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Помогите плиз с английским!!! Очень

10-11 класс

Помогите плиз с английским!!! Очень срочно!! Вся надежда тольо на вас))
open th brackets using an appropriate Future-tense-form where necessary.
1) i (take) my sun-glass in case it is sunny.
2. I don't think I can join you because my aunt and uncle (stay) with us this weekend.
3. You don't work in class! I (phone) your mother about this.
4. I (watch) television from eight o'clock to midnight.
5. When you (repair) my bike, Daddy?-I (do) it tomorrow if I have time.
6. It's so crowded iin here. I think, I (faint).-I (take) you outside for a while.
7. I din't know when the concert (be) over.
8. If he doesn't come I (be) upset.
9. B the end of the summer he (teach) m to work with the computer.
10. Have a good time in Italy!-Thanks. I (send) you a postcard.
11. I think you (like) Nick when you met him.
12. I (cook) spaghetti in case you get hungry.
13. I feel terrible. I think I (have) to go to bed.

AnnAnishina 03 сент. 2013 г., 9:10:21 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 сент. 2013 г., 11:37:07 (10 лет назад)

1 will take
2 will stay
3 will phone
4 will watching
5  will repair
6 will faint, will take
7  will be
8 will be
9 will teaching
10 will send
11 will like
12 will cook
13 will have

+ 0 -
03 сент. 2013 г., 14:24:42 (10 лет назад)

А что сделать то надо не понела ._.?

+ 0 -
03 сент. 2013 г., 15:22:11 (10 лет назад)

Раскрыть скобки

+ 0 -
03 сент. 2013 г., 16:31:02 (10 лет назад)

аа понятно


Другие вопросы из категории

Всем доброго времени суток. В 11 классе, во время усиленной подготовки к экзаменам, нам задали перевести воистину зyбодробительный текст на тему

эксплуатации неким "чудолазером". С 90% задания я справился, но 1 часть текста осталась для меня воистину загадкой. Поэтому прошу помощи у магистров знаний.

Собственно, сам текст:

The CL40 C02 laser surgical system (for short as laser) adopts sealed off type CO2 laser. The output of laser is the unseen infrared. The characteristic is both good direction and high energy density.

When the laser sent by this instument through guiding light joint arm and the laser beam sent by focus lens, the high temperature which produced by the focus spot can gasify the target organ, cut cautery and freezed the target organ. When the laser sent without through the focus lens and the lower energy destiny. The instrument can also do coagulation operaion thenthe laser beam sent bu expanding beam lens and the energy density is much lower.

Если первый абзац более менее мне понятен, хотя выражение adopts sealed off тоже вводит меня в некий диссонанс, то дальше я теряю нить перевода и получается нечто страшное и нечитаемое.

Заранее благодарю.

Помогите сочинить.

Нужно сочинить 5-10 простых предложения на Present Simple.

The Geographers' A-Z Street Atlas is one of the icons of London, as famous as red buses and ...fog. It is the book people reach for when they want to know

exactly where to find thousands of streets in London. You could find it on the bookshelves of the most London homes and in just every travel agency in the city. It lists every street in London and its carefully drawn maps show parks, gardens, railway lines, canals and just about anything else that can be put onto a piece of paper. So where did it come from? Phyllis Pearsall was a remarkable woman. She was born in Britain in 1906. She stayed there until she left school, and then travelled around France. She earned money by painting people's pictures and writing for a newspaper in Paris.
In the 1930s she returned to London, where she worked for her father's company, making maps of the world. She thought that there was a need for new street maps of London, after in 1935 she got lost while using a 20-year-old street map. So she started working on a book of maps. She walked along every street in the capital and wrote down the name, the important buildings and even the house numbers. Working eighteen-hour days she walked a total of 3,000 miles, while compiling her book. She kept the information about the streets on cards in small boxes.
One day a box with cards of all the streets beginning with "T" fell out of her window. She found most of the cards, but some cards landed on top of a bus and she never saw them again. When she sent the cards to the printer, someone asked her, "Why isn't Trafalgar Square in your book?" It was because she had lost the card. Phyllis Pearsall called her book A to Z. The first A to Z was in the shops in 1936 and sold very well. Now it is the most popular book of London street maps. It shows every street in London, important buildings, museums, theatres, schools, parks, train and underground stations. Later Phyllis Pearsall painted pictures of many of the city's famous buildings. In the same year, she formed the Geographers' Map Company which began publishing street maps and atlases of towns and cities and road maps of the whole country.
Today there are more than 130 people working for the Company. It publishes 359 titles including maps and atlases in both black and white and full colour. Computers were introduced into the drawing process in 1991. In 1996 the Company produced its first electronic street map of London on CD which contained over 90,000 streets, stations and different places of interest. 2005 saw the start of the next generation of A-Z maps, this time for mobile phones.
Phyllis Pearsall wrote about the history of the company in her book From Bedsitter to Household Name. She died in August 1996 at the age of 89.
Дайте пожалуйста перевод, но только не с переводчиков разных. заранее спасибо)

Перевести на английский язык. Не входите в класс. Студенты сдают сейчас экзамены. Петров отвечает уже 20 минут. Он уж

е ответил на первый вопрос? – Да. Сейчас он отвечает на второй вопрос. Я видел этот фильм.

Читайте также

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

Помогите перевести текст английский язык в учебнике 4 класс, Карпюк, на стр. 16 задание первое. ( WEEKDAYS ). Очень нужно.

помогите пожалуйста с английским очень надо((((( заполните пропуски, задание,нужно в текст правильно вставить отрывки предложений, и какая из частей 1-7

в списке
Fleet Street
Fleet Street runs east from the Royal Courts of Justice as far as Ludgate Circus. It
takes its name from the Fleet River, A ____________ where Farrington Road now
stands. At that time traffic had to cross over the Fleet Bridge in order to reach the
Fleet Street’s associations with printing go back to the end of the 15th century,
when the pioneer publisher Wynkyn de Worde moved here from Westminster. Between
1500 and his death in 1535, from his premises he printed and published hundreds of
books, B ___________ (the Inns of Court and Blackfriars Monastery were both nearby).
Other printers also working in the area included Richard Pynson, printer to the
king after 1508, C ____________ of Fleet Street and Chancery Lane. In 1530 Sir
Thomas More’s nephew William Rastell began printing and selling books from
premises in St Bride’s churchyard, D ____________ in 1557. It was clear that the publishing industry was here to stay. A key date in the history
of Fleet Street was the year 1702 E ____________. Since then the street became home
to hundreds of newspapers, and its name is still synonymous with British national
This state of affairs only came to an end in 1980’s, F ____________ caused by the
changeover to the new technology, which necessitated relocating to gain more space.
The Times led the way, to Docklands, and within a few years Fleet Street was stripped
of its soul.
1. whose office was at the corner
2. which years ago followed the route
3. when the British press was going through a period of deep crisis
4. bringing out an edition of his uncle’s works
5. many on legal and religious subjects
6. including the publishers of Thackeray and the Brontл sisters
7. when the first newspaper, the Daily Courant, appeared

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