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Объясните, пожалуйста, разницу и тонкости применения strong and weak forms.

10-11 класс

Amatoru 08 авг. 2014 г., 10:55:20 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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08 авг. 2014 г., 12:30:30 (9 лет назад)

Ответ: на двух языках, прочитайте, поймёте)
In the phonology of stress-timed languages, the weak form of a word is a form that may be used when the word has no stress, and which is phonemically distinct from the strong form, used when the word is stressed.


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Проверьте правильность,пожалуйста : Sasha and Kelly completely different life, and they are both not happy. sasha-old girl from a good caring family, but

she is always complaining. in my opinion it is very spoiled girl and her problems are not significant. Kelly is less fortunate. she is very lonely because I do not have dreams about semi.ona. Sasha did not appreciate. But with such a hard life she does not give up trying to be strong and not pathetic. Kelly deserves respect

Здравствуйте. Объясните, пожалуйста, совершенное или не совершённое время имеется ввиду в present simple?

Например, I will read a book значит, что я прочту книгу или что я буду
читать книгу, но не факт, что я её прочту полностью? Мой вопрос
относится также и к прошедшему простому.

I read a book я прочитал книгу полностью или я читал книгу, но не факт,
что прочитал? Я где-то читал статью, что если это факт, то
действие совершено, т.е. I read a book будет переводиться, что я
прочитал книгу(это факт, одноразовое действие), но тогда вопрос: зачем
совершенное время? Вот ещё один пример: ученику говорят: "иди делай уроки", а он отвечает "Я уже сделал уроки вчера" В английском можно сказать это в present simple и будет непонятно ДЕЛАЛ уроки, но не факт, что сделал или же всё-таки ПОЛНОСТЬЮ сделал уроки? Ещё пример: I ate the soup. Как перевести? Я ЕЛ суп или Я СЪЕЛ суп? Это всё-таки большая разница. Помогите с этим разобраться, пожалуйста!

переведите текст пожалуйста

Looking in the mirror
He got up and tried to see himself in the dirty looking glass over the wash-stand. He saw the head and face of a young fellow of twenty. Above a square-domed forehead he saw a mop of brown hair, nut-brown,with a wave to it and hints of curls, making hands tingle to stroke it. But he passed it by, and dwelt long and thoughtfully on the high square forehead . What kind of brain lay behind it?
He wondered if there was soul i those steel-gray eyes that were often quite blue of colour and that were strong with the salty air of the sea. Well, they were honest eyes, he concluded. The brown sunburn of his face surprised him.
His mouth might have been an angel is mouth, had not the full, sensuous lips, a habit of drawing firmly across the teeth . At times so tightly did they draw, the mouth became stern and harsh. The chin and jaw were strong and just hinting of square aggressiveness. And between the lips were teeth that were white and strong and regular.

помогите пожалуйста, надо срочно, уже сама не справлюсь... у меня есть сочинение о здоровом образе жизни, но только мне надо было слова с таблицы

взять, но я этого не сделала.. может кто то поможет мне переделать сочинение..

Today in society, more people are fighting for a healthy lifestyle. They do not smoke, do exercise, do not eat bad food. Their main goal - to stay healthy to be active and live longer. I also support a healthy lifestyle. because we want to be healthy, we give up bad habits. That is not smoke, do not use drugs, do not drink alcohol.
should be a walk in the fresh air doing morning exercises and practice a particular sport. therefore we support our body in good physical shape.
Nutrition also affects on our health. It should adhere to the meal, eat only organic foods. fruit and vitamins provide our body with vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. But we have to control portions. also do not forget that good food is not always useful to us. such food contains chemical impurities.
I believe that a healthy lifestyle is good - and support it. I want to be tough, strong and healthy, not to spend time on diseases and medicines

There are two stages of school education in Russia: primary education and secondary education.

At the age of 6 or 7 Russian children go to school.
During the first three or four years they get a primary education: they learn to read, write, count, and draw. They also have lessons of music, physical training and handicrafts.
Unlike England or the U. S. A., in Russia primary schools are not, as a rule, separated from secondary schools: we have large schools which combine a primary education department and a secondary education department under one roof. In fact, a typical Russian school is actually a secondary school with a primary education department. Only in small country places there may be separate primary schools, on finishing which, the pupils pass on to the nearest larger secondary school.
The course of secondary education is, in its turn, subdivided into two stages: the first stage, which might be called intermediate, and the second one.
The intermediate stage is compulsory and embraces forms from the 5th up to the 9th. During the intermediate stage the pupils get a basic knowledge in the Russian language and literature, a foreign language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, biology. They also have lessons of music, art and handicrafts. A computer course is also included in the curriculum.
On completing the intermediate course of studies, at the age of 14, the pupils may either go to vocational or technical schools, which give a professional training, or stay on at the secondary school for another two years. The curriculum of the last two years offers a wide range of subjects, so that teenagers can choose a course of studies, according to their individual inclinations and abilities.
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