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помогите составить предложение со словами save the environment damage the environment improve the environment harm the envi

10-11 класс


pollute the environment

Ally77 27 марта 2015 г., 2:27:37 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 марта 2015 г., 4:35:29 (9 лет назад)

Nowasays people are trying to save the environment!

Water and air pollution damage the environment.

Scientists are trying to find ways to improve the invironment.

Do not leave rubbish in the streets, it harms the invironment.

Big factories pollute the environment.


Другие вопросы из категории

Правильная форма Lira: You must be (22) ____________(thrill). Chicago is an (23)__amazing__________(amaze) city. There are so many (24)

things to do. You can`t get (25) ____________(bore) in this city!


пропуски соответствующими неопределёнными местоимениями:


помогите пожалуйста решить!!!!

1.complete the sentences.
1) the musem is very popular. every year it_____(visit) by thousands of people.
2)many buildings____(damage) in the storm last week.
3) a new road is going to____(build) next year
4) wheres your jacket? it___(clean). it will be ready tomorrow.
5) shes famous now but in a few years her name will___-(forget)
6) shall i do the washing-up? no it____(already/ do)
7) milk should____( keep) in a fridge
8)____( you/ ever/ bite) by a snake?
9) my bag___(steal) from my car yesterday afternoon

2.active or passive? complete the sentences
1) how did you fall? somebody___(push) me
2)how did you fall? i____(push)
3)i cant find my bag. somebody___(take) it
4) my watch is broken. it___(repair) at the moment
5)who___(invent) the camera?
6) when____(the caamera/ invent)?
7) the letter was for me so why____( they/ send) it to you?
the information will____(send) to you as soon as possible


перепиши предложения, заменяя имена собственные местоимениями he, she, it.

1) I can see Polly. Polly is little. Polly is funny. Polly is good.
2) I can see Nick. Nick is big. Nick is sad.
3) Rex is a dog. Rex is good. Rex is red.

Читайте также

Помогите составить предложения со словами!

2.What/do/after school?
3.always/study/in the evening?
4.When/play a sport?

Помогите составить предложения со словами internet provider, password, log on/log off, virus, hacker, internet link, spam, browse,

download, online/offline, website, surf/surfer, world wide web, homepage, hypertext ,attachment ,text file/sound file/image file, e-mail address/e-mail message ,access the internet

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