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10-11 класс

Sally had been studying at a design college for a year and, like most students, she did not have much money. It was going to be her mother's birthday soon, and she wanted to buy her a present that would be nice and useful but not too expensive.

Sally's college was in London, but she had been living in the country for many years, so every day she had an hour's journey by train in the morning, and the same in the evening.

At lunch time one day, a week before her mother's birthday, she decided to have a quick sandwich and a cup of coffee instead of her usual meal in the college hall, and then go shopping near her college to buy her mother a nice present. When she had been looking for half an hour, she came across a shop that was selling umbrellas cheap, and decided that an umbrella would be a nice present, since her mother had lost hers the month before.

'Now which colour shall I choose?' she thought. 'Well, I think a black one would be the most useful. You can carry that when you are wearing clothes of any colour, can't you?' So having made up her mind, she bought a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the college with her until her classes had finished.

On her way back home in the train that evening she felt hungry so she went to the buffet car for another sandwich and a cup of coffee. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in the compartment, but when she got back, it had gone! When she had left the compartment, there had been no other passengers in it, but now there were three.

Sally burst into tears when she saw that the umbrella was no longer there. The other passengers felt very sorry for her and asked what the matter was. When she explained that the black umbrella she had bought for her mother had disappeared, and that she had to get out at the next station, the three other passengers asked her for her mother's address, in order to be able to send the umbrella on to her in case someone had taken it by mistake and not on purpose, and brought it back after Sally had got out of the train.

The next week Sally heard from her mother. Her letter said, 'Thank you very much for your lovely presents, but why did you send me three black umbrellas?'


A She was short of money and couldn't afford to buy anything but a cheap umbrella.

В Her mother had asked her to buy a good umbrella as she had lost hers.

С Her idea of a good present was something useful at a reasonable price.

D There was nothing else to buy in the shop where she had come.


A It matched any clothes.

В Her mother's favourite colour was black.

С It was a very practical colour and you could not see dirt on it.

D There were no other colours available in the shop.


A It had been stolen by someone.

B We can't say anything for sure.

C It had been taken by someone by mistake.

D The conductor might have found it and given it to the Lost Property Office.


A They liked Sally and promised to send her an umbrella instead of the missing one.

B It was just a display of politeness.

С They wanted to send it to Sally's mother in case it was found.

D They decided to pay Sally's mother a visit and congratulate her on her birthday.


A Sally's occupation.

В The names of the senders of three umbrellas.

С The food Sally had eaten in the buffet car.

D The place where Sally had bought her umbrella.

Orhideya1395 14 нояб. 2013 г., 13:42:44 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
14 нояб. 2013 г., 14:47:13 (10 лет назад)

1. С; 2. А; 3. С; 4. С; 5. В


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Regulation and token money The Bank Charter Act of 1844 followed a long dispute about the control of the money supply and whether the value of the note issue should be allowed to exceed the stock of gold available to support it. The Act placed a statutory limit on the fiduciary issue (that part of the note issue which was not backed by gold) and restrictions were placed on the issue if notes by joint stock banks other than the Bank of England. In fact, these regulations were framed so that the passage of time would eventually leave the Bank of England as the sole note-issuing authority in England and Wales. The last private bank of issue in England surrendered its rights in 1921. Apart from relatively short periods of emergency when conversion was suspended, all bank-notes, until 1914 , were convertible into gold. Convertibility on a restricted basis was restored in 1925, but finally abandoned in 1931. Since that time Bank of England notes have been wholly inconvertible and we have now reached the stage where our bank-notes whole still carrying a ‘promise to pay’ printed on their faces, are no more than token money. This is also true of the coinage; the commodity value of the coins but a tiny fraction of their money value. Nevertheless the notes and coins are universally acceptable, the fact they have no real affects their ability to serve as money.

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sister like to dance on the ice or to watch TV? 4. Can you skate well? 5. Have you got skates? 6. Where do you like to skate? 7. With whom do you want to go to the skating rink? 8. Why do you like to go to the skating rink? Спасибо.

Внизу вопросы к тексту, ответьте пожалуйста на английском! New Year’s Celebration around the world. In New-York City, people gather in

Times Square to watch a huge crystal ball descend from the top of a tall building as midnight approaches. At the final moment, people cheer and hug and kiss each other. In London, people gather in Trafalgar Square and listen for the chimes of a huge clock called Big Ben to mark the start of the New Year. Then they cheer and sing a traditional song: Auld Lang Syne. In Scotland, friends visit each other’s houses in the early hours of the New Year, bringing with them some bread, some whisky, and a lump of coal for good luck. This custom is called “first-footing.” In Japan, people decorate the doors of their houses with pine branches and bamboo, which symbolize long life and wealth. In China, families stay up till midnight to eat a special kind of dumpling. The dumplings are boiled and served just after midnight. A coin is hidden in one of the dumplings. The person who finds or bites the coin will be the luckiest one in the New Year. In Germany, New Year’s Eve is called « Sylvester» and is named after a pope from the 4th century. People dress up in their best clothes and visit each others’ houses to drink a toast to the New Year. In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, it is the custom to eat 12 grapes, one with every chime, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead.

Дайте письменно ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. In what country is a coin, hidden in a special dish, a symbol of luck in the coming year? 2. What plants symbolize longevity and prosperity? 3. Why is New Year’s Eve called Sylvester? 4. Why do they eat 12 grapes in Spain, when the clock strikes midnight?

