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...dangerous to drive in such a street. a)there is b)there will be c)it's d)there was d)there were

5-9 класс

пишите правильный ответ пожалуйста

Vica9981 12 нояб. 2014 г., 9:37:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 нояб. 2014 г., 10:45:13 (9 лет назад)

Думаю, если смотреть по временам, с репититором


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите найти подхоящий ответ 1.Excuse me,do you speak English ? 2.Excuse me,could I ask you something? 3.Excuse,me are you


4.Excuse,me do you speak French?

5.Excuse,me could you tell me the time?

6.Where are you from ?

7.Can you speak Finnish?

8.Did you understand me?

a.Yes,sure .What is it?

b.No,but I understand it a little.

c.No,I don't.I'm sorry.

d.Yes,I do a little.How can I help you?

e.Yes,I am.How can I help you?

f.Not quilt.Could you repeat what you said,please?

g.Estonia.It's near Finland.

h.I'm sorry ,I haven't got a watch.

Перевидите текст на английский. Срочно.Заранее спасибо.

Привет дорогая Асель. Я живу в Астане. Я учусь в 6 гимназии. В 7 "А" классе. У меня появились хорошие друзья. Мой любимый предмет физика. Физика это увлекательная наука. Я люблю гулять с друзьми. Скоро я поеду в лагерь со своими одноклассниками. Будет очень весело. Совсем скоро новый год. Я уже придумала подарки для своих друзей.Я буду отмечать в кругу семьи. Следующий год будет очень хорошим. Это будет мой тринадцатый новый год. Тебе я желаю успехов в школе. Желаю здоровья и счастья. Я очень скучаю по тебе. Жду скорой встречи.
Твоя Сая.

Помогите пожалуйста с английским. Мне нужно перевести прямую речь в косвенную.

1. Motrer: "Hurry up, Ann.
2. Sam: "Don't take off your coat, Kate.
3. Bill: "Is John at home now?".
4. Liza: "Does Train 17 arrive at 8?".
5. Harry:" I'm going to the sports club".
6. She: " He isn't cleaning the room".
7. Rick: " He will be busy next Monday".
Умоляю вас, помогите кто сможет.

Читайте также

испраьте ошибки, пожалуйста) in the year 1916 there is a railway station Shymerlya. There are a lot of wood. This is invite a continental

businessman. In the early 20's in the village were only one a few wooden houses. There is only one street-Vokzalnaya. There is not at school in the village, children learn at home teachers. First schoolm opened in the year 1921 of Janua309ry. In the 1927 there are 240 of residents. In the yea 1930-2309 of residents. At that time began to build 3 of plants. In the year 1937 on the 23 Junuary working village became a city. There are not of pavements, roads, street lightings. In the year 1937 opened school number 3, in the year 1940-school number 1

.задание: Circle the correct prerosition. 1 There is a poster ( on/in / under) the wall 2 The cat is ( in front/in/next) to the sofa

3 There are some flowers (on/ next to/ in) the vase

4 There is a three ( under / behind/ in front) of the house

5 There is a garden (in/ behind / under) the house

вставьте 1 any 2 how much 3 how many 4 some No, there isn t ... milk in the fridge.But there is ... butter and a little cheese. OK.Have

we got ... bread?

Yes.But we haven t got ... biscuits and there is only a little sugar and marmalade.

What about pasta?... have we got?

There is ... . But I think we have to buy pasta.There isn t enough.

... eggs are there in the fridge?

Only three eggs.Mum, can I have ... apple juice?

Of course.

только надо седня закончить

This is the key This is the key of the kingdom: In that kingdom there is a city. In that city there is a town. In that town there

is a street.

In that street there is a lane.

In that lane there is a yard.

In that yard there is a house.

In that house there is a room.

In that room there is a bed.

On that bed there is a basket.

In that basket there are some flowers.

Flowers in a basket.

Basket on the bed.

Bed in the room.

Room in the house.

house in the yard.

Yard in the lane.

Lane in the street.

Street in the town.

Town in the city.

City in the kingdom.

Of the kingdom this is the key. помагите я не в ладах с английским можите написать как читаеться по русски на пример Dog -дог прошу

напишите как читается англиский стих This is the key of the kingdom In that kingdom there is a city

In that city there is a town

In that town there is a street

In that street there is a lane

In that lane there is a yard

In that yard there is a house

In that house there is a room

In that room there is a bed

In that bed there is a basket

In that basket there are some flowers

Flowers in a basket

Basket in the bed

Bed in the room

Room in the houst

Houst in the yard

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