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tekst:Yesterday Emma helped her mother.First she washed the dishes,next she cleaned her shoes and then she played with her brother,Joe.She walked to

1-4 класс

the supermarket and the carried home two heavy bags.there was a poster on a wall.Emma's mother was very happy.She had a surprise foe Emma.Emma looked at the tickets.then she phoned Jill. zadanie:read and say.Nujno sdelat tak 4to by na nepravil'noe predlojenie u vas polu4ilos',naprimer;emma helped her father. No,Emma helped her mother. First she washed the clothes.2.then she played with her friend.3.She carried four heavy bags.4.Next she cleaned her room.4.She walked to the library.5.Jill phoned Emma.6.Emma's mother had three tickets.

Tania1 23 авг. 2014 г., 2:04:13 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
23 авг. 2014 г., 3:23:49 (9 лет назад)

1. First she washed the clothes.  - That's wrong. First she washed the dishes.

2.then she played with her friend. - That's wrong. Then she played with her brother,Joe.

3.She carried four heavy bags. - That's wrong. She carried home two heavy bags.

4. Next she cleaned her room. - That's wrong. Next she cleaned her shoes.

5. She walked to the library. - That's wrong. She walked to the supermarket.

6.Jill phoned Emma. - That's wrong. She phoned Jill.

7.Emma's mother had three tickets. - That's wrong. Emma's mother had two tickets.


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I am harry and I have got lot of friens.My friends always help their parents about the house.Violet has to go shopping and wash the dishes .She does not

have to clean her room becauseher sister does it once a week.Ben has to wash their car and clean his room.He does not have to wash the dishes or go shopping.Mary always makes breakfast for her littlr sister and plays with her when her mum cooks in the kitchen.She never goes shopping Ihave to clean my room twice a week and Isometimes wash the dishes after supper.Ido not have to go shopping.
1.Violet has to -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
She does not have to --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.Ben has to ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.Mary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4.Harry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Complete the text. Say how Mag helped her mum. Last Sunday Mag got (get) up at 9 am. She ... (wash) her fake and hands, ... (clean) her teeth. Then she

... (make) her bed. At half past nine Mag ... (help) her mother to lay the table. She ... (have) breakfast with her mum,dad and sister Becky. After breakfast Mag ... (water) the flowers and ... (feed) her pets.

1. раставить галочку что она делает каждый и что вчера 2. выписать глаголы в прошедшем времени в соответствии с правилами чтения окончания -


[t] [d] [id]

0. Cinderella dusted the furniture in the house.
1. she cooks dinner every day.
2. Cinderella often helps her stepsisters
3. She gathered many apples yesterday
4. Cinderella worked about the house yesterday
5. Cinderella helped her sister yesterday
6. Cinderella usually dusts the furniture in the house.
7. Cinderella works about the every day
8. she washes the dishes every day
9. Cinderella cooked a meal yesterday
10. Cinderella often gathers apples in the garden
11. she washed the dishes yesterday
12. Cinderella cleans the house every day
13. she cleaned the house yesterday, too

What does Betty have to do? Read and complete.

water the flowers x
wash the dishes v
clean the room v
wash the dog x
do her homework v

e.g. Betty doesnt have to water the flowers.

1. Betty ...the dishes.
2. Betty ...the room.
3. Betty ...the dog.
4. Betty ...her homework.

What does Betty have to do? Read and complete.

water the flowers x
wash the dishes v
clean the room v
wash the dog x
do her homework v

e.g. Betty doesnt have to water the flowers.

1. Betty ...the dishes.
2. Betty ...the room.
3. Betty ...the dog.
4. Betty ...her homework.

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