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1. Office automation refers to the varied computer machinery and software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks. Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system. Office automation helps in optimizing or automating existing office procedures.
2. The backbone of office automation is a LAN , which allows users to transmit data, mail and even voice across the network. All office functions, including dictation, typing, filing, copying, fax, Telex, microfilm and records management, telephone and telephone switchboard operations, fall into this category. As office methods evolved to take full advantage of new technologies, there was a corresponding increase in innovations tailor-made to optimize office processes. Office automation was a popular term in the 1970s and 1980s as the desktop computer exploded onto the scene.
3. Advantages are:
1. Office automation can get many tasks accomplished faster.
2. It eliminates the need for a large staff.
3. Less storage is required to store data.
4. Multiple people can update data simultaneously in the event of changes in schedule.

8. Прочитайте текст снова и письменно ответьте на вопросы:
1. What does office automation refer to?
2. Raw data storage, electronic transfer, and the management of electronic business information comprise the basic activities of an office automation system, don’t they?
3. Does office automation help in optimizing or automating existing office procedures?
4. What is the backbone of office automation?
5. Is there only one advantage? срочно

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1. How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of?

a) one

b) two

c) three

2. What are the main colours of the Houses of Parliament?

a) gold, red and blue

b) gold, green and red

c) red and green

3. Who writes the Queen's Speech?

a) the Queen

b) the Government

c) the Lord Chancellor

4. Which are Britain's two main political parties?

a) Democratic, Republican and Conservative

b) Conservative and Democratic

c) Labour and Conservative

5. Whose shoe should a Conservative touch?

a) David Lloyd George's

b) Winston Churchill's

c) The Queen's

6. Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps?

a) There are more MPs than seats in the House of Commons,

b) It's a part of an old tradition,

c) It's a punishment for those who are late.

7. When can you see the Mace in the House of Commons?

a) It's always there,

b) Only when the Queen comes,

c) When the House is debating.

8. How old is Westminster Hall?

a) more than a thousand years old

b) more than a hundred years old

c) more than four hundred years old
по этому тексту перевод ниже

Добро пожаловать в Вестминстерский дворец. Она состоит из трех частей: Королевские апартаменты, где цвет золота, Палата лордов, где места красный и Палаты общин, где места зеленый.

Сейчас мы находимся в палате Палате лордов. Пожалуйста, будьте тихой и не сидите на эти красные скамейки.

Палата Палата лордов также называется парламент палаты, потому что каждый год, когда королева приходит, чтобы открыть парламента, все три части парламента собрались здесь для речи королевы. На самом деле, это не совсем речи королевы, потому что она не писать. Правительство пишет он для нее. В своей речи королева рассказывает парламенту о планах правительства на следующий год. Когда она дает своей речи она сидит на троне там. Можете ли вы все видите? Да, это то, что большое кресло за большую красную подушку.

Да, и, что подушка, на самом деле, знаменитый Woolsack. И да, есть шерсть внутри него. Это часть очень старая традиция, которая началась в 14 веке. Он был введен в парламенте, чтобы символизировать важность шерсть, чтобы британская экономика в то время.

Человек, который обычно сидит на Woolsack является лорд-канцлер. Он председательствует в Палате лордов.

Сейчас мы переживаем в Палате общин, в котором участвовали депутаты принимать решения по новым законам. Давайте рассмотрим эту красивую арку. Есть две статуи, по одной на каждой стороне дуги. Оба эти двое мужчин были премьер-министрами. Одним из них является Дэвид Ллойд-Джордж, а другой - сэр Уинстон Черчилль. Они представляют собой две основные британские политические партии - Лейбористская партия и Консервативная партия. У нас есть традиция: если вы консерватор, обуви сенсорным Черчилля, и если вы Труда, обуви сенсорным Ллойд Джорджа. Ты коснулся обуви? Теперь поверните направо.

Вы видите две длинные узкие коридоры на левой и на правой? Это очень важно для всей страны, потому что депутаты приходят сюда, чтобы проголосовать на счета за новые законы. Слева есть "да", или да, лобби. Депутаты, которые согласны со счетом туда. Справа есть "нет" лобби в депутаты, которые хотят голосовать против законопроекта. Тогда чиновники считают "те, кто голосовал" за "" и "голосующие против", чтобы получить результаты. Таким образом, в британских депутатов парламента не голосуют нажатием кнопки, они голосуют ногами.

Давайте пройдемся по "нет" лобби и в Палате общин, где вы увидите, что скамейки зеленые. Камера здесь не очень большой. На самом деле, Есть только места для 437 человек на скамейки, но Есть 650 депутатов, так что иногда они вынуждены сидеть на ступеньках, когда дом полон. Теперь мы стоим за спиной спикера. Спикер это человек, который председательствует в Палате общин.

Теперь посмотрим на пол. Вы видите два красных линий перед скамейками по бокам камеры? Это часть традиции тоже. Расстояние между этими двумя линиями длиной два меча ". В старые времена, когда депутаты использовали носить мечи, это было опасно, если они разозлились друг с другом. Таким образом, эти две линии здесь, чтобы напомнить депутатам, что они не должны начинать бороться, и они не могут пойти на эту линию, когда они говорят на обсуждение.

Сегодня об этом никто не здесь, так что вы не увидите Мейс, который помещается на этом столе, когда Палата Общин сидит. Мейс является символом власти, парламент выиграл от короля давно, и депутаты очень уважаю за это. Он даже имеет свой собственный охранник, который имеет очень большой меч.

Теперь оставим Палаты общин и идти в Вестминстер Холле. Это самая старая часть Вестминстерского дворца, и это больше, чем тысяча лет. Сын Вильгельма Завоевателя ...Помнишь лидер Норман, кто победил в битве при Гастингсе? Ну, это был его сын, который начал строительство зала. Это здание не видел много известных событий. В 1605 году Гай Фокс попытался взорвать здание парламента, и во Второй мировой войне бомбы падали на него.

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