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Поставить предложения в Passive Voice

10-11 класс

1. The wrong decision was taken by James
2. She promised to help me
3. Rita can tell the truth
4. You can meet here people from different countries
5. She has just had some soup
6. We must prevent pollution of the rivers
7. I`ll give him your massage as soon as i see him

12ye 22 апр. 2014 г., 3:55:36 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2014 г., 6:13:18 (10 лет назад)

1. The wrong decision was taken by James.
2. I was promised to help.
3. The truth can be told by Rita.


Другие вопросы из категории

гладиолус или гладиаус
Переведите предложение и укажите верный вариант. Обратите внимание на функции герундия и причастия I.

Havingswitchedon the computer insert a floppy disc into the disc drive.


Составте 10 вопросов хороших мне их на оценку дать надо))Текст вниу>> The usual meals in England are: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner, or

in simpler houses, breakfast, dinner, tea and supper. In England mealtimes are as follows: breakfast time is between 7 and 9 a.m., lunch time is between 12 and 2 p.m., dinner is between 7 and 10 p.m.

Usual breakfast is porridge, bacon and eggs, marmalade with buttered toast and tea or coffee. For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham or perhaps fish.
Englishmen generally have lunch at one o'clock p.m. The businessmen usually find it impossible to come for lunch and so they go to a cafe or a restaurant. Afternoon tea you can hardly call a meal, but for some people it has become a tradition. At this time everything stops for tea in England. People often come in for a chat with their cup of tea. Some English families like to have the so called "high tea". They have it between 5 and 6 o'clock.
The main meal of the day is called dinner. Dinner is eaten either in the middle of the day or in the evening. The midday meal usually consists of two courses — a meat course with a lot of vegetables and a soup.


Раскройте скобки,
употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple Passive.

Читайте также

Поставить предложения в Passive Voice.

I) Transfer sentences in activie voice into passive.

1) We shall finish this work in time.
2) Helen washed the plates in the morning.
3) They teach three foreign languages at school.
4) He has interrupted me.
5) They are translating the article now.

поставьте предложение в Passiv Voice употребляя предлог в нужном месте He often thinks about her We looked for her everywhere

People speak much about this film

They sent for Alise

She cares for her baby welll

They always laugh at Tom

We will listen to the teacher attentively

I always wait for my friend for a long time

She asked for this book

He will look for his key

They will speak about this accident long

He never listens to mother advices

Поставьте предложения в Passive Voice где это возможно: 1 .Someone will drive you to the airport 2.The Egyptians built pyramids. 3 .They

arrived at 7 last night 4.They informed me aboutit. 5.1 slept H8.

6 He is late again.
7. It's raining.

8.They have sold their car to pay the debts.

9.They hold a meeting in the village hall once a week

1 O.They owe alot ofmoney to the bank.

Поставьте пожалуйста предложения в Passive Voice: 1. James took the wrong decision. 2. The doctor is consulting. 3. This event didn`t surprise me. 4.

Harry has interrupted the teacher. 5. We knew she had copied the documents. 6. The children have left clothers lying around. 7. She missed opportunity to get job. 8. He has already paid the bill. 9. He is tasting a delicious cake. 10. I have given him your message.


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