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подскажите пожалуйста надо дописать недостающие формы местоимений I he it и ещё какое me her и ещё we they и ещё you и ещё что?

1-4 класс

Hdnk34578 07 июня 2013 г., 21:27:09 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
08 июня 2013 г., 0:26:58 (10 лет назад)


+ 0 -
08 июня 2013 г., 2:52:15 (10 лет назад)

I, he, it, you, she
me, her, you, it, him
we, they, you
us, them, you


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заполни таблицу по образцу

can cannot can t
has got
is not

вставте предлоги

1) It ... big and modern.
2) I ... a new student in the class.
3) There ... many interesting subjects
4) I ... happy because i made two new friends.
5) their namees ... Katya and dima.
6) now there ... 14 boys and 14 girls in the class.

Читайте также

помогите пожалуйста,надо найти в каждом предложении ошибку ,ошибка может быть любая как в написании слов так и в построение предложения

1. While he had looked at the shop window, the security guards arrested him.
2. He is more interested in history that in literature.
3. Dave is tallest person in the team.
4. have you ever eat indian food?
5. We've flown to paris in 1998.
6. In winter, I wear gloves keep my hands warm.
7. if you phoned me tonight, i'l tell you the news.
8. I don't mind to do the housework.
9. I used live in Italy when i was a child.
10. I think you ought work harder.
11. This is the plane where carries 350 people.
12. Do you think i should to stay in bed?
13. Would you mind to open the door?
14. What language speaks in Brazil?
15.If only i have a different boyfriend!
16. He asked her is she could call his back.
17. Look!John's leg is in plaster ! he must broken it!
18. If sam will pass his driving test, he'll buy a car.
19. They asked me if i drive.
20 A dog ran onto a pitch while they played football.

Помогите надо дописать правильные вопросы. Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них. 1) Were you in the country last summer?-___________ 2) Did Jim and

Jill go to the forest?- Yes,_______3) Was Tiny in London three days ago?-No,______4) Were the children in the zoo last Sunday?-No,_________5)Did Simon take his kitten for a walk yesterday?-No,________ (ТАМ ГДЕ ПРОПУСКИ НАДО ЗАКОНЧИТЬ ОТВЕТ НА ВОПРОС) ЗАКОНЧИТЕ ИХ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!

Помогите пожалуйста!Надо выучить текст на английском языке а половина слов не знаю как читать,напишите пожалуйста как читаются английские слова только р

усскими буквами.Пожалуйста!!! Hi. My name is Dasha. J am 9. J study at school. J am in the third form. Jam not tan. My hair is ligt and long. My eyes are braun. J have a blu blouse and black skirt. J live in Saint Petersburg. J go to sckool. J am a good pupil. Спасибо заранее всем!!!

---you feed your pet?

---Winky lay the table
---your parents wash the dishes
---your sisters go to school?
---your dad do his exercises?
---you take a shower?
---Pinky tidy the house?
Подскажите пожалуйста в каком случае надо писать do а в каком does.

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