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10-11 класс

Nаdія 20 нояб. 2014 г., 9:45:20 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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20 нояб. 2014 г., 11:37:04 (9 лет назад)

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Прочитать стихотворение и перевести.Перевод должен быть литературный.И придумать свое стихотв и перевод Спасибо.This is a ball.And these are toys.That

is a girl.And those are boys.This is a parrot.And these are frogs.That is a dolphin.And those are dogs.Задание 3 класса слова должны быть легкие

Вставь артикли там,где нужно.

...Victor Lives in ... small village in ... south of ... Peru on ... coast of ... Pacific Ocean.His father is ... fisherman.He learns ... English.He Likes ... his school.He wants to be ... teacher.

Complete the sentences with have/has, am/is/are.

1. I ... got friends. They ... from London.
2. Mary ... got an uncle. Her uncle's name ... Tim.
3. I ... Sam. I ... a friend. His name ... Ron.
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Ответить на вопросы по тексту THE SYSTEM OF LAW IN OUR COUNTRY Law is а system of rules established by the


The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation.

The system of law in our country consists of different branches of law.

Constitutional law is a leading branch of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.
Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of the government and ministries.

Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity.

Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of social life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right в property is the central institution of civil law.

The rules of labour law include the legislation on the labour of industrial and office workers and matters arising from labour relations.

Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishment applied to criminals. Criminal law takes the form of а criminal code consisting of а general and special part.

Ответьте на вопросы

1. What is law? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What is the main aim of law? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What branches of law does the system of law in our country consist of? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. What does each branch of law deal with? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

люди, знающие английский язык хорошо помогите пожалуйста! нужно ответить на 2 вопроса по тексту. буду очень благодарна! Most

introductory textbooks on Economics begin by posing the question, “What is Economics about? Although Economics is a vast subject and precise definitions are usually try complex, it is not a difficult matter to give a simple and sensible answer to the basic question. Economics is essentially a study of the ways in which people apply their knowledge, skills, and efforts to the gifts of nature in order to satisfy their material wants.
Economics limits itself to the study of the material aspects of live, and while it is true that man cannot live by bread alone, it is equally true that he cannot live without it. An underlying problem in economics is that of survival and we must examine how people have solved or are trying to solve this problem. In the more advanced countries this may seem a very remote problem — few people, if any, are conscious of a life or death struggle for existence. In many other
countries, however, the continuity of human existence is by no means assured — starvation is a very real prospect for millions of human beings.
Even in the prosperous, economically advanced countries there is an aspect of survival which attracts little or no attention from those of us fortunate enough to live in these areas. This is our relative helplessness as «economic» indi-viduals. The Indian peasants have an extremely low standard of living, yet, left completely to their own devices, they can survive. Such people have the abilities to sustain life without outside assistance. A large percentage of the human race still lives in very small self-sufficient peasant communities. These people experience great poverty, but they can provide on an individual basis, for their own survival. They have a degree of economic independence.
If we now turn to the inhabitants of New York, London, or any other great metropolitan area we must observe the opposite situation — a high standard of living together with an extreme economic dependence. The inhabitants of cities are totally incapable of providing for themselves, directly, the means of their survival. They could not feed themselves, or build their own houses. Such people depend, each and every day of their lives, on the efforts and cooperation of many thousands of specialist workers. In industrialized societies a high standard of living is possible only if the organized cooperation of large numbers of people can be guaranteed. In the economically developed countries we are rich, not as individuals, but only as members of a complex economic organization.

вот два вопроса, на которые необходимо ответить:

1)What do most introductory books on Economics begin by?
2)What does it limit itself to?

