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C. Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model 1: Did you do the shopping last Friday? –No, I didn’t. I didn’t do the shopping last Friday. Model

10-11 класс

2: Did you do the shopping last Friday? (last Sunday) – No, I didn’t. I did the shopping last Sunday. Did he come back on time (very late)? Did you go there alone (with my sister)? Did she make many mistakes in her lasttest (only two)? Did you know about his last voyage (not tell)? Did they catch the last bus (take the taxi)?

Arsentoros 18 дек. 2014 г., 0:24:33 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 дек. 2014 г., 1:53:50 (9 лет назад)

C. Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model 1: Did you do the shopping last Friday? –No, I didn’t. I didn’t do the shopping last Friday.

Model 2: Did you do the shopping last Friday? (last Sunday) – No, I didn’t. I did the shopping last Sunday.

Did he come back on time?-No, he didn't. He came back home late. 

Did you go there alone? - No, I didn't. I went there with my sister.

Did she make many mistakes in her last test?- No, she didn't. She made only two mistakes.

Did you know about his last voyage? - No, I didn't. He didn't tell me.

Did they catch the last bus? - No, they didn't. They took the taxi.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите, пожалуйста. Задайте к предложениям все типы вопросов.

1. Some of them are in centre of Moscow.
2. In the centre of the city we can also see theatres and concert halls.
3. Yesterday I was at the Bolshoi theatre.
4. It was Sunday.
5. The ballet was very beautiful.

Помогите перевести с русского на английский.

1.Делая свой бизнес, небыло не одной мысли про то, что кто-то поправит, выровнит, пойдёт на помощь.
2. Силы и ресурсы нужно концентрировать на развитие, а не на перепетии конкуренции, которые до абсурда детские и смешные.
3.Почти каждый может два года зарабатывать большие деньги, но важно удержаться в бизнес среде долгое время.
4. В отличии от местных, латыши неоставляют работу на полпути, чтобы поспешить домой.
5. В далёкие края езжу примерно два раза в год и на одно путешествие трачу средне около 1500 евро.
6. Выбрал Австралию, потому что мне нравится местная природа и возможность познакомиться с разными культурами - здесь много иностранных студентов.
7.Ни одному немогу ничего дать, не взять.
8. Везде, где человек изобрел какое-то техническое устройство, возможна ошибка - как в самой технике, как и в действие человека.
9. В широкие окна посветили вечерние лучи солнца и помещение наполнилось детским смехом.

помогите пожалуйста! 1.If you work ____,you^ll pass your exam. a)hardly,b)heavily,c)difficult,d)hard. 2. Would you like ___ to drink?

a)something,b)little,с)nothing,d)a few. 3. You can ___ your knowledge of English if you read more. a)reduce,b)improve,c)collect,d)impress. 4. It is often quicker to travel by train than by bus. ___,it is cheaper.a)in addition to,b)for example,c)besides,d)except for. 5. What subject at the University is ___ ? a)difficult than,b)the most difficult,c)the difficult,d)more difficult

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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в будущее время Future Simple (Indefinite): They (to come) in a few days. I (to give) you a call in the evening. He (to

graduate) from the University next year. My mother (to help) us with the cooking. It (to get) dark in an hour.

Поставьте вопросы к предложениям: Model: She will go there with her boyfriend (who). – Who will she go with? My brother will buy a new car (what car). I will soon have my next holiday (when). This new flat will cost them a fortune (how much). My French friends will stay in Saint-Petersburg (where). I will bring you a disc (which one).

Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model: Will you be at home at 7 o’clock? – No, I won’t. I won’t be at home at 7 o’clock. I will come back at 8.30. Will you bring me this book tomorrow (in three days)? Will she stay in a hotel (rent a room)? Will you keep any pets (get a child)? Will they go to the cinema with us (be busy)? Will he change his job (study)?

Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model: Will you be at home at 7 o’clock? – No, I won’t. I won’t be at home at 7 o’clock. I will come

back at 8.30.

Will you bring me this book tomorrow (in three days)? Will she stay in a hotel (rent a room)? Will you keep any pets (get a child)? Will they go to the cinema with us (be busy)? Will he change his job (study)?

Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model: Do you live in this street? – No, I don’t. I live in Moskovsky prospect. Does your grandfather still

work? – No, he doesn’t. He is ill. Do you spend weekends in town? Do you often write e-mails? Do your friends go to clubs every Saturday? Do your parents work at school? Do you prefer tea to coffee? Does your grandmother watch all TV programs? Does Mary love John? Does your sister like sweets? Does he read English books in the original? Does your boy friend plan to study abroad?

Ответьте на вопрос в отрицательной форме: Model: Will you be at home at 7 o’clock? – No, I won’t. I won’t be at home at 7 o’clock. I will come back at

8.30. Will you bring me this book tomorrow (in three days)? Will she stay in a hotel (rent a room)? Will you keep any pets (get a child)? Will they go to the cinema with us (be busy)? Will he change his job (study)?

Ответить на вопросы по тексту THE SYSTEM OF LAW IN OUR COUNTRY Law is а system of rules established by the


The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation.

The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law.

Constitutional law is a leading branch of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.
Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of the government and ministries.

Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity.

Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of social life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right в property is the central institution of civil law.

The rules of labour law include the legislation on the labour of industrial and office workers and matters arising from labour relations.

Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. Criminal law takes the form of а criminal code consisting of а general and special part.

Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is law? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the main aim of law? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What branches of law does the system of law in our country consist of? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. What does each branch of law deal with? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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