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Укажите, какую глагольную форму нужно употребить в предложении: ты уже отправила письмо? 1) did you send 2) had you send 3) have

10-11 класс

you sent

4)do you send

Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite:

1) The delegation already(to return) home

2)The delegation (to return) home 2 weeks ago

8963269812 27 мая 2014 г., 15:18:59 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 мая 2014 г., 17:58:16 (10 лет назад)

Ответ №1: Have you already sent the letter?
Ответ№2: The delegation have already returned home.
Ответ №3: The delegation returned home 2 weeks ago.

Слово already - это признак Perfect-а, значит надо смотреть на время Present или Past.
2 weeks ago - определенное время, действие, которое совершилось давно и в определенное время - это просто прошедшее время, значит Past Indefinite (Simple). 

+ 0 -
27 мая 2014 г., 20:39:45 (10 лет назад)

Укажите, какую глагольную форму нужно употребить в предложении: ты уже отправила письмо?

1) did you send

2) had you send

3) have you sent

4)do you send


Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite:

1) The delegation has already  returned home - потому что already - уже - Present Perfect

2)The delegation  returned home 2 weeks ago - потому что 2 weeks ago - 2 недели назад - Past Simple


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите перевести, срочно, пожалуйста!!!!! On Saturday nights they are allowed, within reason, their freedom. This means alcohol. The Combe

Abbey rules

about alcohol are perfectly clear: never before the sixth form

and, if every term a shcoolboy’s stomach or two has to be pumped,

there is no need to discuss it. On returning from dinner out

(never just drinking) on a Saturday night, Combe pupils

must report to their housemaster. Why the housemasters

never notice that everyone is completely drunk is a mystery.

It has happened to Marina twice already; she remembers

nothing at all of the first time, and the second she insisted

on walking in a straight line and broke a chair leg. There

are always awful stories: paralytic staggerings into the arms

of the headmaster’s wife, vomit in the Chapel. Today

is the birthday of Selina Knocker, the sweet but stupid child

of the head of the navy who is, physically at least, in Marina’s

Изменить предложения в пассивный залог: 1.They will build a new hospital next month. 2.They cleaned the room this morning. 3.She

did not invite us to the wedding.

4.You can it use cameras inside the musuem.

5.The Prime Minister will open the new hospital on Monday.

6.Careless drivers can cause accidents.

7.A loud noise woke them up last night.

8.In the USA , they hold Presidential elections every four years.

9.They will translate his book into Portuguese.

10.They found the minister guilty of fraud.

It was a cold January day in York, Pennsylvania. Dr. James turned on the television to check on the weather. The weatherman said that it was going to stay

cold for several days. According to him, the roads __________________(BE) very dangerous because of the snow and ice and he strongly recommended staying at home if at all possible. Dr. James __________________(NOT/CAN) stay at home. He worked in a hospital and there were patients waiting for him there. He put on a sweater, jacket, gloves, boots and a hat, and opened his front door. Everything __________________(COVER) with snow. A cold wind blew inside. “Wow,” Dr. James said. “The weatherman was right! I wish I __________________(HAVE) a reindeer instead of my old car.” When Dr. James __________________(DRIVE) slowly to work, he saw an accident. He stopped and __________________(RUN) to the damaged car. There was a man and two __________________(CHILD) inside. “Is everyone okay?” Dr. James asked.

“Yes, yes, we are fine,” answered the man. “I __________________(CALL) 911 already. They are coming to help __________________(WE). It looks like we won’t get to school today.”

3. The meeting went ____ for three hours.

А. in;
Б. on;
В. off;
Г. over.

Читайте также

Выберите из скобок нужную форму глагола. 1. (Have you ever seen / did you ever see) rock concert? 2. (I saw / have seen) the Rolling Stones last year.

3. I love rock'n'roll. I (like / have liked) it all my life. 4. The Stones concert (has been / was) excellent. 5.I (have bought / bought) all their records after the concert. 6. How long (have you known / do you know) Peter? 7. I (know / have known) him since we were at school together. 8. When (did you get / have you got) married to him? 9. We (have been / are) together for over ten years, and we (have got / got) married eight years ago. ОЧЕНЬ НУЖНО!!!!!ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!

Вопрос 1

Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He asked me if I … in Paris.

Выберите один ответ:
shall be
have been
had been

Вопрос 2
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… this book. I … it.
Выберите один ответ:
Don’t buy, I bought
Don’t buy, I’ve bought
Not to ,buy, I’ve buy

Вопрос 3
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… that Ann … there …?

Выберите один ответ:
Did he say, had been, too
Have he say, had been, either
Did he said, were, either
Said he, had been, too

Вопрос 4
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He asked if I … in London. I answered that I … there 5 years before.