Срочно!Помогите пожалуйста!!! нужен перевод 1 и 3 абзацы ( не по переводчику) . + ответить на вопросы. PUBLIC BEHAVIOR IN THE UNITED


1. Britons, and the English in particular, are notoriously undemonstrative. The “stuff upper lip” is not just the stuff of fiction and emotional displays, positive or negative, are generally frowned upon. Gestures such as backslapping and hugging are discouraged and a wide distance should be maintained between participants in a conversation. Maintaining eye contact may be necessary when you are trying to emphasize important points but you must avoid any temptation to “eye-ball”. Talking loudly is unacceptable and shouting is beyond the pale. Some old-fashioned interlocutors may not hear you if you have your hands in your pockets. The British do not gesticulate frantically.

2. Introductions can be tricky. Ideally the British prefer third-party introductions but in certain situations, like a drinks party, it may not always be possible and, though awkward, you may just have to go ahead and introduce yourself. Firm handshakes are the norm as part of a formal introduction but may not be expected at subsequent meetings or on social occasions; a gentleman should always wait for a woman to proffer her hand before squeezing it gently. The continental habit of exchanging kisses has gained currency especially amongst the young and the affected but is not recommended for visitors – even the natives are unsure of the correct procedure.

3. “How do you do?” is a greeting not a question. It is used when people are introduced for the first time only and the correct response is to repeat “How do you do?” which is a more or less sincere enquiry as to your well-being.

4. This emotional detachment or even apparent indifference also explains the British abhorrence of Americanisms such as “Have a nice day”. The objection lies not in the sentiment itself but in the lack of sincerity that is implied to the stand-offish British mentality.

5. If the British use few words, it is because they prefer to mean those they do use. They are polite and courteous for the most part. They expect to be treated with respect, in turn for which they will treat you with respect, so: – if there is a queue, go to the back of the line and wait patiently; - do not use the “V” – sign (raising the index and middle fingers) unless you are sure which is the Churchillian version signifying peace or victory (palm outwards); the use of the alternative version (palm inwards) is less common nowadays but is still vulgar and offensive.

6. A service charge of 10-15 % is almost always included in hotel and restaurant bills and you should be wary of establishments that leave the credit card slip open for you to include an additional contribution (if you wish to reward exceptional service give cash directly to the staff). Do not tip bar staff in pubs where there is no table service. Otherwise taxi drivers (especially in London), hairdressers, porters, etc. will expect 10-15 % or a couple of pounds, whichever is the greater.

IV. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What kind of people are Britons?

2. What kind of introductions do the British prefer?

3. What does “How do you do?” mean in Britain?

4. What are the norms of public behaviour in Britain?

Внизу вопросы к тексту, ответьте пожалуйста на английском! New Year’s Celebration around the world. In New-York City, people gather in

Times Square to watch a huge crystal ball descend from the top of a tall building as midnight approaches. At the final moment, people cheer and hug and kiss each other. In London, people gather in Trafalgar Square and listen for the chimes of a huge clock called Big Ben to mark the start of the New Year. Then they cheer and sing a traditional song: Auld Lang Syne. In Scotland, friends visit each other’s houses in the early hours of the New Year, bringing with them some bread, some whisky, and a lump of coal for good luck. This custom is called “first-footing.” In Japan, people decorate the doors of their houses with pine branches and bamboo, which symbolize long life and wealth. In China, families stay up till midnight to eat a special kind of dumpling. The dumplings are boiled and served just after midnight. A coin is hidden in one of the dumplings. The person who finds or bites the coin will be the luckiest one in the New Year. In Germany, New Year’s Eve is called « Sylvester» and is named after a pope from the 4th century. People dress up in their best clothes and visit each others’ houses to drink a toast to the New Year. In Spain, when the clock strikes midnight, it is the custom to eat 12 grapes, one with every chime, to bring good luck for the 12 months ahead.

Дайте письменно ответы на следующие вопросы. 1. In what country is a coin, hidden in a special dish, a symbol of luck in the coming year? 2. What plants symbolize longevity and prosperity? 3. Why is New Year’s Eve called Sylvester? 4. Why do they eat 12 grapes in Spain, when the clock strikes midnight?

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