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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА,Complete the sentences.Fill in am, is, are. 1 Where is Ann?-In the living room.She____arrangihg flowers in the

10-11 класс

vase. 2 Why ______William crying?-He can't find his ball. 3 What______you doihg?-Sh-sh! It's a surprise 4. The children_____decorating the room for the New Year party.Will you help them? 5 Who______singing?-My sister.

STD 02 марта 2015 г., 8:33:59 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 марта 2015 г., 10:25:22 (9 лет назад)

1 Where is Ann?-In the living room.She IS arranging flowers in the vase. 2 Why IS William crying?-He can't find his ball. 3 What ARE you doihg?-Sh-sh! It's a surprise 4. The children ARE decorating the room for the New Year party.Will you help them? 5 Who IS singing?-My sister.


Другие вопросы из категории

Read the following jokes in four groups. Then walk around the class and retell each other your jokes in indirect speech. While retelling help each

other with tense change.

A)One day neighbours asked Hodzha: "We heard some noises in your house last night. What was happening?", Hodzha told them: "My cloak fell down the stairs". They replied "But Hodzha, isn't a cloak made out of cloth? It couldn't have made that much noise!' Hodzha answered impatiently: "Well, i was in it!'

b) Hodzha entered the teashop one day and said:'The moon is more useful than the sun." "Why, Hodzha?" they inquired. "Because we need the light more during the night when it's dark than during the day time when it's light"

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ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО НУЖНО НА ЗАВТРА,Complete the sentences.Fill in am, is, are. 1 Where is Ann?-In the living room.She____arrangihg flowers in the

vase. 2 Why ______William crying?-He can't find his ball. 3 What______you doihg?-Sh-sh! It's a surprise 4. The children_____decorating the room for the New Year party.Will you help them? 5 Who______singing?-My sister.

IV. Put in am/is/are/was/were. Some sentences are in the present and some in the past.

(Выберете нужную форму глагола am/is/are/was/were. Предложения даны во временах Present Simple и Past Simple)Last year she….22, so she ….23 now. Today the weather … nice, but yesterday it… cold. I… hungry. Let us have dinner. I… hungry last night, so I bought a sandwich. Charlie Chaplin died in 1978. He ….. a famous film star. –Where … the children?

7. -I don’t know. They… in the garden ten minutes ago.

Пожалуйста помогите, прям очень-очень срочно!))) Заранее спасибо) Complete the sentences . Use the negative form of the


Example: We had talks on Tuesday but we didn't discuss the terms of payment.

1.I looked through some newspapers but I ...

2.I went to the bank but I ...

3.We met out suppliers but we ...

4.The businessmen discussed the prices but they ...

5. The manager received some catalogues but he ...

6.Mr Blake was busy on Thursday but he...

7.I spoke on the phone with my (sister) but I ...

8. The director went on business to New York but he ...

9. The children watched TV in the afternoon but they...

Complete the sentences.Indicate the time.

1. Our company made some contracts ...

2. I left the office ...

3. We invited some friends to dinner ...

4. Mr Blake visited Moscow...

5. We stayed at home and watched TV...

6. There were some terrorist acts in Russia ...

7. My friend played football (tennis, voleyball) when ...

8. I went out for lunch ...

Use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences Go,

use these verbs in the correct form and complete the sentences
Go, see, watch, do, work, listen, want.
1.I... to make a cake. Have you got four eggs?
2.We... to the theatre.Do you want to join us?
3. I can not call mother now. She... TV.
4.Where is Sam?-He... on the computer.
5.Plese be quiet. I... my homework.
6.I can not find my book.- Oh, I... it. It is under your bed.
7. What is this noise?- Jack... to his favourite music.

IV. Choose the right form to complete the sentences. 6 points

1. John lost his keys. If John (didn’t lose / hadn’t lost) his keys, he would (get/ have got) in his flat easily.
2. If Nick (is, was, were, had been) a wise man, he (would agree, would have agreed, agreed) then.
3. Of the three books I like “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”(less/ least).
4. She was crying in her room quietly then.
She was crying then quietly in her room.
She was crying quietly in her room then.
Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in capitals. 5 points 1. Have you ever tasted cheese - … crisps? FLAVOUR
2. Alice … , if ever , goes out. RARE
3. The Headmaster of the school was a white – haired, … gentle man. DIGNITY
4. Did he talk to you … or was he interested in your plan ? DIFFERENT
5. The … and … children walked across the street. BARE

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