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Put all types of question

10-11 класс

1. She like to play tennis.
2. I love my mother.
3. They are smiliny.
4. He looked up.
( по три предложения каждого )

Goydaalisa111 21 марта 2015 г., 17:31:47 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
21 марта 2015 г., 18:30:44 (9 лет назад)

1. She likes to play tennis.

Does she like to play tennis?

What game does she like to play?

Who likes to play tennis?

2. I love my mother.

Do I love my mother?

Who(m) do I love?

Who loves my mother?

3. They are smiling.

Are they smiling?

Why are they smiling?

Who is smiling?

4. He looked up.

Did he look up?

What (Where/When) did he look up?

Who looked up?


Другие вопросы из категории

Поставте речення у заперечну і питальну форми.

1. I often meet this engineer here.
2. You go to the factory every day.
3. I read newspaper every morning.
4. His sisters always give me books to read.
5. They often go there.
6. I usually read the newspaper at home.
7. They often come here.
8. We write questions at home.

VI. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в требуемую для 1-го типа придаточных условных предложений форму.

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. I will cook this dish if you explain how to make it.

2. The scallops look better if decorate the edges with mashed potatoes.

3. If you don’t like meat, I’ll get grilled salmon for you.

4. When the pasta is served, put over it some grated Parmesan cheese.

5. It will taste best if you use fresh ingredients.

словосочетания, в которых определения выражены существительными:

New York is the largest city of the USA. It is a national leader in business, finance, manufacturing, communications, service industries, fashion and arts.

Choose the right answer: I'll phone you as soon as I … a room.

will book

shall book




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