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Use prepositions or adverbs if necessary. The language … Australia is English. The climate … Australia varies … the cool and

10-11 класс

temperate. Australia is the driest continent … the Earth. About one half … its territory is occupied … deserts and semi-deserts.

The commonest trees … Australia are the eucalyptus, … which there are over 500 kinds. There are also acacia or mimosa, which is the national emblem … Australia. Even stranger than plants are the animals. There live kangaroos, duck-bills, koalas and a great number … different birds, parrots …them.

Ser85910678 08 февр. 2014 г., 5:30:34 (10 лет назад)
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08 февр. 2014 г., 8:22:04 (10 лет назад)

In Of From On Of By In Of Of Of


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переведите текст пожалуйста.About 25% of the world's population speak English.

Doctors and scientists try to answer the same questions all over the world.they find it easy to exchange their ideas in English.
English has become a means of communication within some countries where different groups of people speak different languages.for example,in lndia there. are 15 official languages and thousands of dialectx .people from different parts of the country often do not speak each other's language.English is the only solution to their commnication problems.
english is called the language of the sky and the sea.every pilot and ship's. captain must speak English to commnicate with each other.
Most vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English.80% of all information in the world's computers is in English.
English is the language of politicians .English along with french and German is spoken at their summit meetings.Most international journalists have to know English,too.
75% of all interhational business letters are written in English .Nearly 50% of the companies communicate with each other in English.
English is the language of rock and pop music .Most of world known singers sind their songs in English.
US and British companies produce thousands of films,videos and TV programmes every year.They are shown all over the world with subtitles and dubbind.

ПЕРЕВОД:When you marry,your husband (or wifes) family become your in-laws.The mother of your spouse (husband or wife) is your mother-in-law and his or her

father becomes your father-in-law.The term inlaw is also used to describe your relationship with the spouses of your siblings. So the husband of your sister becomes you brother-in-law,while the sister of your husband becomes your sister-in-law. If you are a woman you daughter-in-law of your husbands parents and if you are a man you become the son-in-law of your wifes parents.The parents of your parents are your grandparents-grandmother and grandfather.You are their grandchildren-either and granddaughter or a grandson.The mother of your grandmother or grandfather is your great-grandmother.The father is your great-grandfather.The grandparents of your grandmother of your grandfather are you great-great-grandmother and great-great-grandfather.If your mother or father remarries,you can acquire a new family and set of relatives. If your father marries a second wife,she becomes your step-mother.Any children she already has become your step-sisters or step-brothers. Your mothers second husband becomes you step-father.Families may be classified into a number of different types.The most recognized of these families is the so-called nuclear family,which consists of a husband and wife and their biological or adoptive children.A family that includes is one household near relatives in addition to a nuclear family is called an extended family.It is a big family consisting of are least three generations living together.The head of the family is usually the oldest man.More often than not,such family consists of grand-parents,their sons and their sons families.A single-parent /one-parent family is another type of family. It is a family in which there is only one parent who takes care of the child or children because the parents are divorced,or because one of the parents is dead.Besides,thereare families which have no children.Many childless families choose not to have children because they concentrate on their careers,or like to travel. To replace children,childless families usually have pets instead.But whateve family it is its members will be happy if all of them get along well with eash other,don’t quarrel or argue but help each other both in everyday life and in household chores,when all the duties are organized among all the members and each one has his usual round of duties.Then it will be much easier to run house:to keep the flat tidy,to do the hovering the vacuum clearning,washing up,shopping,to cook meals,to iron the clothes etc.,and then to find some time to have fun together.

10-11 класс английский язык ответов нет
English is the Language of Communication

"Do you speak English?" — with this phrase begins the conversation between two people, that speak different languages and want to find a common language.
It's very good when you hear: "Yes, I do", and start talking. People of different countries arid nations have to get along well with the progress in world trade and technology as well as with each other.
So it is very useful to learn foreign languages. Knowledgeof foreign languages helps us to develop friendship and understanding among people.
English is very popular now. It's the language of computers, science, business, sport and politics. It's spoken all over the world. It is the official language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia. There are more than 750 million speakers of English in the world.
Speaking a foreign language you can x'ead papers, magazines and original books by great writers, watch satellite TV Programs. If you like travelling you can go anywhere without being afraid that other people will not understand you. English is very important to find a good job.

Определите вид придаточного предложения.*The world economy is made up of all

interactions among people, business and governments that cross international
borders. *When we drink our imported coffee or hot
chocolate in the morning, when we use a foreign made videocassette recorder, or
when we travel abroad we are participating in the growing world of
international trade and investment is simple. *However, when a country decide to protect its
economy, the result is often damaging to everyone, including those people the.
barriers were meant to protect. *The money that our pension funds earn from
global investments may be padding for our retirement.

