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10-11 класс

a long-legged girl over there is Mary
Помогите пожалуйста

Anntt 22 апр. 2014 г., 21:27:42 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
22 апр. 2014 г., 22:19:07 (10 лет назад)

я считаю, что предложение верное!! здесь ошибки нет. можно, например еще так сказать: Mary is a long-legged girl standing over there


Другие вопросы из категории

Give your opinion in support or against the statements:

1.For most students school means only learning subjects.
5.Some students think that having a good education is not very important.


Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.
1.Why you (to look) at me so angrily?Have I said something wrong?
2.It is too late to phone Tom now.I (to phone) him in the morning.
3.I will go to London by air,If I (to have) enough money.
4.I (to see) a very good film last week.-What Film (to be) it?-'Gone with the Wind'.I think it is the best film I ever (to see).
5.He (to live) in Spain when he was a child.

Cоставьте предложения с фразами:

1)Instead of
2)Quite right
3)a quarter of an hour fast
Любые предложения: вопросительные ,отрицательные и т.д..ПО 1 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЮ

Читайте также

помогите исправить плиз.

исправить ошибки.

It had a head of the cat with black long fur.

Помогите пожалуйста исправить ошибки в английском

тексте. Я написала сочинение, но я плохо знаю английский, поэтому в моём
тексте могут быть ошибки, помогите пожалуйста проверить это!!! Заранее
My best and memorable day in my life is
considered the new year! On the eve of my always covers the strange
feeling that something needs to happen and joyful magical. Throughout
the festive atmosphere , all selected beautiful Christmas tree, buy
different fruits , sweets, prepare gifts for loved ones.

We begin
preparing for the holiday in advance. Clean the house , decorate the
Christmas tree ,Decorate the room with balls, garlands, beautiful toys.
Mom always cooks for the holiday table something unusual and very tasty.
I try not to sleep time of arrival of the new year under the chiming
clock . After the final blow on the street fireworks begins, which can
last for an hour! We usually have fun, hold various contests , dance,
sing . It's really fun!

Especially good when New Year's Eve worth
frosty snowy weather. In windows of all the houses flashing colored
lights . Celebrating and having fun .Apparently, due to the fact that
the New Year a general holiday , celebrate it so fun!

Ребята помогите исправить ошибки) 1. Who are speaking with you? 2. Nick come to me tomorrow. 3. Ann have already showed her new bag. 4. Are you

here yesterday? – No, I am at home. 5. Jim don’t rides the bicycle on Sundays. 6. Where will they going next week? 7. My mum just made tea. 8. Let’s gone to the kitchen. 9. Look! Our old cat catches the ball. 10. I doesn’t like think about it. 11. Where you keep these cakes? 12. They want to go to the cinema last Saturday. 13. Don’t drunk this bad water. 14. Mary always have bath in the morning. 15. The children swim in the lake now. 16. She have read this text, doesn’t she? 17. Where I see you tomorrow? – We are at school. 18. Do you buy a new car before Christmas? 19. Pete and Ted wears raincoats in autumn. 20. Little Lily doesn’t found her doll yet. 21. Wait! We run to you. 22. He not understood the film last time. 23. We always liked eat tasty things at home. 24. Why do you breaking this box?

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