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About us ChildLine is a free, 24-hour confidential helpline that children and young people in the UK can call when they

10-11 класс

feel they have nowhere else to turn. Our 1,400 trained counsellors

comfort, advise and protect children with a wide range of problems such as bullying,serious

family problems and worries about friends. For over 20 years, we have been savingchildren’s lives,

helping homeless young people living on the streets to find shelter, and simply giving

hope to those who thought no one cared.

Facts | Figures

Every day, more than 4,500

children and young people call Child Line .

Child Line has counselled around two million children and young people since 1986.

Child Line receives almost three times as many calls from girls as from boys. 22% of callers are aged 5-11, 60% are aged 12-15 & 18% are aged 16-18. About 550 teens per year call because of pressure from exams.

Get involved

Help beat bullying: Sadly, bullying is the most common problem

that children call Child Line about. We can send you an anti-bullying pack full of great activities, tips and ideas. Or why not fundraise for us during anti-bullying week and help us to raise money to answer calls from a further 1,000 children every day? Start a peer support scheme: Young people can help each other! We can help you set up a ‘peer support scheme’ at your school and train

volunteer pupils in listening , empathy and problem-solving skills.

Help us take more calls: Only around half of the young people who

call us every day get through. You can help by making a donation

or even volunteering as a child line counsellor yourself.

Отличный перевод плис!!! срочно.

Vladik1406 11 янв. 2014 г., 19:02:27 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 янв. 2014 г., 21:41:34 (10 лет назад)

О нас:
ChildLine вободная, 24-часовая конфиденциальная горячая линия, для детей и подростках, которые могут звонить в любой момент, когда им необходима помощь.в наших рядах находится 1400 обучающих консультантов, которые могут посоветовать или защитить детей с широким дипозоном проблем: к примеру запугивание со стороны семьи, а также семейные проблемы.Больше 20 лет мы оберегаем жизнь детей, помогаем бездомным подросткам давая им жельё.
Факты: каждый день боллее чем 4,500 детей обращаются к нам за помощью . Десткая Линия Зарекомендовала себя среди 2 миллионов подростков начиная с 1986 года.
В Детскую Линию обращаются больше девочки, чем мальчики.22% клиентов в возрасте 5-11, 60% - 12 - 15 лет, 18% 16-18 лет. Приблезительно 550 подростков звонят с причиной давления во время подготовки к экзаменам.
Примите участие.
Помогите подавить такую проблему, как запугивание: К сожалению, запугивание - наиболее распространенная проблема по которой дети звонят в нам. Мы можем послать вам пакет антизапугивания(сам пока не знаю что это такое)) полный список действий которые следует предпринять. Пропагондируйте схему поддержки в трудных ситуациях в общественный местах.Добровольно предложите помощь, сочувствие и решаите проблему с ними.Помогите принемать нам больше  звонков:нам приблизетльно звонят только часть подростов которым нужна помощь.Вы можете сделать пожертвование или стать добровольно консультантом в Деткой Линий.
Переводил лично я.всё по смыслу.

+ 0 -
12 янв. 2014 г., 0:33:31 (10 лет назад)

хорошо, подажди несколько минут!

+ 0 -
12 янв. 2014 г., 2:47:49 (10 лет назад)

ChildLine (детская линия) - это беслпатная, конфиденциальная горячая линия.

+ 0 -
12 янв. 2014 г., 5:44:21 (10 лет назад)

Хорошо жду только чтоб отличный был.


Другие вопросы из категории

переведите пожалуйста на английский:

в прочитанном тексте я узнал, что за один год европейская семья с двумя детьми выбрасывает около 50 кг мусора. Что за один год человек в среднем выбрасывает около 70 консервных банок, 34 банки от еды для питомца и около 70 банок от напитка.


пропуск правильной формой глагола в скобках.

Four people work in an office: two women and two men, Ann likes Catherine but she doesn't like the two men. Peter doesn't like the person that Ann likes,

but he likes Ann. Only one person likes Catherine. John likes two people. One person doesn't like Ann.
Who is it?

Читайте также

Помогите найти 8 ошибок. Most people in the US knows important historical facts about George Washington, such as that he was

a millitary leader in the American Revolution, and that he become the first President of the US. He is often call «the Father of the County* and many turists visit Mount Vernon, the home where he and his wife Martha lived in Virginia. His birthday is celebrated every year on Febryry 22nd as a public holiday called President's Day.

This is just right for a cold winter’s day, and is

both 1) …… and cheap. If you use dried peas, 2) …… them for at least twelve
hours in cold water. Drain them and put them in a large 3) ……. with plenty of
water. Bring them to the boil, and then let them simmer gently 4) ……. the peas
are soft. I find it easier to use 5) ……. peas, which are already cooked. This
6) ……. time, and also guarantees that the peas will be soft, since it can take
hours of boiling before they 7) …… . Two small 450 gram cans are usually 8) …….
. Strain the peas, but keep some of the liquid for the soup. 9) ……. about three
tablespoons of olive oil in a clean saucepan, and gently heat a chopped 10) …….
, two or three cloves of garlic and some 11) …….. carrot. 12) …….. half the
peas and turn them in the oil over a low heat. Meanwhile blend the remaining
peas in a food 13) …….. until they make a smooth cream. Add about half a litre
of water to the vegetables and bring to the boil. Mix in the creamed peas and
cook slowly. Add salt and 14) ……... and a pinch of mixed herbs. You can also
add a stock cube or other vegetables. Some 15) ……… add lemon juice at the end.
Serve hot with plenty of bread.


1) There are a nice woman in the kitchen.2) Is there an old armchair in Tiny's house? — Yes, there are. 3) There are five shelves with interesting books

in his room. 4) There are no clocks in the living room.5)There are a sofa, a table and three chairs in the living room.
правильно ли расставили is или are в предложениях.

Упр. 83. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 1. This room is very large. 2. There is a match in the box. 3. Has this lady a knife?

4. There is a man and a woman in the street. 5. This lady is that gentleman's wife. 6. This shoe is too large for my foot. 7. The child is sitting on a bench. 8. My tooth is white. 9. This key is made of steel. 10. A potato is a vegetable and a cherry is a fruit. 11. This.is my friend's study

Помогите задать вопросы к выделенной части в предложениях.

1)THE HISTORY OF THE ACADEMY goes back to 1992.
2)It was accredited by THE PRESIDENT of the Russian Federation.
3)It was founded TO MET THE INCREASING DEMAND IN MANAGERS as the result of the rapid development of the market economy.
4)Annually MORE THAN 500 STUDENTS are admitted to the academy.
5)The total number is estimated AT ABOUT THREE THOUSAND.
6)Applicants are required to submit APLICATION FOR ADMISSION.
7)There are TWO MAJOR day DEPARTMENTS at the academy.
8)There are ELEVEN CHAIRS at the academy.
9)THE TEACHING STAFF OF THE ACADEMY is involved in research work.
10)The course of training at the academy runs for FIVE YEARS.
11)JUNIOR students study general subjects.
12)All these courses provide the students WITH TOOLS AND SKILLS necessary in the their future work.
13)They have ALL FACILITIES to get a profound education.

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