*If it’s an open
market companies in other countries sell their goods in foreign markets without
any problems and prohibitions. *So whatever crosses of international border
goods services or transfers of funds are part of the world economy export and
import goods and services international finance and competition investments
contribute to each country international economic activity.
.* Experience over the last five decades shows
clearly that economic integration (removing barriers to the free movement of
goods, services, money and people) gives Europe a much better chance of
creating jobs and sustainable growth. *In addition, people, money and service
providers (such as airlines, banks and phone companies) are free to move around
and to operate across the EU with a degree of freedom that would have been hard
to imagine 50 years ago. *In creating the single market, major steps were
taken towards ensuring that all EU countries take a broadly similar approach to
company law, business accounting rules and intellectual property rules. *The remaining barriers to moving money across
borders were progressively dismantled, whether it was for business investment,
savings, study or holidays. *At the same time, steps were taken towards
ensuring that customers everywhere enjoyed equal protection, regardless of what
bank, insurer or investment they choose. *A start was made on introducing
competition into what were traditionally monopoly sectors, such as
telecommunications, airlines, the railways, postal services, gas and
electricity. *Restrictions which made it difficult for
airlines to operate efficiently are being removed.

Нужно перевести текст, только не через переводчик:: The Difficult Child The difficult child is the child who is unhappy. He is at war with himself, and

in consequence, he is at war with the world. A difficult child is,, nearly always made difficult by wrong treatment at home. The moulded, conditioned, disciplined, repressed child — the unfree child, whose name is a Legion, lives in every comer of the world, He lives in our town just across the street, he sits at a dull desk in a dull school, and later he sits at a duller desk in an office or on a factory bench. He is docile, prone to obey authority, fearful of criticism, and almost fanatical in his desire to be conventional and correct. He accepts what he has been taught almost without ques¬tion;, and he hands down all his complexes and fears and frustra¬tions to his children. Adults take it for granted that a child should be taught to behave in such a way that the adults will have as quiet a life as possible. Неnce the importance attached to obedience, to manner, to docility. The usual argument against freedom for children is this: life is hard, and we must train the children so that they will fit into life liter on We must therefore discipline them. If we allow them to do what they like, how will they ever be able to serve under a boss? How will they ever be able to exercise self-discipline? To impose anything by authority is wrong. Obedience must come from within —not be imposed from without. The problem child is the child who is pressured into obedience and persuaded through fear. Fear сад be a terrible thing in a child’s life. Fear must be entirely eliminated — fear of adults, fear of punishment, fear of disapproval. Only hate can flourish in the atmosphere of fear. The happiest homes are those in which the parents are frankly honest with their children without moralizing. Fear does not enter these homes. Father and son are pals. Love can thrive. In other homes love is crushed by fear. Pretentious dignity and demanded respect hold love aloof. Compelled respect always implies fear. The happiness and well-being of children depend on a degree of love £md approval we give them. We must be on the child’s side. Being oil the side of the child is giving love to the child — not possessive love — not sentimental love - just behaving to the child in such a way the child feels you love him and approve of him. Home plays many parts in the life of the growing child, it is the natural source of affection; the place where he can live with the sense Of security; it educates him in all sorts qf ways, provides him with his opportunities of recreation, it affects his status in society. Children need affection. Of all the functions of the family that of providing an affectionate background for childhood and adolescence has never been more important than it is today. Child study has enabled us to see how necessary affection is in ensuring proper emotional development; and the stresses and strains of growing up in modern urban society have the effect of intensifying the yearning for parental regard. The childhood spent with heartless, indifferent or quarrelsome parents or in a broken home makes a child permanently embittered. Nothing can compensate for lack of parental affection. .When the home is a loveless one, the children are impersonal and even hostile. Approaching adolescence children become more independent of their parents. They are now more concerned with what other kids say or do. They go on loving their parents deeply underneath, but they don’t show it on the surface. They no longer want to be loved as a possession or as an appealing child. They are gaining a sense of dignity as individuals, and they like to be treated as such. They develop a stronger sense of responsibility about matters that they think are important. From their need to be less dependent on their parents, they turn more to trusted adults outside the family for ideas and knowledge. In adolescence aggressive feelings become much stronger. In this period, children will play an earnest game of war. There may be arguments, roughhousing and even real fights. Is gun-play good or bad for children? For many years educators emphasized its harmlessness, even when thoughtful parents expressed doubt about letting their children have pistols and other warlike toys. It was assumed that in the course of growing up children have a natural tendency to bring their aggressiveness more and more under control.

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