнес проекты на английском, Повторили правила написания времен (презент симпл презент перфект и пр.))

Mikhaylova2003 05 сент. 2014 г., 13:44:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 сент. 2014 г., 16:35:48 (9 лет назад)

Напиши что в этом году мы на английском изучили много нового и я хочу рассказать например про английский алфавит


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ребят помогите пожалуйста очень срочно и важно, переведите текс на английский (важно! не из гугла)

прочитав текст я узнала что директор школы в которую ходили дети был строгим.Он пресекал разговоры, строго наказывал. В школу ребята заходили отдельно мальчики с одной стороны, девочки с другой. На мой взгляд это забавно. День они начинали с того, что пели гимн и читали молитву . В школе никого не кормили, и те дети которые жили далеко приносили еду с собой. Хоть и сейчас питание в школах не на высшем уровне это все равно гараздо удобнее. чем раньше.В целом прочитав этот текст я узнала как в 20 веке учились дети.

Помогите перевести, пожалуйста. One November night, I happened to be at home alone. It was nearly 11 o'clock and i was just

beginning to fall asleep, when I noticed a vague, musty smell. First i thought it was my imagination but it grew stringer and really nasty. I got out of bed and looked around my room, then I went out on the leading, trying to find where the smell was coming from. It seemed to be all over the house. It was weird, but I was tired and went back to bed, still wondering about the smell. I thought I'd sort it out in the morning.

About 2 o'clock in the morning, I woke up suddenly to a loud moaning sound. Once, then again. I was sure heard it coming from downstairs. Hesitating for a moment, I quickly ran downstairs to see what it was. There was no one there and the sound had stopped.

Slowly I went upstairs, and only then I noticed that it was very cold in the house. My whole body was shaking from the cold, it was hard to breathe and every breath made a little white mist in the freezing air. The musty smell in the house was really horrible now. I could hear my heart pounding loudly.

My hand shook as leaned forward to open my bedroom door and I suddenly felt i wasn't alone on the house anymore. My hair stood on end.

my first impulse was to run away. Instead, I quietly turned the handle and pushed the door open. The sight I saw struck terror in my heart and it nearly stopped. Standing on my bed was the transparent form of a hooded monk. His back was turned towards me and he made no sound or movement.

I was rooted to the spot by fear and couldn't think or utter a sound. I was dead scared; any movement or noise might make the monk turn and look at me. What I feared most of all was his gaze.

Then suddenly, the ghastly figure started to fade away, first the feet, then the rest. When his head finally disappeared, the house wasn't cold anymore. I was so relieved my legs felt like jelly. I had to sit down on the floor for a while.

Later on, still feeling weak at the knees, I went downstairs for a drink to calm myself down. I switched on all the lights in the house, and as soon as I got myself together, I called a friend and went to stay at his place. Never again did I sleep in that room!

Читайте также

Нужно составить сочинение на тему "Радио"(предложений 15 нужно). Можно опираться на этот текст, то есть можно 2 предложения взять с этого текста или на

основе главных слов в тексте составить сочинение. Вот текст: RADIO
Radio is also one of the most important mass media. Radio broadcasts news, discussions, interviews, description of sport events, drama, religious programmes, music, and advertising.
There is at least one radio station in every country in the world, and altogether there are more than 25,000 stations all over the world. Radio stations compete with one another.
Radio programmes vary from country to country. But in all countries, programmes primarily provide information and entertainment. Programmes that provide information include news and current affairs, live broadcasts of sports events, weather forecasts, talk shows. Many talk shows allow listeners to take part in the programme by telephoning the radio station to ask questions or give their opinions about the topic. Such programmes are sometimes called phone-ins.
In most countries up to 90 percent of all programmes are designed for entertainment. Music is a popular kind of radio entertainment. Most music stations specialize in one kind of music, such as pop, classical, jazz or folk music. Some stations broadcast several kinds of music. There are also comedy shows and plays performed «live» or recorded in the studio by actors.
A major reason for the widespread use of radios is their portability, which means the ability to be carried around easily. People listen to the radios almost everywhere — at home, in parks, at beaches and picnics, while driving a car, and even while walking along the street.

Зарание спасибо)

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"Преимущества учебы за границей" на англиском языке(15 - 20 предложений)

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