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Что не правильно в предложении: My opinion, the birthday of the most important holidays; It was become the fun;

10-11 класс

I have waited for this;

Ковалёваааааа 04 июля 2014 г., 2:45:27 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
04 июля 2014 г., 5:21:37 (9 лет назад)

In my opinion, birthday is the most important holiday или one of the most important holidays

It has become fun

I have been waiting fot this

I have an idea how you can celebrate 

+ 0 -
04 июля 2014 г., 7:42:34 (9 лет назад)

IN My opinion, the birthday  IS  ONE of the most important holidays;


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Срочно! Помогите, пожалуйста, нужно перевести текст.

Я люблю классику в одежде.

Put in both / either / neither.

1. Ann has two sisters and a brother. ……………….. sisters are married.
2. These were two pictures on the wall. I didn’t like …………….. of them.
3. It was a very good tennis match. …………..……. players played well.
4. It wasn’t a good tennis match. ……………..……. player played well.
5. “Is your friend Canadian or American? “…………….… she’s Australian.”
6. We went away for two days. But the weather wasn’t very good. It rained ………. days.
7. “I bought two newspapers. Which one do you want? “ ……………… . It doesn’t matter which
8. I invited Jack and Linda to my party, but …………………. of them came.
9. “Do you go to work by car or by bus? “....I always walk. ”
10. “Which jacket do you prefer, this one or that one? “I don’t like ……………… of them. ”
11. “Do you work or are you a student?” “……………….. .I have a job, but I study too.”
12. Ann and I didn’t know the time because ……………..….. of us had a watch.

Вставьте формы глагола to be в настоящем времени.

1 My sister ... at home.
2 ... this your watch? - Yes, it ... .
3 She ... an actress.
4 This ... my bag.
5 My uncle ... an office worker.
6 He ... at work.

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА .... Exercise 13.Перефразируйте словосочетания используя формулы притяжательного падежа. 1.the assistant of the

2.the nephew of Sir Charles.

3.the birthday of my boy-friend.

4.the duties of men-srvants.

5.the last letter of my mother-in-law .

6.the recent statement of President Bush.

7.the early poems of Robert Burns .

8.an interval of ten minutes .

9.a distance of five miles

10.the crew of the ship

11.the population of England

12.for the sake of economy

13.the mother of Mary and John

14.the rooms of the daughter and the son

15.the new house of the Parkers

16.the latest record of the champion.

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА .... Exercise 13.Перефразируйте словосочетания используя формулы притяжательного падежа. 1.the assistant of the

2.the nephew of Sir Charles.

3.the birthday of my boy-friend.

4.the duties of men-srvants.

5.the last letter of my mother-in-law .

6.the recent statement of President Bush.

7.the early poems of Robert Burns .

8.an interval of ten minutes .

9.a distance of five miles

10.the crew of the ship

11.the population of England

12.for the sake of economy

13.the mother of Mary and John

14.the rooms of the daughter and the son

15.the new house of the Parkers

16.the latest record of the champion.

Вставить в правильной форме.Плиз ,до завтра надо.1).At nine o'clock in the morning Fred ... (sleep) as it was Sunday.2)Jack ...(put on) the coat when the

telephone ... (ring). 3)While Andrew ... (write) an essay, his helper ... (take) pictures to illustrate the text.4)When mum...(open) the door, she saw Greg who ...(clean) the hall.5)Jack... (do) his homework at 7 p.m.6)What... (Debby/write) in her e-mail? 7) Someone... (come) to visit the Robinsons last Thursday:I ... (see) a car arrive at the door of their house.8) It... (rain) while I... (wait) for you.9)It ... (begin) to snow when we ... (reach) the airport. 10)What ... (you/do) at 11 a.m. yesterday?

укажите просто номера предложений, прошу)) correct the errors in the following sentences (not every sentence contains an error ) 1. uncle william is the mo

st generous of my two uncles. 2. i think that the rose is most loveliest of all summer flowers. 3. of the two cricket bats , this one is the better. 4. sally is the least talanted of her sisters. 5. I think Bob is smarter of all in your group.

перевожу... Исправить ошибки в следующих предложениях (не каждое предложение содержит ошибку) 1. дядя Уильям является самым щедрым из двух моих дядей. 2. Я думаю, что роза является самым прекрасный из всех летних цветов. 3. Из двух крикет летучих мышей, на этот раз в лучшую сторону. 4. Вылазка является наименее талантливый из ее сестер. 5. Я думаю Боб умнее всего в вашей группе.

Помогите з домашкой. переведите предложения.I go to school every den.A love my school very silno.U me good uchitelya.Ya Lulu teach at the school of

English, and not tolko.U I have a lot of favorite lessons as computer science, geography and so learn very dalee.Ya horosho.My at recess with his classmates run around in the yard of our school, go to stolovuyu.Ya love my school because it is mine, and she told me very

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