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10-11 класс

Frtumvyij 24 окт. 2014 г., 15:32:36 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
24 окт. 2014 г., 16:42:01 (9 лет назад)

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Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста написать сочинение по английскому :

Every culture is unique and has a particular vision of human life.

Помогите пожалуйста с сослагательными наклонениями.

1. Nobody will understand if you...what you say.
- won't explain
-will not explain
- don't explain
- haven't explained
2. If I were you, I.. a contract with this company
- will not sigh
- would not sigh
- would not have signed
- will not have signed
3. If she...the windows, she wouldn't have had to pay for a new one
- haven't broken
- didn't break
- hadn't broken
- would break
4. If incomes are rising, the demand for goods and services…
- have increased
- would increase
- increase
- will increase
5. We…a party if Robert passes his driving test
-won’t have
-will have
- would have
- have
6. If I lived in France, I… French well
- spoke
-would speak
-will speak
-had spoken
7. I… John your message if I see him today
-would have
-would have given
-will give
8. They…any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some
-would have
-haven’t had
- wouldn’t have had
-didn’t have
9. They will be angry if we…for them
-don’t wait
-have waited
-will wait
-won’t wait
10. I would go there if I…enough money
-would have
-should have
11. If the consultant…more careful research, he would have identified the gap in the
-had done
-have done
-will do
12. If he had come two minutes later, we… the plane
- would have missed
-had missed
-will miss
-would miss
13. I would buy that bag if it… cheaper
-will be
-would be
-had been
14. If I…you, I would never give up
-have been
-had been
15. If wages rise, unemployment
-would increase
-will increase
16.If you win that completition, you…rich
-had been
-would be
-will be
-would have been
17. If we..the equipment we would have become more cometitive
- will instailed
-had instailed
-would instailed
-have instailed
18. If it…cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire
-were not
-would be
-hadn’t been
19.If the government…the tax incentive scheme, we would have faced serious financial difficulties
- didn’t introduce
-wouldn’t introduce
-hadn’t introduce
-won’t introduce
20. We would have to reduce out workforce if the bank..to extend out credit
- will refuse
-had refuse
-would have refused

There is a green carpet on the floor
Помогите пожалуйста с английским !!!

complete the sentences. use one of these expressions in the correct form with the right preposition:
be responsible
be fond
get used
be proud

1) This is very kind of you. Thank you .... doing it!
2) Alex was not very pleased with our choice of film. He always ....watching thrillers
3) why is Hank Avery here? -Caroline....inviting him. He's her brother.
4) We can ask Jane to make a cake. She.....cooking
5) Let's congratulate Mary. She....getting top grades in all her subjects.
6) Who .....clearing up yesterday ? This place looks awful.
7) A traffic jam....us....arriving at the airport in time.
8) Is Ann still very unhappy about her new flat? - Not as unhappy as she was.i think she....living there.
9) Kevin is dishonest. Don't even....lending him money

Читайте также

Помогите сделать задание по англ.

Используйте слово в скобках, чтобы сформировать слово, которое соответствует соответственно в пробеле.
1. Good food and drinks are the …………..(base) elements of sound …………….(to cater) but ………………..(to serve) and décor play no mean part.2. A supervisor must possess certain human-…………… (to relate) skills.3. Taking time for….. (to care) analysis can often yield better……………(to alternate).4. All levels of …………………… (to manage) must meet their objectives by (to work)………………(to effect) through others.5. In a small hotel the …………..(to organize) is ………….(to compare) simple.

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