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Music classes play an important role in school children’s development but they should be different.

10-11 класс

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наташаааааааааа 06 окт. 2013 г., 5:30:16 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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06 окт. 2013 г., 7:56:57 (10 лет назад)

1. First of all children need to know that there are many kinds of music such as classical music, rock music, country music etc. We need to expand our horizons.
2. I think that during musical classes children should learn how to sing and also how to play. Because they should know the world of music from several sides.
3. Also I reckon that we need to tell children about composers, singers. That can give the idea of what music is and how difficult it can be to be come a really great man in this area of life. 


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Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужном времени и
правильной форме:

1.We (to walk) from
10 to 11 in
the morning tomorrow.

РЕбят помогите пожалуйста написать не большое сочинение ,где то из 15 предложений,про какого либо политика,без раздницы какого , написать что я о нем

думаю, кто он,откуда ,и почему я выбрала именно его,чего он добился..и т.д.Но типа не его биографию)

Заполните пропуски словами, оканчивающимися на -body, -one, -thing, -where.

1. I wouldn't like to give ______ any trouble, but we'll have to put off our meeting, I'm afraid.

Читайте также

Помогите с переводом) Theatre has always played an important role in the life of the Russian people. People like to go to the theatres to see interesting p

erformances, to enjoy beautiful architecture. A theatrical performance is always a mystery.
Moscow is proud of the Bolshoy, Maly and Art theatres. The Bolshoy theatre is world-famous for its excellent companies and wonderful acting. Almost all foreign tourists, who come to Moscow, visit at least one of these theatres. The Bolshoy Theatre amazes us with its grandeur and splendour. I visited this theatre several times. I attended the Bolshoy Theatre for the first time when I was 10 years old. It made a deep impression on me. Recently I happened to hear two operas there. They were "Traviata" and "Aida". I liked "Traviata" best. The opera was in Italian and I could understand almost nothing. Moreover, I did not know the subject. But the music was so magnificent that nothing could irritate me. A visit to the theatre is one of the most popular cultural amusements in Russia.

помогите пожалуйста очень очень срочно нужно((((

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Mass media (that is the press, the radio and television)
plays an important role in the life of society. They inform,
educate and entertain people. They also influence the
way people look at the events and sometimes make them
change their views.
Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers in
their spare time. People listen to the radio while driving а саг. On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and
various discussions of current events. Lots of radio or
TV games and films attract large audience.
Newspapers give more detailed reviews of political
life, culture and sports. Basically they are read by the
people who are subscribers and those who are interested
in politics.
There is a lot of advertising in mass media. Many TV
channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by
different corporations. The owners can advertise what­
ever they choose.
But we cannot say that mass media do not try to raise
the cultural level of people or to develop their tastes. Mass
media bring to millions of homes not only entertaiment
and news but also cultural and educational programs.
There is a great number of TV, cable TV and satellite
TV channels and lots of radio stations and newspapers now.


1. What is mass media?
2. How does mass media influence people?
3. What is the difference between radio and TV
4. Does the audience of TV and radio differ?
5. Do you think that advertising is useful?

Прошу помогите...английского незнаю... Допишите эссе. Речь идет о роботе, который может быть создан в будущем.

Напишите о:
- Что "ваш "робот выглядит примерно так:
- То, что многочисленные функции являются (это может быть создана для любых целей: для участия в научных исследованиях, защищать, учить, учить и развлекать людей);
-самое удивительное / смешное / забавное дело о "вашем" роботом;

A wonderful robot of the future.
Scientific achievements and technological progress make it obvious that robots will play an important role in our future. There'll be different robots. Some of them will help people to do routine and monotonous jobs, some will carry out dangerous space or ocean missions, some will work wonders in medicine. Among them there'll be a robot that deserves special attention.

Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present, Past, Future Simple:

1. The UK … (to play) an important role in developing Western ideas of the parliamentary system.
2. The UK … (to have) an uncodified constitution, as do only two other countries in the world.
3. The flag of the United Kingdom … (to be) the Union Flag.
4. The most prestigious event of the global tennis calendar, Wimbledon, … (to take place) next summer.
5. The empire … (to create) an overseas market for British products, allowing the UK to dominate international trade in the 19th century.
6. Ethnic diversity … (to vary) significantly across the UK.

Исправьте, пожалуйста, ошибки в сочиннии, если есть..

Nowadays newspapers occupy an important role in life. Many people use them. I often read the newspaper. I find there is a lot of new and interesting things. also in the morning I listen to the radio, there is a lot of news and music. I also watch TV, there's a lot of interesting and informative.

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