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Test I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets: 1. While the children (to play) football, the rain began to fall. 2. When we (to finish)

5-9 класс

dinner, Susan took the dishes away. 3. We shall have supper when he (to come). 4. Tell me if you (to be) able to return by next Monday. 5. If you wash the dishes, you (to have) a chocolate. 6. I (to go) to London tomorrow. 7. The station-master knew what each passenger (to allow) to do. II. Choose the right article. 1. Have you heard the story of the two girls, who wanted to give ... Christmas present to ... friend but didn't know what to send? One of ... girls said, "Let's give her ... clock". "What's ... use of giving her ... clock?" said ... other. "She doesn't want that. She has got... clock. I think we ought to give her... book". "But", said ... first girl, "she has got... book, too, hasn't she?" 2. Ernest Hemingway is ... great American writer. His lather wanted him to be... doctor, but he became ... newspaper reporter. He took part in ... First World War which he described in ... novel "A Farewell to Arms". III. Circle the suitable preposition. 1. G.B.Shaw had lived in England (in, for, about) fifty years. English people had laughed (over, on, at) him and his plays. 2. I like to look (on, at, onto) the books on my shelves and to feel that I have my friends (round, about, among) me. 3. The rain is beating (at, on, onto) the windows. 4. I like to listen (---, to, on) the radio. IV. Circle the suitable pronoun. 1.1 haven't (much, many) time for study and that's why I have (many, much, few) mistakes in my homework. 2. Was there (something, anything) interesting in the paper yesterday? - No, there weren't (any, some, no) interesting articles in it. 3. Is this Mary's pen? - No, it is (my, mine). V. Circle the appropriate word I'd like to (tell, say) you something about Mr. Brown's house. He is an old friend of (my, mine) and I (had gone, went) to visit him about a week ago. I had to go (by, in) car. Mr. Brown was (happy, happily) to see me. (It, there) was a cold day and I was very pleased to see the bright lire (burn, burning) in the fireplace. VI. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence. 1. room/ one/ there/ on / the/ was / a / side/ of/ piano. 2. fire/ we/ the/ down/ armchairs/ in / before/ sat. 3. which/ girls/ painted/ they/ the/ pictures/ to/ hoped/ sell. 4. lay/ the/ she/ window / near. 5. third/ studio/ floor/ old/ the/ was/ of/ on/ brick/ the/ house/ an. VII. Circle the right variant. 1. A: What do you say to a friend on his/her birthday? B: a) It's a pleasure. b) Many happy return of the day. c) The same to you. 2. A: Oh, Mr. Green, this is Miss Brown. B: a) How are you? b) How do you do? c) Very well, thank you. 3. A: Did you hear the news? B: a) It was good. b) They were good 4. It's time for dinner,… a) is it? b) isn't it? c) isn't there?

User140212 03 марта 2015 г., 2:48:29 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 марта 2015 г., 5:19:41 (9 лет назад)


1)were playing

2)had finished


4)will be able

5)will have

6)Am going или will go

7)was allowed
















1)There was a piano on the one side of room.

2)We  sat down in the armchairs before fire.

3)Girls painted the pictures which they hoped to sell.

4)She lay the window near.

5)An old studio  was on the third floor of the brick house.







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при помощи мимики лица, жестов.Сериал «6 кадров» это сериал со сценками потрясающий юмор и нескончаемый позитивСценки разыгрываются потрясающими актерами - Ириной Медведевой, Галиной Даниловой, Сергеем Дороговым, Андреем Кайковым, Эдуардом Радзюкевичем, Федором Добронравовым перевидите на английский

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Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets

1. It still (to rain)-How awful! I(to have) to put on my rubber boots if it (not to stop) raining in a couple of hours
2. What a beautiful dress you (to wear)!- Thank you. I(to make) it myself.
3. They say if you (to see) a clack cat, you (not to have) good luck.
4.What you(to do)?- I'm an engineer.
5.My watch (to stop). I must take it to the watchimaker's.
7.You know , I (to lose) my glasses the other day.

Choose the right article
1....roof is wet after....rain
2.Is...pencil on...desk?-No its on ... teachers table
3.I cant open...door Will you help me?
4.I want you to buy..apples and oranges. Here is ..money.
5. Its..time for..children to go to....bed. Its ...half past 9.

Спасибо большое за помощь))

Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

3.When I awoke the day (to be) lovely.The sky(to be) cloudless, the sun(to shine) brightly.
5.When you(to visit)Moscow last? You (to say) there long?
6.You ever (to read) Gone with the Wind?-I (to read) it now. I (to enjoy) reading it so much.
7.When I (to leave)the house in the morning, it still (to rain). I (to have) to return home to take the umbrella.
8.The boy already ( to do) his homework and now he (to watch) TV.
9.If (to hve) some time in the evening I (to repair) your bicycle.

Choose the right article.
1.She was...small woman,...little shorter than her husband.
2....air was fresh and clean.
3.She is...most honest person Ive ever met.
4.After...supper he usually goes for... walk.
5....day was fine but in...afternoon it became cooler.
6.Whats this?- This is...tomato juice.
7.At this time of...year the days are still short.
8.I want...breakfast at...quarter to nine.
9....houses across the street were in ruins.

Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. Укажита пожалуйста времена которые вы вставили. CРОЧНО!!!!

1, Why you (to look) so sad? Anything (to happen)?
2,Could I speak to Jane please? Im afraid not. She (to put) the baby to bed. Could ring back in half an hour?
3,I( to do) the room when my mother ( to come) home from work. She ( to go) to the kitchen to make supper.In a few minutes I (to join) her.
4.You ( to drive) a car? -Not yet. But I (to learn) to drive now. Next month I (to get) the driving licence.
5. When I ( to wake) in the morning, it( to snow) hard.

USE THE CORRECT TENSE FORMS OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS! Срочно нужно( И подписать какие вы времена вставили(((

2.If he (not to come) soon I am not going to wait
3.I ( to be) very fond of Alice but I (not see) much of her lately
4.By the way I (to have) a little party here tonight
5.You ever (to be) to this picture gallery?- I (to be) here last year
6.What you (to look) for? - I (too lose) my purse and I want to find it before it (to get) dark
7.My grandmother (to come) to see us this weekend. She always (to bring) us nice presents
8.I have a car but I (not to use) it very often
9. Please don't make so much noise. I (to study) now. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ(((

помогите плиииииииз на завтра... Say the sentences in the Future tense form. 1.I help my mother. 2.we prepare our lesson


3.my sister knows english

4.the have flovers in the garden.

5.we build a new house.

6.ann gets up at 7 o'clock.


Write the verbs in the correct tense form.

1.my brother (to listen, to music) tomorrow.

2.i ( to go) to the shop tomorrow.

3.my sister (to be) ten next month.

4.Jane (to invited) me to her birtday party next week.

5.Nick (to get up) tomorrow at 7 o'clock.

6.we (to write) a test next Monday.


1.Jane .....have breakfast at eight o'clock.

2.we ...... go to thhe museum in the Sunday.

3.my father ....... arrive tomorrow.

4.i ......... swim in summer.

5.they ....... build a playgraund. помогите плииииииииз

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