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Придумайте вопросы и ответь на них:ride fairy tales..play computer games..go to school. Помогите

1-4 класс

плиз!!!!Прошу умоляю!!!!!

Aleksa1996 21 сент. 2013 г., 9:59:03 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 сент. 2013 г., 12:15:06 (10 лет назад)

What are you doing?
I am play computer games


Другие вопросы из категории

перевидите и поставьте пропущено е слова

The teacher turned the lamb out of school because it was................the rule.

Open the brackets put the verbs into the present indefinite the present continuous or the past indefinite.

Our teacher ( to look) through our exercise books every week.

Our teacher( to look)
through our exercise books every now.

Our teacher( to look)
through our exercise books
at the last lesson.
Mary often ( not to play) with her toys.

( not to play) with her toys

( not to play) with her toys yesterday evening.
My father and I usually (to take) our dog for a walk in the evening.

My father and I

(to take) our dog for a walk
My father and I

(to take) our dog for a walk

an hour ago.
She ( not to work) in the garden in autumn.

She ( not to work) in the garden now.

She ( not to work) in the garden last week.

Write the words that are missing.

Example: write-wrote
1) ...- counted
2) ask-...
3) ...- listened
4)...- spoke
5) ...- read (red)
6) ...- learned
7)draw- ...
8) tell- ...


1 jodie plays volleyball
2 слово пропущено goes to the sports club
3 слово пропущено plays basketball
4 слово пропущено goes to the beach
5 слово пропущено likes reading
6 слово пропущено likes going to the cinema

Читайте также

Помогите надо дописать правильные вопросы. Прочитай вопросы и кратко ответь на них. 1) Were you in the country last summer?-___________ 2) Did Jim and

Jill go to the forest?- Yes,_______3) Was Tiny in London three days ago?-No,______4) Were the children in the zoo last Sunday?-No,_________5)Did Simon take his kitten for a walk yesterday?-No,________ (ТАМ ГДЕ ПРОПУСКИ НАДО ЗАКОНЧИТЬ ОТВЕТ НА ВОПРОС) ЗАКОНЧИТЕ ИХ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!

Ответят на вопросы

1.Did the Cat come to the tree?
2.Did the Cat see a little mouse?
3.Did the Cat say "good news"?
4.Was the Bird smart?
5.Did the Bird see the dogs?
6.Did the Cat run away?
Составь вопросы и ответь на них.
1.Did,think,the Cat,What?
2.the Cat,did,What,say?
3.ask,the Bird,did,What?
4.Why,run away,did,the Cat?

В Хэллоуин принято рассказывать страшные истории! Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них на русском языке. Из ответов сочини страшилку. Придумай название для

своей страшилки.

Why do you have such big, big shoes?
Why do you have such long thin legs?
Why do you have such wide shoulders?
Why do you have such fat, fat hands?
Why are you here? What is it you want?

Прочитай вопросы и ответь на них письмено. 1 Is the cockerel funny? Can it sing? 2 Cat a man ride a crocodile? 3 Can dogs


4 Is the cat strong?

5 Is the rabbit cunning?

6 Can ducks see?

7 Is the pig big?

8 Can crocodiles fly?

6. Инопланетянин Юфо хотел задать несколько вопросов жителю Земли. Но слова в его вопросах перепутались.

Восстанови вопросы и ответь на них.

1) is, What, name, your?
2) are, How, old, you?
3) a, you, Are, student?
4) do, What, like, you, do, to?
5) you, Can, fly?

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