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На месте пропусков употребите "can/could" или "be able to" в нужной форме.

10-11 класс

1) Martha might ... to come tomorrow.
2) When i was young I ... to dance well.
3) Let's tell Mathew about our problem. He might ... to help.
4) Last night I ... sleep well.
5) I've never ... to find the man i need.
6) I used to ... to run fast.

Maria29051998 08 марта 2014 г., 10:49:24 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 марта 2014 г., 11:27:03 (10 лет назад)

1) Martha might be able to come tomorrow.
2) When I was young I could dance well.
3) Let's tell Mathew about our problem. He might be able to help.
4) Last night I could sleep well.
5) I've never been able to find the man I need.
6) I used to be able to run fast.


Другие вопросы из категории

I don’t have to go into ______ reasons why they hate each other.

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пропуски, используя слова под чертой (слова даны в нужной форме):

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Вставьте соответствующий глагол can , could или be able to.

1.He ...(not) work since his illness.
2.After I had tried for a few hours,I ... open the door and get out.
3.I ... see you next Monday at ten
4.They didn't come to the restaraunt.They ...(not) afford it.
5.When they came back from Paris they ... speak perfect French.
6.But have we really met before? I ... (not) remember where.
7.You ...(not) be serious in making such a proposition.
8.Before Jack ... protest Andrew went out of the room.
9.And now you ... get my carriage for me,John.
10.You ... (not) get that bracelet off ,unless you know where that spring is

Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to.

Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.
1 What does this label say? I ________ see without my glasses.
2 I’ve never ________draw well, but my brother is brilliant.
3 ________ you lend me a pen, please?
4 I’m free tonight, so I’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
5 After three months living here, I ________ understand quite a lot of Japanese.
6 I’d love ________ play a musical instrument.

Вставьте артикль на месте пропуска.

It's been a week since __night when Dima was attacked by the bear. I will always remember that night now when I stayed with Dima and we talked until ___. morning. I had never felt so close to my brother before. I was surprised to find out how much he had grown up and changed during ___. summer. Dima told me everything he had heard in the forest. He said that David and Daniel both liked me and that I had been the reason for their fight. It turned out that Dima had always known that David had written that letter to me and he had even helped him with some of the Russian words. However, because I hadn't mentioned it, my brother had kept his mouth shut too. But he should have told me. Everything would have been different then. Anyway, it was too late now. I told Dima it didn't matter to me and he dropped the subject.Dima was able to get back to his tent before ___ dawn, so that no questions about his absence were asked. He still had to wear the bandage on his hand, but he made up a good story about a fight to explain it. ___ next day was the last day of our trip. On ___. Sunday evening we returned to camp and our life got back to almost normal. I say "almost" because the more I think about it, the more I understand how I was unfair to David. Now I realize that he has always liked me and tried to show me, but I refused to believe it. When I think about how badly I hurt him, I want to kick myself. Even if he had done something wrong, how could I have called him a coward? After all, what would I have done in a situation like that? My hero Daniel has been very quiet since we got back. When somebody tried to write an article about his heroism on the river, he got really angry. He also stays away from Dima and me, as if we had done something wrong. And David pretends I don't exist. So by ... day I try to play it cool but by ___ night I stay awake and try to think about what I could have done differently. ____ most interesting summer of my life isn't making me happy anymore. I'm looking forward to ___ autumn, because in ____ autumn I'll be home.

Нужно правильно вставить can (cannot), could (not), be able to. Помогите плиз.

1. .......... you tell me the time, please? 2. No more for me thanks. I .......... eat another thing. 3. Who is that outside? It .......... be the policeman — he has already been here. 4. I .......... open the drawer in my desk as it was stuck. 5. You .......... make an omelette without breaking eggs. 6. We loved the cake. .......... you give us the recipe for it? 7. Mr. Marshall is busy this week, but he .......... see you next week. 8. It .......... be 12 o’clock already! 9. We told him he .......... leave whenever he wanted to. 10. I’ll get a car of my own as soon as I .......... drive. 11. Interpreters .......... translate without thinking. 12. It would help if you .......... give me friendly advice. 13. Sometimes gossiping .......... be a real pleasure. 14. He promises he .......... inform us of the turn of events in future. 15. Angela .......... speak French when she was four, she .......... do it now and she .......... speak it perfectly in some years. 16. He .......... sell his car unless he reduces the price. 17. My aunt .......... tell fortunes from tea leaves.

Conditionals Ex.3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense 1. If I (to be) you. I wouldn't drive in the snow. 2. Peter (be able to) help you

if he was here 3. If I had closed the window, the cat (not jump) out. 4. I (call) for help if I got stuck in a lift. 5. Had I known him, I (talk) to him. 6. John (may lose) his job if he is rude to the boss. 7. If you (save) some money you would have been able to go on holiday last year. 8. You may win if you (take) part in the contest. 9. If I had toothache. I (go) to the dentist. 10. They would have helped us move house if we (ask) them. 11. If Jane (be) older, she could live by herself. 12. We would have changed our plans if we (hear) the weather forecast. 13. Emma (send) a card if she had remembered it was their anniversary. 14. Robert (feel) better if you talked to him. 15. If Sam was still living nearby, you (can invite) him for dinner. 16. If you (put) your money in your wallet, you will not lose it. 17. If you (like) chocolate, you will love this cake.

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