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Помогите ответить на вопросы из текста ; 1) What is your favourite day? 2)What advice can you give? 3) Why do you like this place? 4) W

5-9 класс

hat*s the best thing ? Текст По буквам ; a.b.c.d D) Respect the Uzbek rules ,their way of life,and the country's natural beauty. To understand the country the best thing to do is visit a choyhona. In the choyhona you can meet a lot of interesting people, get advise ,eat ,drink and even sleep. .a) We like to beauty of the country , the food is cheap and the sun's always shining . The grass is green and the threes are in blossom . Oh, and we like the colourful national costumes. I'm going to buy a duppi and a chopon tom take home. People is America will love them. C) We started the day with a tour of Samarkand , visited an old mosque , and went shopping in the bazar . We had dinner in one of hundreds of small resturants in the side streets. B) The culture and the people ,who are friendly, kind and caring. You really notice that people are open. The other amazing thing is the respect they have for older people and their love of children .

Janie 19 марта 2015 г., 11:05:35 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 марта 2015 г., 13:05:24 (9 лет назад)

1) My favourite day is Saturday(любой можешь вставить)

2) To different people i can give diferent advices. To pedestrians i can tell them to be  carefully

3) In my opinion this place very beautiful and peacefull

4) I think the best thing is a chocolate


Д)Спасибо Узбекским законам, способы их жизни(дословно их пути жизни),ю их красоте их страны. Что бы лучше понять их страну, лучший способ, посетить "choyhona".В "choyhona" ты можешь встретить много интересных людей, получить полезные советы, есть, пить, и спать в волю.


Читайте также

Помогите ответить на вопросы! 1. Have you got a flat? 2.What floor is your flat on? 3.is there a lift in your house? 4.is

your flat large?

5.do your live with your parehts?

6.how many rooms are there in your flat?

7.have you a sitting room?

8.have you got a separate bedroom?

9.Is your kitchen large?

10.what is your favourite place in the flat?

11.do you like to stay at home with your family?

12.who likes to watch TV in your family?

Прочитать текст, определить художественный жанр текста и ответить на вопросы по тексту: "treasure island" is a book about sea

adventures, pirates and treasure. The main character is a boy,Jim Hawkins. He finds a treasure map and sails away on the ship "Hispaniola" for Treasure island. tthe boy is clever and brave.Jim tries to find Captain Flint's gold. He finds the pirates' plans and tells Captain Smollett.

I like this book very much! It is really interesting to read this book. I recommend this book to people who like real adventures and stories about pirates.

A.) определить жанр описываемой книги:

Adventure Historical book Wildlife Detective Space

Ответь на следующие вопросы:

Б.)1. What is the name of the main character?

2. What did he find?

3. Is the boy brave or not?

4. What did he try to find?

5. Whom did the boy tell about the pirates' plans?

Помогите дать ответы на вопросы:

Write about your favourites.

1 What is your favourite animal?
2 What is your favourite subject?

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!Помогите ответить на вопросы

1. What is your best friend like?
2.Which person do you admire the most?Why?

Помогите ответить на вопросы. 1.Do you go to a public or a state school? 2. Do you boys and girls study together? 3.Do you go home or stay at school

after classes? 4.How many classes a day do you have? 5.Do you have to wear a uniform? 6.What foreign languages are you learning? 7.What"s your favourite subject? How many floors are there in your school?

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