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Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Rural people in northern Africa _____ traditional

10-11 класс


OsipovaInna 21 апр. 2013 г., 1:40:41 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 апр. 2013 г., 4:03:48 (11 лет назад)

Rural people in northern America dress traditional clothing.


Другие вопросы из категории

Перетворити з прямої мови у непряму і навпаки...срочно треба на завтра...плізз...\)) 1.He is going to the park (He told me) 2.We will come again

next year (We wrote them)

3."I was to London last year" she said to me

4.He said : "I was tired so I come home after party"

5.Joon said to Mary : "I didnt feel very well yesterday"

6.Two years ago they were students (She said)

7."They moved to a new flat yesteday" (They said)

8."We are not sure she has already finished her work" (They said)

9.She said to me : "I am marired and I"ve got one daughter"

10.They said to me : "We have jast moved nto a new flat"

Заполните пропуски данными глаголами в Present,

Past или Future Simple. Где вы считаете нужным, добавьте усиление
глаголами do, does или did.

come · decide · do · get · give · go · have · look ·
meet · offer · see · travel

Dick doesn't have a car and ___ (1) to work by bus
every day. He doesn't have to wait very long for the bus, but he ___
(2) to change buses once.

On Friday, the bus
drivers ___ (3) to go on strike for the day, so there were no buses.
it was Saturday and Dick was working in his garden. His next-door
neighbour Tom, leant over the garden fence.

'So you won't have managed
to get to work yesterday, then?' - he said. 'Actually, I___(4)to
work,'said Dick, 'A colleague ___ (5) me a lift.

Then Tom's wife Marge came
out to call Tom in for tea. 'Hello Dick', she said, 'I must say your
garden ___ (6) beautiful now you've added the pond and the waterfall.
Did you do it all yourself?' - 'Well, I ___(7) most of it myself, yes,
but to be honest I ___ (8) a bit of help from my brother, Harry.'

'Oh, was Harry here? ___ (9) him my regards next time you ___ (10) him, won't you.' - 'Will do', said Dick.

'My sister Betty has just
popped round to see us, I think you ___ (11) her at our drinks party,
didn't you? We're just about to have some tea. ___ (12) in and join us.'
said Marge. - 'Love to', replied Dick, blushing slightly and hoping
that Marge wouldn't notice.

Номер 117 плиз помогите
B1 помогите Пожалуйста

Читайте также

Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

b)will be
The weather is rice today, but it ... bad yesterday
Everybodi in our family ... Mummy about the house. Dat ... the dog, I... the flowers, and my brothers ... the rooms.
a)help, walks, water, clean
b)help, walks, water, cleans
c)helps, walks, water, clean
d)help, walk, waters, cleans
Отметьте , какие из перечисленных английских предложений верны/неверны (true/false):
1. English is the most popular foreign language in aur country.
2. After Friday comes Monday.
Соотнесите английские выражения с русскими:
1 stuffed with ewents а) загадочный сюжет
2 life of famous people в)драки различного вида
3 adventures in the space с)жизнь знаменитых людей
4 be kind and patient d)быть добрым и терпеливым
5 keep you in suspense e)наполненный событиями
6 fights of different types f)приключения в космосе
7 full of special effects g)наполнен спецэффектами
8 a mysterious plot h)держать в напряжение
Соотнесите английские предлоги с русскими:
1 in the middle of а) между
2 under б) в середине
3 in the corner с) ниже под
4 between д) спереди
5 next to е) в углу
6 in front of ф) рядом с
Отметьте существительные а единственном числе:
a) foot
b) children
c) roofs
d) news
e) boxes
f) trousens
g) postmen
h) businesswoman
i) money
j) mouse
Поставьте следующие слова в правильном порядке так , чтобы получилось предложение:
a) peace
b) there
c) like
d) is po
e) home
Расставьте слова и выражения в нужные колонки.
My working day My flat
1 TV set
2 free-time
3 different subjects
4 chest of drawers
5 to pass exams
6 to have some rest
7 cosy kitehen
8 heautifue wallpaper
9 a first - year student
10 armchair
11 many - stored building
12 to he busy
13 modern conveniemes
14 to take a coal showerr

Помогите пожалуйста!!! выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1.The population ____ faster than new schools can be built.
2.The costs of education___next year.
will increase
are increasing
3. More and more African students ___ to secondary schools.
is going
4. African woman ___ flat bread.
5. Why___women___dark shawls all the time.
6.She____schools last year.
7.What business ___ he___?He ___ a cafe
8. The Arabs and Jews ____Semites.
is called
are called
9.___all the Arabs ___ in Syria?
10. Many people ___livestock for a living.
won't raise
11. An Asian farmer often ____hand tools.
is using

5) Найдите правильный вариант вопроса к выделенному члену предложения.

1. Pam's sister a secretaty.
Who is Pam's sister?
What is Pam's sister?

2. Your friend speaks English well.
How does your friend speak English?
What does your friend speak English?

3. We will arrive un Tokio at 3 o'clock in the morning tomorrow.
Will we arrive in Tokio?
When will we arrive in Tokio?

5.1) Выберите правильный вариант.
1. You like black coffee ......?
a) aren't you? b) don't you? c) do you?
2) John isn't ill .......?
a) is he? b) does he ? is Johv?
3) There isn't a cloud is the sky ........?
a) does there? b) is there? c) is it?

Выберите правильный вариант ответа и аргументируйте свой выбор:

1. Britain is …island. (an, a, the)
2. I’m sure I know (him, he, its )
3. Can you tell me … time, please. (some, a, the)
4. Mary doesn’t eat … (the fish, fishes, fish)
5. David has been a teacher ….10 years. (during, for, in)
6. It’s so difficult to wake him up …. the morning. (at, on, in)
7. Some people think Russian is … than English. (much difficult, more difficult, most
8. Have you… work to do? (a few, much, many)
9. Her English is very good. She makes very … mistakes. (a few, few, little)
10. But you can’t go skiing. ….any snow. (It is no, There isn’t, There is no)
11. … TV? No, you can turn it off. (do you watch, have you watch, are you watching)
12. Would you like a cigarette? No, I …(am not smoking, don’t smoke, am not smoke)
13. Where is my book? Oh, I …it somewhere. (saw, see, have seen)
14. Yesterday she… some nice shoes. (buys, bought, buyed)
15. When …to see us again? (come you, will you come, you come)
16. I …speak English quite well. (may, can, could)
17. You went to Paris last month, …..? (are you, didn’t you, haven’t you)
18. She didn’t tell … about her plans. (nobody, somebody, anybody)
19. Many different languages ….in India. (spoke, are speaking, are spoken)

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