Выберите один ответ:
ever had been, had was
ever was, was
have ever been, was
had ever been, had been

Вопрос 5
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

We … everything before he … .

Выберите один ответ:
had done, came
did, came
did, had come
have done, came

Вопрос 6
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

Tom says that he … the work.

Выберите один ответ:
has already done
already did
had already done
already has done

Вопрос 7
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

When he … in, I understood that I … him before.

Выберите один ответ:
had come, had seen
came, had seen
has come, had seen
has come, shall see

Вопрос 8
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… … … … these books by the beginning of the next year?

Выберите один ответ:
We, will, have, read
We, shall, have, read
Shall, we, have, read
Will, we, have, read

Вопрос 9
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

... In Paris?

Выберите один ответ:
Had you ever been
Were you ever
Did you ever been
Have you ever been

Вопрос 10
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

They … away before we came back.

Выберите один ответ:
had gone
will go

Вопрос 11
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

By the time you …, we … for Moscow.

Выберите один ответ:
will arrive, will already have left
arrive, will have already left
arrive, shall have already left
will have arrived, already shall have left

Вопрос 12
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I … the article by tomorrow.

Выберите один ответ:
shall have translated
will have translated
shall translate
will translated

Вопрос 13
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… that Tom … … student of our group?

Выберите один ответ:
Have you heard, was, the most good
Did you hear, is, the best
Have you heard, is, the best
Had you heard, was, the best

Вопрос 14
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I … the book until next month.

Выберите один ответ:
shan’t have read
won’t read
shan’t read
won’t have read

Вопрос 15
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I … this book.
Выберите один ответ:
already have read
have already read
already read
have read already

Вопрос 16
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… in London? – Yes, I … there 5 years ago.

Выберите один ответ:
Did you be, had been
Have you been, was
Had you been, have been
Were you, was

Вопрос 17
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that that Tom … … student of our group.

Выберите один ответ:
had been, the worse
is, the most bad
was, the most bed
was, the worst

Вопрос 18
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… your homework?

Выберите один ответ:
Have you already done
Already did you do
Did you already do
Have you done already

Вопрос 19
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

I … the film when I … in Moscow.

Выберите один ответ:
have see, was
have seen, was
saw, was
has seen, been

Вопрос 20
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that he … the work … .

Выберите один ответ:
hadn’t done, either
did not do, too
hasn’t done, either
had not done, too

Вопрос 21
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He said that Ann … away on Monday.

Выберите один ответ:
have gone
had gone
has gone

Вопрос 22
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

He … the work by the end of July.

Выберите один ответ:
has completed
will complete
had completed

Вопрос 23
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

… to Spain twice?

Выберите один ответ:
Been she
Has she been
Was she
She has been

Вопрос 24
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

By the time you …home, I … supper.

Выберите один ответ:
will have come, will have cook
comes, will cooked
come, shall have cooked
will come, will have cooked

Вопрос 25
Заполните пропуски в предложении.

This is … film ….

Выберите один ответ:
the most good, I ever have seen
the most best, ever saw
more good, I ever saw
the best, I have ever seen

Подчеркните в каждом предложении глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму.переведите на русский. 1)I am thinking of starting my own business.

2)We have just consulted our partners. 3)He declared personal bankruptcy yesterday. 4)A lawyer will give you a piece of advice. 5)The secretary receives this letter today. ------------------------------------------- Раскройте скобки,употребив глагол в нужной видовременной форме.Укажите время глагола.Переведите на русский. 1)Where you (go) last summer?. 2)I (not play) chess tomorrow. 3)When he (arrive) tomorrow, I still (sleep). 4)If he (not help) me, I (not write) a composition by next Monday. 5)When I left home, the snow already (stop). 6)What your brother (do) every day? 7)Listen! Somebody (play) the piano in the next room. –-------------------------------------------- Переведите предложения на русский,подчеркните форму глагола.поставьте эти предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы. 1).In the morning Mr. Black discusses plans for the day. 2)The director and his secretary are looking through the mail now. 3)The enginers started work at 10 o'clock last week. 4)We had discussed the terms of payment and delivery by 3 o'clock yesterday. 5)The firm has already started producing the model and received a lot of orders. 6)The will clarify the terms of the contract tomorrow morning. Плиз,утром зачет,очень нужно

Вариант 2 Задание 1. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степенях.

