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Put who, that , what or preposition + which in the following sentences necessary :

10-11 класс

1) Thank you for your e-mail ... you enquired about our products.
2)Your statement of account .. we received last week , appears to have a number of errors ...refer to items we did not order.
3) I would like to speak to Mr.Baker,.. phoned me this week, concerning our account ,...he says has not been cleared.
4)Would you please clear your balance .. has been outstanding since last January.
5)To my mind, you need to contact the person.. deals with foreign transactions.
6)An agent ... sells products on his own account can set his own prices and profit margins.
7)Thank you for your letter of 12 April 2006... you asked us to give your company a ten per cent discount on your order.
8)Insurance underwriters offer two types of policy.. would be suitable for your requirements.
9)With regard to the changes of our terms of payment... you asked for we suggest you should use Banker's Drafts.
10)We would like to remind you still owe our bank 2000$ ... we want you to pay before the end of April

Darinagribang 13 нояб. 2014 г., 10:59:48 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 нояб. 2014 г., 12:55:53 (9 лет назад)

who,  that ,  what,   preposition + which
1) Thank you for your e-mail in which you enquired about our products.
2) Your statement of account that we received last week, appears to have a number of errors that refer to items we did not order.
3) I would like to speak to Mr.Baker, who phoned me this week, concerning our account, that he says has not been cleared.
4) Would you please clear your balance that has been outstanding since last January.
5) To my mind, you need to contact the person who deals with foreign transactions.
6) An agent who sells products on his own account can set his own prices and profit margins.
7) Thank you for your letter of 12 April 2006 in which you asked us to give your company a ten per cent discount on your order.
8) Insurance underwriters offer two types of policy that would be suitable for your requirements.
9) With regard to the changes of our terms of payment that you asked for we suggest you should use Banker's Drafts.
10) We would like to remind you still owe our bank 2000$ that we want you to pay before the end of April 


Другие вопросы из категории

Упр.1(Exercise1.) Вставьте глагол TO BE в настоящем простом

времени.(Fill in the blanks with the verb TO BE in the PRESENT SIMPLE.)
1.What---your name? My name---Ann.
2.Where---you from? I---from London.
3.My father---not a teacher, he---a physician.
4.---they at home? No, they---not at home, they---at the college. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!)

Переведите на англисйкий пожалуйста очень нужно.. срочно.... "Моя семья состоит из трех человек. Я мама и папа. Мне девятнадцать лет, я работаю в

больнице спецалистом отдела кадров. Моей мама тридцать семь лет. У нее свой магазин, она частный пердпринематель. Моему папе сорок лет. Он работает в нефтяной компании. Мы любим часто проводить время вместе. Наша семья очень дружная, мы помогаем друг другу во всем" только можно не через переводчик.. он там не то переводит.

Questions with a ppreposition. Write in the question.

1) He's getting married to Ann.
2) Jerry's in love with Betty.
3) I had a dream about UFOs.
4) I had an argument about money with Bert.
5) Sh! I'm listening.
6) Jane is talking.
7) I'm waiting.
8) She was thinking.
9) They were looking everywhere.
10) I'm going out.

Читайте также

5.4.Put the following sentences into negative and interrogative forms: 1. Someone is waiting for you in that room. 2. He

knows nothing about the arson.-задать 2 вопроса.

3. We know something that can be useful for the investigation of the treason.

4. Everybody approved his conviction.

5. You can find evidence everywhere at the crime scence.

5.3.Read the words, determine what parts of speech they belong to and by means of what suffixes they are formed and translate them into Russian:

darkness, readiness, demonstration, sailor, especially, brightly, weakness, celebration, happiness, examiner, introduction, understandable, agreement, delegation, fatherless, hopeful, nameless, indifferent.

5.6.Read and translate the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (to find)....... very important evidence during the crime scene search.

2. Is everybody here? - No, one of our divisional inspectors (not to come).......................yet.

3. You anything (to hear).............about the government building arson?

4. He never (to prejudice)................his actions.

5. Why are you here? You are to interview witnesses.- But we already (to do)............................it.

6. Will you call after 3 o'clock? He (to arrive)...........by that time.

7. He already (to interrogate).......................the suspect when I saw him.

№1. Which of the following terms does not belong to electronics?

Transistor, resistor, capacitor, contractor, processor.


The most advancing technology of the present industrial age is that of electronics. The introduction of the transistor in its day seemed a marvel of compactness compared with the glass vacuum tube. Now the size of electronic devices has been reduced by 10 every five years which has led to a great compression. When the term microelectronics first came into use, a chip of silicon a tenth of a square inch might hold 10 to 20 transistors, together with a few diodes, capacitors and resistors. Now such chips can contain thousands of separate electronic components.

Before the appearance of the transistor each type of component in an electronic circuit was made from one or more materials with the required electrical characteristics. For example, carbon was used for resistors, ceramics and a dielectric for capacitors, tungsten for emitters in vacuum tubes and so on. These components were then used like building blocks in creating a circuit with specified characteristics and responses. Circuits were combined into systems, such as a radio transmitter, a radio receiver, a radar set or a computer.

From the earliest days electronics has been a technology of complex interconnections. A small radar set can easily have as many interconnections as an oil refinery. To simplify a system design and reduce the number of interconnections engineers developed a series of standard circuit modules. Each module performed a specific function and was used as logical building block for creating the systems. The transistor could readily be assembled with resistors and capacitors of about the same size on a small plastic board. These modular circuit boards of the size of a playing card could then be plugged together as needed.

As transistor technology developed it was important to decrease the size of components and the length of interconnections. The physical limit of finding room for connections in an ever decreasing area was fast approaching. This limitation and the complexity of system design made the search for a new technology imperative.

The technology that resulted was microelectronics embodied in the integrated circuit. It made possible to produce (as a part of a single chip of silicon) transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors joining them into a complete circuit.

The technology that produces such high-density electronic circuits is called large-scale integration, or LSI. Although the term has no precise definition, it is usually reserved for integrated circuits that comprise 100 or more “gates”, or individual circuit functions, with a density of 50,000 to 100,000 components per square inch. If the upper value could be achieved throughout a cubic inch of material, the density of electronic components would be about a fourth of the density of nerve cells in the human brain.

It now seems inevitable that microelectronic circuits, including LSI, will soon find their way into a variety of new applications which will have great impact on industry and everyday life.

Use it is or there is / are in the following sentences.

1. … very wet today, … impossible to go out. 2. … a thick fog last week. … usually a lot of accidents in such bad weather. 3. … foolish to drive fast when … foggy or rainy. 4. … interesting to go sightseeing in any unknown city. 5. … a lot of places of interest in ancient towns of this country. 6. … time to go home, … a lot of work to do there. 7. … all sorts of stories about Robin Hood. 8. … a pity you can’t go with us. 9. … only one cigarette in the box. 10. … important to know the details.

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