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Напишите пожалуйста рассказ про обучение в России на английском! Пожалуйста помогите,срочно нужно

10-11 класс

Bolhebstvo 06 апр. 2017 г., 4:42:33 (7 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 6:45:31 (7 лет назад)

Education in Russia

+ 0 -
06 апр. 2017 г., 7:37:21 (7 лет назад)

XVIII century occupies a special place in the history of education in Russia in this century is created secular school, attempted to establish a state system of education, development of the principles of secular education and training.

Reforms of Peter's time, the necessity of practical implementation of the economic, political. military and cultural transformation intensified the need for educated people. Invitation of relevant experts from European countries and the training of Russian youth abroad could not provide a solution to this problem. Development of education in Russia is becoming an important state task.

In the beginning of the century in Russia there are public schools of various types. These schools differ in practical orientation and at the same time were not by shoppy. They not only prepared specialists of various profiles, but gave General education (Russian and foreign languages, math, philosophy, policy and other) In most of the schools were preparatory Department where were taught reading, writing and arithmetic.

The first was opened in 1701, school of mathematical and navigation Sciences in the Sukharev tower in Moscow. The Director of the school appointed guest of the University of Aberdeen (UK) Professor, Фарварсона. In school taught the largest Russian educator, author of a textbook on mathematics L. F. Magnitsky. The curriculum included arithmetic, geometry, trigonometry, navigation, astronomy, mathematical geography. Science studied progressively, as the students began their development from class to class. Prepared in the school sailors, engineers, gunners. In 1715, the senior classes navigation school were transferred to Saint Petersburg, on the basis of them was created Maritime Academy.


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите пожалуйста. надо закончить предложения с правильной формой глаголов в скобках. 1) I saw the accident while I ________ ( wait )

for the bus.

2) Britney Spears _________ ( just record ) a new album.

3) I've finally dicided. I __________ ( study ) in France next year.

4) We must call the doctor. I think he ___________ ( break ) his leg.

5) How long ___________ ( Beckham play ) for Manchester United?

6) If I go to the beach I know it ________ ( rain )!

7) When the teacher _________ ( come ) into the classroom we stopped talking.

8) I think it _________ ( be ) a wonderful holiday. Have fun!

9) I arrived home late last night and _________ ( find ) the front door open.

10) It's an amazing book. It ________ (write) by a Spanish author in 1850.

Видо-временные формы глаголов. Present Simple\Continuous\Perfect and Past Simple. Раскройте скобки, заполните пропуски и запишите предложения.

1. After you moved from Washington, how long ________( you / be ) in Toronto?
2. Dear Fernando, I _________ (write ) to say thank you for the present you sent me.
3. Beth _______( have ) her car over eight years, and she is still happy with it.
4. I’m sorry, I __________( not / agree ) with you.
5. Delgar _____( spend ) his holiday in France when he produced his first great painting.

Underline the correct answer

поставить вместо точек : Ann said that she … with us for 3 weeks before she … for England.

Выберите один ответ:
had worked, leaves
would have been working, left
would work, would leave
will have worked, will leave

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