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Turn from active info passive

10-11 класс

1. Mother bought me new jeans yesterday.
2. Peter told Ann a lie.
3. Father punished his son for something.
4. They have sent off the letters.
5. You must clean and air the room.
6. Alex didn't turn off the tap.
7. His friends always laugh at him.
8. My friend usually waits from me after classes.

Elariya 15 сент. 2013 г., 8:20:27 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 сент. 2013 г., 11:00:14 (10 лет назад)

1. New jeans were bought me yesterday.
2. Ann was told a lie.
3. The son was punished by father for something.
4. The letters have been sent off.
5. The room must be cleaned and aired.
6. The tap wasn't turned off by Alex.
7. He is always laughed at.
8. I am usually waited for after classes.


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Взойдя на престол в возрасте 20 лет после гибели отца, македонского царяФилиппа II, Александр обезопасил северные рубежи Македонии и завершил подчинение Греции разгромом мятежного города Фивы. Весной 334 года до н. э. Александр начал легендарный поход на Восток и за семь лет полностью завоевал Персидскую империю. Затем он начал покорение Индии, но по настоянию солдат, утомлённых долгим походом, отступил.

Основанные Александром города, которые и в наше время являются крупнейшими в нескольких странах, и колонизация греками новых территорий в Азии содействовали распространению греческой культуры на Востоке. Почти достигнув возраста 33 лет, Александр скончался в Вавилоне от тяжёлой болезни. Немедленно его империя была разделена македонскими полководцами (диадохами) между собой, и на несколько десятилетий воцарилась череда войн диадохов.

Помогите ответить на письмо Jane и на ее вопросы(другим письмом):

....Next week is going to be rather busy for me. Some of our relatives are coming to stay whith us over Easter. My aunt and her husband are coming with their child. tomorrow i'll be busy buying a new dress and shoping for Easter souvenirs. How do you usually celebrate Easter? How are you going to spend Easter holidays? What have you bought as Easter present?

Выберите правильный вариант

There is no sugar, don't worry? I shall\ am going to go and bye some
Joan will\is going to become a musician when she grows up
we shall\are going to spend the weekend in the country

Читайте также

Change the following sentences from Active to Passive.

1. He whispered the words into my ears.


Exercise 1. Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive.
Model: My friend is examining the organizational chart.

Проверьте, пожалуйста, правильно ли я поставила предложения в Active или passive форму. 1. Look! A new hospital

(build) near the airport.

Look! A new hospital had been built near the airport. (Passive Past Perfect)

2. Where these photographs (take)? In London? You (take) them?

Where these photographs will have been taking? In London? You will have been taking them?(Active Future Perfect Progressive)

3. Two people (arrest) last night.

Two people were being arrested last night. (Passive Past Progressive)

4. The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It (work) again. It (repair).

The computer broke down yesterday, but now it's OK. It has worked again. (Active Present Perfect) It had repaired. (Active Past Perfect)

5. The man next door (disappear) six months ago. Nobody (see) him since then.

The man next door had disappeared six months ago. Nobody had seen him since then. (Active Past Perfect)

6. The room looked nice. It (clean).

The room looked nice. It is cleaning. (Active Present Progressive)

7. There's somebody walking behind us. I think we (follow).

There's somebody walking behind us. I think we are following. (Active Present Progressive)

8. A mystery is something that can't (explain).

A mystery is something that can't will have been explaining. (Active Future Perfect Progressive)

9. I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already (sell).

I'm sure that by the time we come to the theatre, all the tickets already had been sold. (Passive Past Perfect)

1. Put the sentences in Passive Voice

They opened a new health-center last year.

2. Use the Passive Voice
1. To buy the flats
2. To Break the watch
3. To offer the job

3. Transform the sentences from Active Voice to the Passive Voice.
1 In Canada many people speak English
2. Emigrants brought different languages and cultures to the USA
3. She will leave you a message.

4. Write sentences in Passive Voice from the words in brackets
1. Glass (make) from sand
2. The transistor (invent) in 1948

Change these sentences from active into the passive voice:

We pronounce this consonant with aspiration.
We form the Present Perfect Tense with the help of the auxiliary verb "to have".
She promised me a book.
She baked her cake very well.
One uses chalk for writing on the blackboard.
I shall finish my work about seven o clock.

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