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как читается?His name is Victor Popov.Hisbirhday ismay 11, 1981.He lives in a small Siberian town.He study at the Siberian state geoditic Acamedy.He

10-11 класс

has a family. 5 people in the family mother, father, sister,granny and I. Father 47 years. His mother works as a nurse in the local
hospital. Granny- pensioner. Father works as a driver.

Zhaskan 02 сент. 2014 г., 11:03:38 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 сент. 2014 г., 12:29:37 (9 лет назад)

Виктор Попов. хис бёрсдай им мау элэвен; на им наинтин ейти уан. Хи ливс ин э смол Сибераин Таун. хи стали эт вэ Сибераин стэйт джэодик Акадэдеми . хи хэс э фэиэли, фазер, систер, грэнни энд ай. Фазер форти сэвэн ерс. хис уоркс эс нёрс ин э локал хоспитал. Грэни-пенсионер. Фазер уоркс эс э драйвер


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It happened some years ago. Two of my friends lived in a small town near Liverpool. They were out of work and were happy to agree to any job. Their names

were Stevenson and Black. Stevenson was a very talented engineer, and he had a large family and no money to live on his life was very difficult. One day when I was coming back from my office I saw Stevenson. He was going along the street with a suitcase in his hand. Stevenson had read an advertisement in a newspaper that a manufacturing plant of chemical equipment wanted an engineer“You see, I must get that job. I’ve got a large family.” “Why must you go to Liverpool yourself?” I asked, “It’s better to send the documents by airmail.” “I think,” Stevenson answered, “many people want to get the job and I’m sure all of them will send letters. If I get there before the manager of the plant receives the letters I think I’ll be able to get the job.” Stevenson was right. He received the job. My other friend Black had lost three or four jobs though he was a very good clerk. I told him Stevenson’s story. The story impressed him. A few days later I met Black with a suitcase in his hand. “Where are you going” I asked him. “To Mexico,” was the answer. “A bank there requires a clerk. I have sent my documents by post, but to settle the matter sooner I decided to go there myself. I remember the story you told me the other day about Stevenson.” So black went to Mexico City. But his letter had come there three days earlier. When he came to the Bank and spoke to the assistant-manager, the assistant-manager said, “I’m sorry to say we have already got a man. But I’ll clarify the matter with the manager”. And he left the office. “Yes,” the manager said, “I have received a letter from a man who lives near Liverpool. His name is Black. A good young man, he suits us right. I’ve sent him a telegram to come here immediately and we’ll keep the job for him for 10 days.” “There is a man outside,” said the assistant-manager, “who wants to get this job.” “But we’ve got this man Black and we’ll wait for him.” Black had not heard the conversation between the manager and his assistant. He had to go back home. But as he had spent all his money and nobody in Mexico could help him it took him two months to get back to England. There he found the telegram, which was waiting for him. перевод пожалуйста,ребят

this is the tale of a little old man.his name is dob .And it is the tale of dob friend-a dog.The dogs name is rover.And it is the tale of a very funny

animal.One day Dob is busy He is making lunch.He is making porridge,hamburgers and meat-balls-he knows that his friend Rover likes them very much.When Rover came,the lunch was on the table.He saw the meat-balls and said: M-M-M.Great! The two friends ate the meat-balls and porridge and drank some milk.After lunch dob and Rover went for a walk.

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Peter Parker is a guiet teenager.He lives in a small house in New York City with his Aunt Mary.Peter hasn't got many friends.His best friend,Mary

Jane,lives next door.One day,a spider bites Peter in a science lab.Now he's got special powers!He is strong and he can climb walls,just like a spider!People love him,but his enemy,the evil Green Goblin,is after him.Can Spider Man stop him?Watch this brilliant film to find out! ПОМОГИТЕ ПЕРЕВЕСТИ

Переведите пожалуйста At the beginning of the term after a child is fifth birthday, his parent is complicated by law to see that he receives

full - time education. In practice means that the children are compelled to go to school. There are many parents who think 5 is too young to start school, but there are many more who want their children to go to school before 5. The most obvious reasons for wanting this are physical ones. A child who lives in a town flat or a city street needs somewhere to spend the day or part of it, where he can run about and play it safety with someone keeping an eye on him. British education helps us to develop all abilities of the individuals, for their own benefit and of society as a whole.Compulsory schooling takes place between the ages of 5 and 16. but some pupils remain at school for 2 years more, to prepare for further higher education. Post school education is organized fiexibly, providing wide range of opportunities foe academic and vacation education and to continue studying through out life.

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