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Помогите , ПОЖАЛУЙСТА , нужно этот текст перевести в Passive.

10-11 класс

The World Wide Fund for Nature protects hundreds of species around the world.
These species need special measure and extra protection if they are to survive. The WWF is currently funding over 2.000 projects.
It also employs almost 4.000 people across the planet, but it always needs more support from the public.
Only the public can ensure a living planet for future generations.

Ritanemcheva98 18 апр. 2015 г., 7:11:23 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 апр. 2015 г., 8:38:39 (9 лет назад)

hundreds of species are  protected by The World  Wide Fund for Nature  around the world.
 special measure and extra protection  is needed forThese species  if they are to survive.   over 2.000 projects is  being currently funded  by The WWF.
 almost 4.000 people  are also employed across the planet, but  more support from the public is always needed.
Only a living planet  can be ensured  for future generations.

+ 0 -
18 апр. 2015 г., 10:37:34 (9 лет назад)

Hundreds of species around the world are protected by The World Wide Fund for Nature. Special measure and extra protection are needed to these species if they are to survive. Over 2.000 projects are being funded by the WWF.
Almost 4.000 people across the planer are employed,but but more support from the public is always needed. A living planet for future generations can be ensured only by the public.


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1)In summer the days are (long)than in winter.
2)It is (cold)today than it was yesterday.
3)The Russian grammar is (difficult)than the English one.
4)It was (good)film I've ever seen.
5)Steel is (strong )than wood .
6)Your house is not so (new)as mine.

Помооооооогите Сатти
15.Did you buy ... oranges? Did you buy ... orange juice? 16. Is there ... tea left? — No, there isn’t ... . I’ll make ... coffee if you don’t mind. The

apple pie is wonderful. Would you like ...? — Oh, yes, please. Can I have ... milk in my coffee, please? 17. There is ... butter in the fridge, but there isn’t... milk. 18. Are there ... eggs?— There aren’t ... eggs left. 19. We haven’t got ... flour. 20. To make cabbage soup I need ... cabbage, ... onions, ... carrots, ... beetroots, ... dill and ... parsley, ... potatoes, ... good oil and ... salt. 21. I need to buy a lot of things. There isn’t ... time to waste.22. Oh, dear! There is ... money in my purse. But I can use my credit card.

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ами. Ребятушки, очень надо - завтра зачет. Нужно хотя бы 5 вопросов и ответов))) Заранее огромное спасибо. Я вечно в этом делаю ошибки))
The first permanent theatre in London was built by a carpenter James Burbage,who was also a part-time actor. Of his two sons, the younger, Richard was the first leading English actor. He created the roles of Hamlet, Lear, Othello and Richard III, while the elder, Сuthbert acted as his brother’s manager. The Building which the elder Burbage built in 1576 was known simply as “The Theatre”. It was built outside the city in Finbury Fields. Soon a lot of other theatres appeared. They were the Curtain, the Rose, the Swan, the Globe, the Fortune and the Hope. None 6of them survived but the copy of the Swan. As in Greece, there were no women on the stage. Boys specially selected for their sight build and light voices were trained to play such parts as Juliet or Rosalind. All the actors had to be dancers and singers. As plays were valuable properties they were kept in manuscripts (рукописи) as long as possible. Even Shakespeare’s plays were not gathered together for publication until after his death. Many less known authors completely disappeared. After the age of Shakespeare the English theatre had no great success.

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Body provides a home for a great number of the
smallest organisms – microorganisms. Most of them are harmless but some take
part in dental diseases. There are three different groups of microorganisms:
fungi, bacteria and viruses. They may be of different kinds, both harmless and
more or less dangerous.

Bacteria are subdivided into groups according
to their shape bacilli, cocci, spirochetes, spores.

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