Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Some or any? Read and write. A: What do you want to eat? B: Mm, I want a burger and 1) some chips. A: Oh, they haven' t got 2)

1-4 класс

B: Have they got 3) ................................................................sandwiches? A: Yes! Do you want 4) ...........................................................lemonade too? B: No, thank you. Can I have 5) ................................................Coke, please? A: They haven' t got 6) .........................................................Coke. What about 7) .............................................................................................orange juice? B: OK.

Mezegiz 15 сент. 2014 г., 13:43:01 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 сент. 2014 г., 14:51:11 (9 лет назад)

2. any
3. some
4. some
5. some
6. any
7. some


Другие вопросы из категории

1. Read the text. Fill in the necessary prepositions. Yesterday Mike visited his friend's new flat. There were 3 rooms ... Ted's flat: a living-room, a

bedroom and a playroom. There was a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet there, too. Mike liked Ted's playroom. There was a large table in the ... of the room. There were a lot of toys everywhere: ... the table and ... the table, ... the chair and ... the chair, ... the box and ... the box. Mike played a lot of games with his friend. 2. Read the text again and answer the guestions. 1) When did Mike visit his friend? 2) How many rooms were there in Ted's flat? 3) Was there a kitchen in his flat? 4) Why did Mike like Ted's playroom? 5) Where were the toys in the playroom? 6) What did the boys do in the playroom?

Читайте также

Помогите ответить на вопросы по английски. 1. What is your name? 2. What are you? 3. How old are you? 4. Where

were you born?

5. Have you a family?

6. Is your family large?

7. What are your parents?

8. Are you married?

9. Are you single?

10.Where do you live?

11.What street do you live?

12.Is your flat large?

13.How many rooms do you have?

14.Is your flat comfortable?

15.Where do you study?

16.What institute do you study?

17.What is your speciality?

18.Is your institute state or non state?

19.What language do you learn?

20.When do you have your exams or credits?

21.How many subjects do you study?

22.What subjects do you study?

23.Is it interesting to study?

24.Where do you work?

25.When do you have you holidays?

26.Where do you spend your holidays?

27.What do you do at the weekends?

28.Do like to go to the cinema/ theatre/?

29.Do you like to watch TV/?

30.Are you fond of reading

31.Do you like poetry?

32.Do you read much?

33.Who are your favorite authors?

34.Do you like to read books/ detective stones?

35.Do you often go on a picnic?

36.Do you like to travel?

37.Do you go in for sports?

38.Do you work and study every day?

39.Do you like to listen to the radio?

40.What do you like to do on your holidays?

41.What do you do in the evening?

42.At what time do yon get up?

Какие профессии наиболее популярны у твоих сверстников в России .Ответить на вопросы. What jobs do you like most of all? What are you

going to be? Do you want to be famous?

What are you going to do in this job?

What are your friends going to be in the future?

Ответить на вопросы.

What is the best place to live in Russia?

What interesting things and places are there?

What can you do there?

What are the houses like?

What are the people like?

Помогите пожалуйста!

1. Перевести текст: One day Mummy took Roger for a picnic to the forest. It was a beautiful summer day. Mummy and Roger ate san

dwiches and cookies and drank lemonade. After lunch they wanted to play hide-and-seek.
"You mustn't go far in the forest. There are many wolves and bears there," said Mummy.
First Roger hid and Mummy found him. Then Mummy hid and Roger found her. Then Roger hid again but Mummy didn't find him. Mummy said, "Roger, Roger". Roger didn't hear her, he was far in the forest. Mummy was very worried, she got into her n car and drove to the police station.
At this time a wolf saw Roger. this boy will be a good lunch for my family,'' and he put Roger into his basket.
In the forest the wolf met a bear. ''what have you got in the basket ?'' asked the bear.
''There is a little boy. he will be a nice lunch for my family.''
Do you want to eat him? Imagine that someone will eat your little wolf for lunch."
The wolf took Roger out of the basket and went to the forest.
"I'II take you to your Mummy," said the bear. Soon they sam the police car and Roger's mother. The bear ran into the forest.
Mummy hugged Roger and said, "Thank God, you didn't meet wolves and bears."
"I did," said Roger, "the wolf was scary, but the bear was very nice."

2. Зачеркните два предложения которые не соответсвуют содержанию рассказа.

1. Mummy and Roger had a picnic in the forest.
2. Roger hid in the forest.
3. Roger met a wolf and a bear in the forest.
4. Mummy and Roger had a nice lunch.
5. It was a wonderful spring day.
6. Mummy hid and Roger did not find her.
7. Roger and Mummy played hide-and-seek
8. Roger like the bear
9. The bear saved Roger
10. The wolf wanted to eat Roger

1.Do you like to go to the park?2.Why do you like to go there?3.What games can you play there?4Can you ride a horse there? 5Can you play with the

ball there? What games do you like to play in the park? 7What games does your friend like play? 8 Is it fun to play with your friends in the park?Найдите ответыЗавтра зачет!!!!!!!

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