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Плизз I need you help(((

10-11 класс

Alehard 13 нояб. 2013 г., 11:38:55 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 нояб. 2013 г., 14:36:19 (10 лет назад)



Другие вопросы из категории

Выпишите сказуемое, укажите его видовременную форму и переведите предложения на русский язык

1) The English are-at-home people.
2) English are tea-drinkers.
3) Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions.
4) People all over the world know the saying " The Englishman's home is his castle".
5) Some English families have " high tea " or big tea and no supper.

1. Do you know any_of these girls? 2. There are ____ foreign

visitors in the palace. 3. ____ of my friends live in this house. 4. We

haven’t ____ time. 5. Do you like ____ of these animals? 6. Yes, I

like ____ of them. 7. No, I do not like ____ of them. 8. Give me

____ water. 9. We don’t see ____ flowers here. 10. What fruit do you

want to buy? — ____ fruit that is good for small children. 11. If I

have ____ free time, I shall go with you to the cinema.

Читайте также

Can you help me?can you cook cakes?...the oven.Yes,I can...the girl.

Can you help me?can you milk me?....the cow.Yes,I can...the girl.
Can you help me?can you gather apples?...the tree.Yes,I can...the girl. Нужно вставить слова в нужной форме.
to ask
to answer

I need your helps guys !!!

Plz ! Help me !

Complete the sentences with adverbs from the box . You don't need to use all the words.

Помогите написать сочинение (100-150 слов) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED PLEASE HELP!


No experience necessary

Our zoo has to move to a new site 20 km to the South from the current location. We need volunteers to help us move the animals and the quipment there. We will provide you with

necessary clothes opportunities to acquire new skills references for future employment

If you are interested in this exciting job, don't miss the opportunity! Contact us via e-mail at [email protected]

In your letter express your interest and find out:

when you need to start and how long the work is going to take; what animals you'll have to deal with; whether they provide a room to stay in or whether you'll have to commute.

СРОЧНО ПОЖ-ТА First or second conditional? Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb 1)If you(not stop)playing the games right now , you

(be) addicted to them and it (be) difficult to give up 2)Don't you think that everything is going well ? You (secceed) in making project if you (keep)going like this 3)I (be) happy if you present(present)me a car (go)cold 4)If I (not come) to the meeting ___you taje notes for me? 5)If you (need) any help let me know and I (come_and help you straight away 6) As soon as I(have) enough equipments,I(open) the department store

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