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It was a gloomy day. A stormy wind (blow) when I (go) on board the ship at three in the afternoon. I (unpack) my luggage and (not pay) any

5-9 класс

attention to the weather. I (notice) that we (be) late and later on I (find) out that it (take)us two hours to start on the voyage. So when we (reach) the open sea, huge waves (rise). The ship (throw) about like a toy on the huge waves. I (have) to stay on deck to help the sailors. I was afraid I (can) (wash) overboard. It was the worst storm I ever {see).

Mystery98 24 нояб. 2014 г., 20:31:36 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 нояб. 2014 г., 23:00:05 (9 лет назад)

was blowing, went. Unpacked, didn't pay, noticed, would be, found, had taken. Had reached, rose. Was throwing. I had to stay, would be able to wash. seen.


Другие вопросы из категории

Ребятушки, переведите мне пожалуйста предложения. Только без переводчика)

1.я не могу справиться с этой книгой сама. У нее сложное содержание.
2. речь директора произвела большое впечатление на учеников.
3." позвольте представиться, я Матильда"- сказала крошечная девчушка библиотекарю.
4. давай поищем какой -нибудь роман на этих полках. дай мне знать, если найдешь что-нибудь интересное.
5.сколько времени тебе требуется, чтобы добраться до театра?
6.моя кошка любит сидеть у меня на коленях.
7.боб был озадачен, когда понял, что его пластиковая сумка должна была стать контейнером для воды.
8.болтушки, вы разговариваете уже целый час!
9. по какой-то причине он не смог присоединиться к нашей группе.
10. алик ворвался в класс с громким криком "ура!".
Или хотя бы что-то из этого переведите, очень надо))
заранее спасибо! :*

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста с переводом,спасибо огромное! 1. Rupinder was sitting by himself in the house.It was an important day.Today he and his family were

going to leave their village.They were going to emigrate to England.He was feeling very excited and sad.He was feeling sad because he was going to leave his home, his village and his friends.He thought: ''I will miss them all.I will probably not like England.I will probably want to come back.'' 2. Outside there was a crowd of people. They were his relatives and his neighbours.They were all waiting for the bus to Jullunder,the nearest town.There they could take a train to New Delhi.In New Delhi they wanted to take their plane to England.Everybody was going to travel to Jullunder with them to say goodbye.His parents and his sister,Hardeep,were outside,too.He could hear them talking.Hardeep was very excited.She was laughing and talking to her two friends:"We are going to lsve in England.We are going to travel in a big plane.We are going to live in a big house.And i am going to go to an English school."She was very happy. 3. "Oh,look!Here's the bus.Where is Rupinder?""Rupinder!Where are you?It's time to go."Everybody got into the bus.It was very crowded inside. There was a lot of luggage on the uoof.The driver fixed their boxes onto the roof.It was not far to Jullunder.It only took an hour. 4 . At the station everyone waited for the train to New Delhi.Everyone was laughing and talking.Two of their neighbours put garlands of flowers round their necks.Grandmother gave Rupinder some sweets and oranges in a basket.His best friend gave him some cakes."You are a lucky boy,Rupinder.I would like to go,too.Write to me.Don't forget me.Send me a postcard of London." Then the train came.It was a steam train.Hardeep was frightened."I don't like the noise.Idon't want to go.""It's all right,Hardeep.It's guite safe.Look at all the people on the train.Come on.Get in here."The father found four seats for them.Everyone was shouting:"Goodbye!Goodbye!Have a safe journey!Write to us when you get to England.Goodbye!"Their grandmother was crying and their relatives looked sad. 5. It was a very long journey to New Delhi.It took eight hours.The train was hot and crowded.Hardeep was excited and impatient."How far is it to New Delhi?What time shall we get there?"Rupinder was guiet.He was looking out of the window.There were men working in the fields."Look,Hardeep,there's a baby donkey with his mother."But Hardeep was asleep.Soon Rupinder was asleep,too.

5 ВОПРОСОВ К ТЕКСТУ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, РЕБЯТ, ХЭЛП it was a dull and rainy day. The house was as melancholy as the weather. Everything was gloomy

around and i had a feeling that something terrible would happen soon. In the evening i decided to go for a walk on the moor. I wanted to see the rock where the stranger had stood the night before. When i went out it was raining so i was glad i had put on my raincoat. All was silent there and i could not find any trace of the unknown man. As i was walking back i was overtaken by Dr Mortimer. He was returning from one of distant farms. He told me that he was much troubled, for his little spaniel had disappeared on the moor. I remembered the pony on the Grimpen Mire and said nothing.

ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ СРОЧНООООО Upstairs in the Nursery , Jane and Michael were waiting fot their father.It was windy evening and the

East wind was blowing through the cherry-trees.
"Look ! The trees are dancing" cried Jane.
"That's Daddy over there!" said Michael.
"That's not Diddy" she said . " It's somebody else"
It was a woman with her hat on and a bag in her right hand. Suddenly a strange thing happened. The wind lifted her up and Brought her to the garden door. When the woman opened it, the wind lifted her up again and carried her at the front door.
"Let's go and see who it is " . said Jane.
They left their room to have a look at visitor. Jane and Michael could see that she was thin and had black hair and blue eyes
"They are very nice and very quiet children ", said Mrs. Banks but fact she didn't believe it.The Nursery was upstairs and the woman followed Mrs. Banks but she slid up the baisters!. Down of course , the children often did it thenselves. But up-never!
"Well,children " said Mrs. Banks . " This is your new nurse, Mary Popins"

Помогите вставить артикли на месте пропусков где это необходимо. (a/an/the/no article) 1) It was ... unusually cold day for ... summer, as in

... summer the weather is usually hot or warm. "... autumn is coming nearer," Jane thought.

2)" ... winter has come!" thought Susan when she came up to the window. It was ... late autumn but the ground was covered with white soft snow. "What ... day!" cried Susan's brother running into the room. "It is ... real winter. I would like throw snowballs on ... fine day like that. Let's go." But Jane had other things to do at ... noon. She wanted to finish the job she had begun ... day before but never finished.

3) It was ... cold winter morning. Andrew was talking his dog Spot out. He usually did it in ... morning about 8 or 9 o'clock. But that ... morning he got up at ... dawn. It was really ... early morning. Andrew understood he could not sleep on ... motrning like that and walked out of the house.

4) That ... evening at ... dusk I

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