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Ребят помогите, перевести в косвенную речь диалог!!

10-11 класс

Nastenkarunet 15 июля 2014 г., 15:24:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 июля 2014 г., 16:35:47 (9 лет назад)

John asked Mary if she had packed her things.
Mary answered that she hadn't packed yet.
Ann asked Jane where she had got that novel.
Jane answered that she had taken it out from the library.
Bob asked Dick how many teams had taken part in the championship.


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите написать письмо
помогите плиз. I'm terribly sorry but I .... what you said just now and I wonder if you could repeat it.

a) wasn't listen to
b) wasn't hearing
c) didn't hear
d) didn't hearing

Put "can”, ”may", "must", "should", "ought to", "have to", "be to", "be able to” (or the negative forms) and "needn't"

in the spaces.

1."Oh, Nurse, ..I stay here?" "Stay here? Of course, you...".2. A man ...help his parents when they become old. 3. There are no buses or taxis, so we ...walk. 4. No, Moira you ...have another potato. You've had two already. 5. We ...live without food and water. We ...eat and drink. 6. I ...get too early tomorrow, so I ...go to bed late tonight. 7. You ...not walk all the way to the station. You take a bus round the corner. 8. Tom's father told him that he ...ask silly questions. 9. You switch off the light if you are afraid of the dark. 10. The matter ...be discussed in tomorrow's debate.

Помогите пожалуйста кто может)

3 Задание.
Прочитайте текст. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
Financial Statements
The accounting process consists of two major functions: recording data from
transactions and preparing financial statements. The two most important financial
statements are: 1) the income statement (profit and loss statement); 2) the balance
Income statement reports revenue and expenses for a specific period of time,
showing the results of operations during that period. The basic formula is revenue
minus expenses equals gross profit.
The balance sheet reports the financial position of a firm on a specific date. It is
composed of assets, liabilities and owner’s equity. The words balance sheet mean
that the report shows a balance, an equality between two figures: assets and
liabilities plus owner’s equity. Thus, the fundamental accounting equation used to
prepare the balance sheet is: assets = liabilities + owner’s equity. Most businesses
prepare a balance sheet at the end of each mouth or quarter.
The difference between the balance sheet and the income statement can be
summarized this way: the balance sheet is a “snapshot” of where a company is at
one moment in time. It tells what the company owns and owes on a certain day. The
income statement is a motion picture. It summarizes all the resources that come into
the firm and left the firm and the resulting net income.
A financial statement is merely the summary of all transactions that have occurred
over a particular period of time. Financial statements tell the health of a firm. That
is why they are of great interest to stockholders, bank, investors and government.
Answer the questions
1. What are the most important financial statements?
2. What is the income statement?
3. What is the balance sheet?
4. What does the balance sheet consist of?
5. How often do most businesses prepare the balance sheet?
6. What is the difference between the income statement and the balance sheet?
7. Why do financial statements interest stockholders, investors, banks and government?

Читайте также

Помогите перевести в косвенную речь (английский язык)

1. "The last thing I want is to leave you here, Mary," said Paul.
2. "My dog has been chasing my neighbour’s cat and I don’t know what to do," said Cathy.
3. "Robert, don’t wait for me because I won’t be back until eight," said Liz.
4. "Jane, I can talk for long because I’m cooking the dinner," said Michael.
5. "Where are you going, Sue?" asked Joe.
6. "Who usually sits next to you in English?" Martha’s mother asked.
7. "You must promise me you’ll come home before ten," his father said.
8. "Could you give me some advice?" she said.
9. "I was very happy when I heard I had passed the exam," said Sasha.
Report the following:
1.Oh dear, I’m terribly sorry.
2.Can I give you a lift home?
3.I can’t do it now. I’m too busy.
4.I didn’t break it, it’s not my fault.
5.You should take part in the competition, I’m sure you’ll win.

Помогите перевести в косвенную речь 1)"i love milk"said Talgat.

2)"do you grow vegetables,Jane?"Julia asked.

Перевести в косвенную речь , ребят очень срочно )

Помогите пожалуйста ))

помогите пожалуйста перевести В КОСВЕННУЮ РЕЧЬ предложения

1 и 2 предложение должно начинаться с вопросительного слова. 2 - ввести "if", а 4-10 ввести "that"
1) "Who is your Biology teacher?" asked mum.

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