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How do you spend your holiday or just a week-end?

10-11 класс

помогите написать 5 предложений!

Denka301 07 февр. 2015 г., 20:46:47 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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07 февр. 2015 г., 22:41:35 (9 лет назад)

Usualy I spend my holiday with my friends or with my family at home.
I like to go for a walk with my friends for all my holidays. Sometimes I go for a walk in the evening. When I'm in a good mood I can get acquainted with the company and go for a walk together.Sometimes I just watch the films with my friends or playing in computer games.


Другие вопросы из категории

4 класс, 3 четверть.

Напишите, какие три важных дела ты сделал на прошлой неделе, а какие нет.
Образец: I cleaned my room on Wednesday.
I didn't repair my bike last week.

Предлог или наречие.

Once Mark Twain was sitting......a dinner party.........a well-known pianist. He said......him: It will interest you......a pianist that my life was once saved......a piano when I was a boy. We had a ter­rible flood ...... my home town. The water even reached the upper storey where I was ...... my father.......hesitation my father sat ...... a big chest ...... drawers, and floating ...... the river reached safely the bank." "Well, and you?" asked the pianist. "I accompanied him......the piano."
A Londoner who was going...... the West......England...... a holiday, arrived ...... train ......a town, and found that it waspouring. He called a porter to carry his bags ...... a taxi.......the way...... the station, partly to make conversation and partly to get a local opinion ......prospects ......weather......his holiday, he asked the porter: "How long has it been raining like this?" "I don't know. Sir, I've only been here ......fifteen years," was the reply.

помогите, пожалуйста!!!

Читайте также

How did you spend your summer holidays?

Where were you in summer?
What sights did you see in summer?
Did you help your parents or relatives to gather in the harvest?
What did you do in the garden?
Did you take part in sports competitions?
Did you meet your schoolfellows in summer?
What books did you read in summer?
You are glad to meet your schoolfellows, aren't you?

1.Where did you spend your holidays ?

2. What was the weather like ?
3. Did you like your holidays ?

1.What do you like doing ?

2.How do you spend your free time ?
3.Do your friends and relatives support you in all walks of life ?
4.Do you sometimes face challenges ?
5.What kind of lifestyle do you lead ?

ответьте пожалуйста... 1) How do you organise your learning process? 2) How much time do you need to do English tasks? 3) Are you a motivated learner or

are you forced to learn English? 4) How often do you speak English outside the classroom? 5) How often do you write in English? 6) How often do you read in English? 7) Have you got any chance to watch English video?

Пажалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы. 1. What do you spend you pocket money on? Make a list of 5-6 ite ms you buy most often.

2. What would you like to buy but don't have enough money? Write a wish list of 3-4 things.

3. how often do you buy it?

4. How much do you spend on it?

5. How often do you use it?

6. Do you really need it?

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