Подчеркните прилагательные в английских предложениях и укажите степень сравнения. 1. Steel made the cars much lighter and safer than the old wooden cars. 2. Railway transport is one of the cheapest ways of transporting freight over long distances. 3. It is more convenient to carry these goods by lorry than by rail.
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Задание 2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, употребив прилагательные, данные в скобках, в сравнительной или превосходной степени. 1. Railways are the (important) form of transport in Russia. 2. The cars that are built today become (comfortable). 3. Our (good) diesel locomotive develops a speed of 170 km per hour. Задание 3. Перепишите и переведите предложения. Определите форму (Present, Past, Future) и функцию (основной, вспомогательный, модальный) глаголов TO BE и TO HAVE. Подчеркните эти глаголы в английском варианте. 1. The railways were invented before the age of steam. 2. A railway track is steel rails on wooden sleepers (шпалы) 3. Nowadays various machines have replaced hard manual labor. 4. Train No3 is to arrive at platform 2. 5. The civil engineers are trying to find out the most suitable route.
Задание 4. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление времён группы Indefinite (Simple) (Present, Past, Future) в действительном и страдательном залоге. Выпишите сказуемые и укажите их видовременную форму и залог. 1. For many years engineers tried to find a new material for making sleepers (шпалы). 2. Some changes were made in the original design. 3. We find a lot of information about this invention on the Internet.
Задание 5. Перепишите и переведите текст.
George Stephenson
George Stephenson was an English civil engineer and mechanical engineer who built the first public inter-city railway line in the world to use steam locomotives. G.Stephenson was born in Wylam, 9.3 miles (15km) west of Newcastle. His father was a fireman, earning a very low wage, so there was no money for schooling. At the age of 17, Stephenson became an engineman. He realized the value of education and paid to study at night school to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. In1802 he moved to Willington Quay where he worked as a brakeman, made shoes and mended clocks to supplement his income. In 1811 the pumping engine at his work was not working properly and Stephenson offered to fix it. He did so with such success that he was promoted to maintain and repair all the colliery engines. He became an expert in steam-driven machinery.
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Stephenson designed his first locomotive in 1814. The locomotive could haul 30 tons of coal up a hill at 4mph (6.4 km/h). The new engines were too heavy to run on wooden rails, and iron rails were in their infancy, with cast iron exhibiting excessive brittleness. Stephenson improved the design of cast-iron rails to reduce breakage and managed to solve the problem caused by the weight of the engine on the primitive rails. The years between 1830-1840 were the busiest in Stephenson life. Many of the first American railroad builders came to Newcastle to learn from Stephenson. But G. Stephenson cannot claim to have invented the locomotive. Richard Trevithick deserves that credit. But Stephenson was the first to suggest the standard gauge, sometimes called “Stephenson gauge” which is now used throughout the world. As a tribute to his life and works, a bronze statue was unveiled at Chesterfield railway station in the town where Stephenson spent the last ten years of his life. G.Stephenson died aged 67, on 12 August 1848 in Chesterfield.
Задание 6. Укажите, какие из следующих утверждений соответствуют содержанию текста. Используйте фразы: It is right. It is wrong. Исправьте неверные утверждения. 1. G.Stephenson was an American civil and mechanical engineer. 2. He became an expert in steam-driven machinery. 3. Stephenson designed his first locomotive in 1824. 4. His first locomotive could haul 30 tons of coal

Выполнил тесты, но в ответах не совсем уверен, можете помочь проверить? 1. Укажите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое в заданном

предложении. Everybody looked at him in surprise.

Future Simple

+Past Simple

Present Simple

2. Укажите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое в заданном предложении. In а уеar I shall finish mу school.

+Future Simple

Past Simple

Present Simple

3. Укажите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое в заданном предложении. She is fond of reading books.

Future Simple

Past Simple

+Present Simple

4. Укажите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое в заданном предложении. Igor likes to play without cat.

Future Simple

Past Simple

+Present Simple

5. Укажите, в каком времени стоит сказуемое в заданном предложении. Тhomas Coryate tried to рrovе the opposite.

Future Simple

+Past Simple

Present Simple

6. Укажите глаголы, стоящие в Present Simple.











7. Укажите глаголы стоящие в Past Simple.












8. Поставьте to be в Present Simple. I ______ hарру to meet уоu. How _______ you?

+am, are

am, is

is, are

9. Поставьте to be в Present Simple. We _______ hungry. The dinner _______ ready.

am, were

+are, is

was, are

were, was

10. Поставьте to have в Present Simple. Our flat _______ аll modern conveniences.




11. Поставьте to have в Present Simple. Who _______ any questions? ― I _______ one.

has, has

has, have

+have, has

12. Поставьте глагол в Present Simple. Vegetarians _______ fruits and vegetables.




13. Поставьте глагол в Present Simple. Mary _______ math at school.



will teach

14. Поставьте глагол в Past Simple. Yesterday hе _______ to cinema.




15. Поставьте глагол в Past Simple. Не _______ 0.0 to do this again.




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